The AIM Network

Good governance: we don’t have it, so how can we get it?

Image from (AAP photo)

By Kathryn  

No wonder this gormless, coal-obsessed, elitist and undemocratic Morrison regime love everyone to be quiet, complacent and apathetic! Reason? Because – at every level – the lying, devious and totally inept fascists in the worst, most inept government in Australia’s political history, fail every sniff test as a progressive, effective government.

Outlined is a brief summary of some basic areas of good democratic governance in which the LNP have shown persistent failure, an escalating callous disregard and, increasingly, worrying incompetence. If governments are not held accountable for lies, broken promises and corruption, they will become emboldened to be more dishonest and corrupt – this has been worryingly evident by the LNP over the last six appalling years. If others want to add to this list with factors that they believe should be integral to a responsible, egalitarian government, please be my guest by listing your priorities in your response.

Transparent government which allows full access by all citizens and taxpayers of Australia (ie the employers of any elected government), to all paperwork, documents and reason(s) for any decision(s) impacting on their lives (as citizens) and/or their democratic rights. Such unlimited access has already (supposedly) been enshrined in the “Freedom of Information Act” but time and time again, the devious Howard regime and, later, the undemocratic fascists in the Abbott/Morrison/Dutton regime have withheld, lied or denied such access. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Democratic governance is essential to the rights and freedoms of all Australian citizens. Our elected government must not only be seen to be democratic but must act as a democratic government ready to defend every Civic Right Australian citizen has, in accordance with the Australian Constitution 1901. Democratic governance must permit Australian citizens to practice their basic Constitutional Right to Protest, whether it is in protest marches that may or may not impact or inconvenience others. The LNP have shown themselves to be committed fascists, continuing with their model of autocratic dictatorship by arresting protest marchers, muzzling free speech, prosecuting and jailing whistle blowers and infiltrating, manipulating and controlling the content of what does (or does not) get heard and seen on our national taxpayer-owned media station, the ABC. This cannot be allowed to continue! It is fascism in its purest form!

Effective economic management. Sadly, the LNP has been an abysmal failure in this area going back decades. In fact, the Howard/Costello regime that so many misguided LNP sycophants brag about, was voted the worst, most wasteful, incompetent and short-sighted abusers of our economy by all three of the world’s most renowned financial bodies: the highly respected financial magazine, Euromoney, the International Monetary Fund and the Nobel-prize winning laureate and Economist, Joseph Stiglitz! The sad fact is that the LNP have been proven to be the most inept and criminally wasteful “managers” of our economy going back decades! Remember when the LNP screamed blue murder about the Gillard/Rudd modest deficit of $240 Billion? Well! What do we have now? The current economic vandals in the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison circus have managed to quadruple our national deficit to the never-before reached level of one trillion dollars in less than six short years of epic waste, corruption and incompetence!

The safekeeping of a healthy environment. The catastrophic vandalism of our longest river system – the Murray/Darling River – is just one example of the breathtaking, wilful disregard the LNP have for our environment. Barnaby Joyce’s insane decision to allow the thirsty, greedy cotton growing industry free and unlimited access to the rare, fresh waters in the Murray/Darling River has proven to be an act of such short-sighted lunacy, it will take decades to repair the damage done! Needless to say, the rapacious (foreign-owned) cotton industry took just about all the water, dried up a vast area of the Murray/Darling basin leaving nothing for farmers down river and seriously and negatively impacting the water supply to Adelaide who desperately rely on the Murray for its water supply! In addition, you have the mindless, coal-loving grubs in the LNP going against 90% of the population in their regressive, steadfast and stubborn denial of climate change which has been proven by countless thousands of scientists and environmental experts right around the world! This refusal by the neanderthals in the LNP to be in-step with logic reality, refusing to acknowledge or even discuss such a vital, important issue that is having devastating effect on our nation, our farmers, our water supply and our changing weather patterns right now, shows a criminal disregard for Australia, Australians, the future of our children and leading to the escalating extinction of countless species of native animals.

The fair and egalitarian treatment of all Australian citizens. Let’s face it, egalitarianism has never been a strong point with the elitists in the LNP. Their first priority is, of course, to themselves, where they granted themselves at least three obscene salary increases in less than two years whilst ordinary Australians continue to starve on Newstart or eke out a miserable existence on a pension or some other “government” assistance (which, in reality, is taxpayer-funded assistance) – most of which have been callously defunded since 2013.  After themselves, the next priority the LNP closely follow is their obsequious kowtowing to their obscenely wealthy donors in the IPA, the coal- and iron-ore mining industries, the property development industry as well as the LNP’s sick, undemocratic alliance with their Chief Propaganda Minister, the non-Australian, Rupert Murdoch! The toxic relationship the LNP shares with the unelected swill in the IPA and the non-taxpaying billionaires, Rinehart, Forest and the international predators in the Murdoch dynasty (all of whom just happen to be high-ranking members of the IPA), has been so detrimental to our environment and to the fair and egalitarian use of hard-earned taxpayer dollars, it stretches beyond the boundaries of criminal nepotism into the realms of self-serving depravity!

The inhuman treatment of legal asylum seekers looking for refuge from a war that the despicable war criminal, John Howard, helped to create!  The intolerable, intolerant and callously inhumane, indefinite incarceration of asylum seekers (and their vulnerable little children) in what amounts to off-shore concentration camps (rumoured to be costing Australian taxpayers millions of dollars per annum), goes against every international law protecting the fair and just treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. Who the hell audits the millions of taxpayer dollars the LNP tell us it is costing to keep asylum seekers (and the four members of the Tamil Biloela family) in incarcerated misery for years on end? The LNP would have us believe that it costs $27 million to lock up four innocent members of a Tamil family!  Not only is this a despicable lie, it is a vile act of wanton inhumanity that goes against the wishes of the huge majority of Australians especially the Queensland community of Biloela where the family were loved and respected!  The UN have tried to intervene on a number of occasions on this issue, but their pleas have fallen on the deaf ears of the stone-cold psychopath, Peter Dutton!

Preventing ongoing nepotism and ongoing blatant corruption within government. The LNP’s resident attack dog, Peter Dutton, is an unspeakably cruel minister who doesn’t even have the most rudimentary level of human compassion or empathy for anyone but himself. The LNP are corrupt from the top down and rotten from the inside out. Australians must demand a full Royal Commission into the escalating abuse and waste of taxpayer funds – retrospective to 2013 when the unspeakably corrupt, pathological liar, Abbott rose to power on a platform of remorseless lies and broken promises and the level of political entitlement and self-serving corruption has since been “normalised” throughout every level of LNP State and Federal politics.

The elected government must honour all promises made before and after their election. This important ruling is in addition to the above point! If politicians are elected on the basis of promises made before an election, they must be forced to make good those promises!  Remember all the promises made – with his hand over his black heart – by Abbott which were immediately dismissed the day after he was elected. Remember how the MorriScum government crawled into power because of the wanton, deliberate lies spewed out by the notorious, self-serving Clive Palmer who should have at least been held to account for misleading those members of the Australian public who were so duped, so Murdoch-manipulated and so stupid as to return the worst government in our history back into fascist power! If governments win elections by proven fraudulent behaviour, lies and broken promises – that election should become null and void.

If politicians are caught in a lie, there must be consequences! Just about every LNP PM has been proven to be a staggering, serial liar both before and after the election. Yes, we all know it goes way, way back to the Year Dot with most politicians (from all parties) but ruthless dishonesty, contemptuous lies, deception and the “manipulation of the truth” have become hallmarks of the LNP/IPA/Murdoch Alliance who are particularly remorseless in this regard. Abbott even had the gall to brag about his lies and it got to the stage that if Abbott ever caught himself out mistakenly telling the truth, he would lie about that just for the sheer joy of it! Morrison is a snake-oil salesman who is so contemptuously arrogant, he actually believes his outrageous lies and character-assassinating, libellous scandal about members of the ALP and the Greens. The level of lying in the LNP goes beyond amoral, it is pathological, deliberate and manipulative.

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