I do not like him, Yam-He-Am

Green Eggs & Ham - Dr Seuss. Spud's puddin' (Cartoon by Alan Moir - moir.com.au)

There’s something wrong with Herr Shikeltuber

“Every instinct in this bloke’s body, every calculation, is about how he can divide the country. It shows this bloke’s not fit to run a bath, let alone Australia” (Jason Clare, Minister for Education).

In a Trumpian world of normalised grotesqueries the Overton Window has skewed significantly rightward making it difficult to rank Right-Wing Scum-Bags in accordance with their relative levels of vileness. Is fascism worse than facilitating mass shootings via lax gun laws? Is stealing from a kids’ cancer charity as bad as diverting $billions in public money to mega-rich pals? Does Dick Cheney’s endorsement of Kamala Harris make him any less of a coont? The RWSBs all contribute to the stink of a shared, amoral ordure where the consequences of their malevolence is impossible to fully quantify so rating them is mostly futile.

Nevertheless the orange-stuccoed, putrescent depravity-stuffed hotdog skin that is Donald Trump, it could be reasonably argued, is the quintessence of the type and the standard by which all the others should be judged. A recitation of the full catalogue of his flaws would dampen the vibe at a riot of English football hooligans – it’s the dumbfounding effect that media stooges cynically exploit to dilute his endless outrages as quirky but unexceptional.

It is a given that the GOP in the US and the Tories in the UK are power-hungry sociopaths and born-to-rule prigs, corrupt chancers, flight risks and sex predators. At a local level, assessing where P.Duddy the aspiring tinpotato of Oz sits on the global spectrum of odiousness is a fraught exercise when his inclusion with mass murderers and crackpot billionaire oligarchs could be considered hyperbolic. But consider for a moment that forty-six per cent of Coalition voters back the orange rapist’s POTUS candidacy (Lowy Institute poll, page 14) – a shocking stat, so we should then ponder the ecosystem in which Duddy would thrive to get a better handle on the threat he poses and the extremism he’ll exploit if given the chance.

From the get-go Hairless Hitler the kitten strangler has been an active participant in the treasure hunt of grift, the dysfunction and indolence and the BAU cruelty that characterise RWSB governments everywhere. Lacking any charm or perspicacity he could believably be drawing upon the Anton Chigurh character for inspiration; supplemented of course by his own inherent talent for hate-mongering, punching down, bigotry and malice that will establish the despotic vibe of any possible Duddy regime.

Duddy’s Trumpification of auspol continues FauxMo’s cringe-worthy fellating of the orange hosenscheißer, but less blatantly given Donny’s current status as sundowning grandpa and prisoner-in-waiting (and the Thug’s aversion to even a hint of homoeroticism). But let’s see where we’re at.

Appealing to bigotry, ignoring facts? Scapegoating migrants? The Trumpers’ dialling it to 11 in the US is reinforcement for Duddy’s own prejudices. It’s a natural fit. It develops from the shameless exploitation of the Tampa and children overboard infamies by John Howard the cryogenic Igor Mortis and is a comfortable filler for Duddy’s own moral void. The duplicity of his Voice sabotage was a dry run – a test case for how palatable his overt racism will be. I can taste a bit of sick in the back of my throat.

Outrage farming, manufacturing crises and the testing of the proles’ tolerance for absurdism is in beta release locally – our trainer-wheeled Trumpies are not so stupid as to go full Dementadon ala “Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an (transgender) operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child” but they’re pretty chill with Donny’s porkies such as wind generators killing whales. BTW, a full list of Coalition MPs concerned about whale well-being due to ocean drilling and mining is available here.

I’ve been sensing pumpkin-coloured themes on many things Duddy for some time:

Duddy – “I’ve always seen parliament as a disadvantage for sitting governments.”
Trump – threatens to jail adversaries in escalating rhetoric ahead of the candidates’ debate.

Trump’s stolen election?
Duddy’s accusation that the AEC was “rigging” the Voice referendum.

Culture wars – the imported, facile “woke mind-virus” sledge to cover any outbreak of compassion or empathy.

Blatant lying, dissembling and misinformation? If called out, double down and fill the zone with shit.

“We now see evidence, Mr Speaker, that the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese government, has also made a decision about who they’re going to back in the next federal election, Mr Speaker, and that is open and that is obvious, and they have picked this bloke as that candidate.” (Duddy on Albanese, February 10, 2022).

If Peter Dutton isn’t an outright liar, he’s a clear-eyed believer of his own untruths – Michael Bradley lined the prick up nicely in Crikey ($): “Former PM Scott Morrison lied constantly, but couldn’t hide the smug self-awareness that his resting smirk face betrayed. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, by contrast, only has one face, and it always looks sincere. The trouble is that he says things that are objectively untrue, things he cannot possibly believe. He does so often, with increasing frequency and flagrancy. As with Trump, this presents the media with a big challenge. So far, they’re failing the test.”

Dutton is a corpulent, embaldened Tony Abbott sans the red sluggos (take a moment to process that) with the same incessant negativity that the feral friar took into government. And we all saw how that worked out. Keep in mind the Libs preferred Scott Morrison to Dutton – he’s that awful. At some point it will dawn on the Libs that they really need to trawl somewhere other than the discount bins to find their leaders.

The RWSB biome encompasses genocidal murderer Netanyahu through to the masses of credulous rubes and dullards who willingly put their dicks in the chipper by cheering on the likes of Abbott, BoJo, Farage, Bolsinaro and JDVance; their conceits fed by the noisome duo of Murdoch and Musk, the most rapacious, mercenary media effluencers to ever befoul public discourse. The amorality of the wider corporate media cheersquad applies an asymmetric warfare – exploiting the higher standards that left leaning politics is held to for the $ clicks that cultivated offence can yield.

Within the sack & pillage cohort Duddy enjoys the indulgence of a calorie indifferent Gina Rinehart, a bloated sack of avarice and inanity who seems to believe as per Elmo the space nazi that obscene inherited wealth is a reflection of wisdom and insight. It is inevitable that should the Gruppenfritter fall into the PMship his status as Big Vag’s primary gofer is assured.

Division is his modus operandi. National unity, concensus and social cohesion are anathema to this autocratic head kicker. Just how low Duddy will go will be revealed as the election draws nearer. But it’s his embrace of the anonymous fossil fuel plunderers who know they are destroying the planet yet choose to do it anyway and his opportunistic exploitation of the genocidal murder of little kiddies in Gaza as a political wedge that sums up this POS.

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Good reads:

Yes, division is Dutton’s business model. But so is damaging national security. Bernard Keane, Crikey ($).

These 21st-century demagogues aren’t mavericks – they’ve repeated on us throughout history, George Monbiot, The Guardian

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The Gruppenfritter bigged up his “not a racist” credentials by suggesting the Nazis weren’t all bad, arguing that the Nazis had shame. According to The Thug the Nazis at least tried to cover up their genocide, the suggestion being that Nazis hid their crimes because they felt guilty, making them more moral than Hamas.

Not a racist? You be the judge:

“The Australian people don’t want to have officials out of Canberra jamming some sort of language code down their throat.” That was his response to hate speech.

“I don’t think people should be coming in from that war zone at all at the moment. It’s not prudent to do so and I think it puts our national security at risk.” On Gazans being given refuge while wrapped in an Australian scarf celebrating Olympians. 14th August 2024.

“If the government is returned it will be in minority and “will include the Greens, it’ll include green teals, it’ll include Muslim candidates from western Sydney, it will be a disaster.” Press conference, 4th July 2024.

“At a time when we need to unite the country, this prime minister’s proposal will permanently divide us by race,” On the federal government’s proposed Voice to Parliament.

He took a vague complaint against Bruce Pascoe, author of ‘Dark Emu’, suggesting he committed fraud, to the Australian Federal Police. It was dismissed. January 2020.

“It’s going to mean that people who need medical services in Australia are going to be displaced from those services. Because if you bring hundreds and hundreds of people from Nauru and Manus down to our country, they are going to go into the health network, I don’t want to see Australians who are in waiting lines in public hospitals kicked off those waiting lines because people off Nauru and Manus are now going to access those health services.” 1 March 2019.

“The spotlight is given to people like Fraser Anning or like this senator [Faruqi]. The comments she’s made and the desire to extract some sort of political advantage or attention seeking out of this circumstance, I think is appalling.” Drawing an equivalence between the comments of Senator Anning, who defended the Christchurch massacre and Senator Faruqi who condemned the government’s rhetoric on the subject. Radio National, 18 March 2019.

“I discriminate not on somebody’s ethnic background, not on their religion, not on their country of origin, but on the fact that they have conducted themselves against the law, outside of the law.” The Australian July 2018.

“I do think on the information that I’ve seen, people do need help, and they need help from a civilized country like ours.” On resettling whitee South African Farmers. Daily Telegraph, March 2018.

“The reality is people (in Melbourne) are scared to go out at restaurants of a night time because they’re followed home by these gangs, home invasions, and cars are stolen and we just need to call it for what it is. Of course, it is African gang violence.”
Interview on 2GB, January 2018.

“Somebody once said to me that the world’s biggest collection of Armani jeans and handbags up on Nauru waiting for people to collect when they depart.” Interview on 2GB September 2017.

“The reality is Malcolm Fraser did make mistakes in bringing some people in the 1970s and we’re seeing that today. We need to be honest in having that discussion. There was a mistake made. Lessons from past migrant programs should be learnt for people settling in Australia today.” Sky News November 2016.

“They won’t be numerate or literate in their own language, let alone English. These people would be taking Australian jobs, there’s no question about that. For many of them that would be unemployed, they would languish in unemployment queues and on Medicare and the rest of it so there would be huge cost and there’s no sense in sugar-coating that, that’s the scenario.” Sky, 16 May, 2016.

“I don’t have any issue with what Wilson said frankly or his right to say it.” Endorsing Wilson Tuckey’s comments that Aboriginal recognition a farce. 15 March 2010.

This article was originally published on Grumpy Geezer


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About Grumpy Geezer 103 Articles
Having been released from the constraints of the red in tooth and claw capitalist running dogs by retirement the grumpy one now expresses opinions that would have previously limited his career options. (The pseudonym is used simply to avoid familial arguments with Tory-voting kin.) A loathing of Tory politicians is supplemented by an equal disdain for bad language - the corporatese and the flim-flam of sales spruikers, marketers, spin doctors, bureaucrats and politicians. Red-penning the tosh from such types was an upside to having to work with them. The crankiness is offset by a love of motorbicycles, the occasional glass of claret too many and the sun glittering off a blue swell just down the road. Could possibly be identified from the ash down his shirtfront and the egg in his beard.


  1. Splendid review Grumpy.
    I think your conclusion is particularly astute, and can only agree:
    “But it’s his embrace of the anonymous fossil fuel plunderers who know they are destroying the planet yet choose to do it anyway and his opportunistic exploitation of the genocidal murder of little kiddies in Gaza as a political wedge that sums up this POS.”

  2. Think people give Dutton too much credit for the originality of his utterances, couched in old white Australia attitudes and whiff of eugenics, but much is now of the imported agitpropmof old ZPG now Tanton Network; also has informed Fox News then replicated further….

    A recent summary here from Binkowski KPBS journalist:

    Eugenics, Border Wars & Population Control: The Tanton Network
    By Brooke Binkowski, Contributor August 22, 2022


  3. “ Does Dick Cheney’s endorsement of Kamala Harris make him any less of a coont?”
    Not according to John Stewart.
    Back when the tuber was justifying kicking boat arrivals back to where they came from he did an ABC interview, a portion of which l filmed purely for the astonishing hypocrisy of him explaining why people couldn’t leave war torn areas because of the war.
    Sounds simple but a giant leap that was quickly back tracked on.
    If only l could work out how to post it on here from my Fbook vault.

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