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Dutton’s nuclear policy a disaster for Australia

Climate Council Media Release

Responding to reports today that Opposition Leader Peter Dutton would rip up Australia’s 2030 climate targets if elected, Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie said:

“Dutton’s climate policy is a disaster, and the consequence for Australians would be more extreme heat, fires and floods. Instead of ripping up Australia’s 2030 climate targets, Peter Dutton must listen to the communities already ravaged by worsening climate disasters.

“There are 195 countries signed up to the Paris Agreement. Opting out would make Australia a global laughing stock.

“The Liberals haven’t learned the lesson Australians gave them at the last election: this is more of the same from the party who already gave us a decade of denial and delay on climate.”

Head of Policy and Advocacy Dr Jennifer Rayner said: “Peter Dutton is now promising Australians more climate pollution and a more dangerous future for our kids.

“This is the make-or-break decade to slash climate pollution by accelerating Australia’s move to clean energy. This is what it takes to keep our kids safe from escalating climate change and set Australia up for our next era of prosperity.

“Australia is already making great progress, with 40 percent of the power in our main national grid coming from clean energy, and one in three households having solar on their roof. Doing a massive u-turn on this momentum makes no sense when we can accelerate it instead.”


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  1. Bert

    It seems Dutton is the best chance the Liberals have of retaining the opposition benches after the next election.

    Keep up the good work Dutts.

  2. Rhonda

    Is anyone looking into the idea that Dutton only wants nuclear so that the waste from the reactors can be used for nuclear weapons production??

  3. Kerri

    The only thing worse than a zealous, nuclear convert is a terminally stupid zealous, nuclear convert.

  4. Katie

    EVERYTHING Dutton says is a bald-faced lie, a vile nasty and/or cowardly attack against the poorest, most vulnerable, people in our society and/or a smug, condescending comment served to inflict as much damage as possible on ANYONE with the compassion, foresight and intelligence to dispute EVERYTHING Herr Dutton says. There can be no doubt that the stone cold political psychopath, Peter Dutton, has all the foresight of Mr Magoo, the compassion of a starving crocodile and all the honesty and integrity of his “mate”, Donald Trump (with his fingers crossed behind his back)!

    There is nothing good – absolutely NOTHING – one can find to say about the mean-spirited, hate-filled racist, Peter Dutton. When Dutton was a corrupt, white-supremacist cop in the wilds of northern Queensland – cowardly terrorising defenceless little aboriginal children – his ex-colleagues couldn’t find ONE good thing to say about him! How this vile, vindictive sociopath managed to rise, rise and rise (like a Behemoth out of hell) to become the leader of the LNP (truly the worst, most corrupt and depraved political regime in our history) is a complete mystery and the vast fortune and housing portfolio Dutton managed to accumulate along the way is also a matter that could do with a more intensive level of investigation.

    One can only imagine how far our wonderful country could fall – into an abyss of racial hatred, condescending elitism and open contempt for anyone who is poor and/or disadvantaged – if that monstrous, callously inhumane, undemocratic sociopath (Dutton) ever manages to jackboot his way into megalomaniacal narcissistic power! The damage he, and the rest of the political psychopaths in the LNP, can do and WILL do to our egalitarian, compassionate nation can NEVER be under-estimated! If Australians want to do ONE good thing to ensure our nation isn’t permanently corrupted and destroyed by the inhumane callousness, elitism and unspeakable corruption now entrenched throughout the diabolical, totally depraved, LNP, KEEP DUTTON IN PERMANENT OPPOSITION! He is mad, bad and very dangerous to EVERYTHING egalitarian Australians value!

  5. Phil Pryor

    Isn’t Peter Duckwit-Futton a huge brainless bowelful of bonkers beastliness, a dithering inferior dunce, a dopey Queensland ex-copper bumkicker social retard and rubbish load of reject rubble?? It iks utterly shameful to have this bedpan of brimmng brownies in public life. Australia has been cursed with rats, rabbits, prickly pear, cane toad, Anus Abbott, Maggot Morrison and now Dutton the scar on the national soul and mind. Hopeless…

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