Ok, Donald Trump is now promising to make people safe again.
F*ckin’ awesome.
All right, I know that swearing is not really appropriate and it just shows a limited vocabulary, but there are times when one just has to say:
F*ckin’ awesome.
Coz, gees, golly gee, it’s great that he’s going to promise such a thing.
Mind you, some may be thinking back to a couple of days ago when Ted Cruz’s wife was taken from the stage at the Republican convention because there were fears for her safety.
Some may suggest that it’s rather strange that a fellow Republican’s wife is not considered safe at a Republican convention all because the Republican did not ENDORSE the annointed one.
His wife. Not him.
And not because he said something critical of Trump.
Simply because Cruz failed to ENDORSE him.
But Cruz’s wife was considered unsafe. And security staff were needed.
But now Trump is running on a platform of making everybody safe.
Alannis Morrisette take note: that’s Ironic.
(For those not understanding that last sentence, you need to check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jne9t8sHpUc)
F*ckin’ awesome…
We’ll all be a lot safer if Trump becomes POTUS. Yep, apart from those who dare to suggest that he shouldn’t be president. Or fail to sign the loyalty oath…
Stalin comes to mind.
Or Mussolini who’s remembered for making one train run on time.
Plagiarism, now that’s worth a whole other blog…
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Actually, swearing has little to do with vocabulary. People who have damage to their normal speech centers can still swear — the automatic banged-my-shin-on-the-coffee-table kind, not the deliberate, creative kind that sometimes elicits envious smiles from people.
Besides, you get an automatic free pass when talking about Trump. Even the Dalai Lama probably swears when talking about him.
Grandsons giggle and whisper to each other, and I hear what they are saying: “Oma said the naughty word, yes she did.” ” Which one?” asks the other. “F*cking” ,says the first one, first softly, then loudly “F*CKING”…
Effing hell, the politics of Oz and USA have made me a bad grandma, I have lost all authority…
Thankfully my children are in their twenties so I can use profanity with impunity. It isn’t often but sometimes it is necessary. When they were little, I used a very loudly expressed “FISH”. it has the same explosive sound and can substitute, if not completely, at least adequately when tender ears are around.
In case you missed it girls . . .
The Disappearing Dictionary – A Treasury Of Lost English Dialect Words. Author: David Crystal.
I listened to the Trump speech today.. well some of it.,.. and was appalled by the way Trump sounded like Hitler all those years ago. And when he reiterated that he WILL build the wall to keep the Mexican s out, all I could think of was the Canadians building a wall to keep the American refugees out. And what an insult to America anyway when he says he will make America great again. Perhaps that statement is treason ? Don’t all Americans think that their Country is great ? Just wondering here…
Pauline wants to keep us safe too.
“POLICE removed five people from the scene of protests outside the ABC’s Ultimo studios last night as Pauline Hanson supporters faced off with anti-racism protesters in the lead up to her appearance on Q&A.”
After Trump made a speech in New York City about building wall between USA and Mexico he gets his own – with ‘keep out’ signs in Spanish and English.
A miniature wall has been erected around the perimeter of U.S. Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
The 6-inch high, concrete wall features barbed wire running across the top, as well as ‘keep out’ signs written in English and Spanish.
Kaye, as you and I know we are safe. Pauline, on the other hand is trying to make us feel unsafe because she is. I’ve only just managed to close my mouth after Pauline told me that “our streets are unsafe” Well bugger me dead to use a good old expression.
Should I now be afraid to do my daily job as a School Crossing Supervisor because Pauline says “our streets are unsafe” ?
Pauline doesn’t look at all well (pic above).
what the f*ck is Trump doing with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? What sort of trumped up bribe was paid and to who in order for him to get a star? I MEAN, SERIOUSLY??!! 🙂
On a more serious note, Donald Trump is mere entertainment for the masses – the real seats of power in the USA will continue on their merry way, and the country will descend further into fascism – though they do need a figurehead and Trump is another Reagan in the making.
That star thing for Trump made me think of his headstone.
Agree a lot with Faye Cox.
Trump puts his foot in his big overly pursed mouth so many times nothing shocks any more, but his biggest gaffe imo, is the ” we will make America great again ” which actually translates to his real thought that America ain’t so great at all – and that goes right against their self-perceived ‘exceptionalism’ and sense of might. …. Freudian slip ?
Most candidates would confirm, that America IS great ” this great nation ” yada yada yada … and validate the statement with policy stands to improve things even more, even if they had no intention of doing half of the promised good.
Not him, the pompous twit. …. he insults the entire country, and so many fall at his feet. History being repeated, from even as far back as the Roman Empire days. .
Have to wonder if he will ever get around to explaining exactly how he is going to do anything at all …. I doubt it, all he wants is cameras on himself, more publicity, ( a publicity junkie ) and not much else.
Happened to catch a documentary recently about Trumps’ Boeing 757 aircraft, one of the largest private airliners in existence. He paid $100 million for it. The video is almost 46 minutes long, and if you can hack that, it is worth watching if only to get a glimpse of what is expected of crews, maintenance, his pilot John Dunkin ( a mini-me of Trump perhaps ? or just someone so far under the thumb, he hasn’t a clue how manipulated he really is ) …. by the almighty ?? Donald Trump.
This Trump person, demands absolute perfection, in every aspect. ” A drop of sweat on the upholstery, he ( Trump ) most likely would notice ” … or brushing past suede racks – hair oil might be seen. The pilot himself brushes the suede leather overheads, in perfect lines to the nap of the material. The bathrooms have all 24 karat ( U.S. measurement ) gold fittings, and it is all luxury beyond the pale – gold plating and gold everywhere. To have the plane refitted, everyone had to wear white gloves, and soft white cover shoes. The galley floor was uprooted and relaid, because there was a seam running down the middle of it, which apparently greatly irritated the owner. …. If anything is not flawless, it’s done again. Wonder if he will ‘demand’ that the White House ( if he gets there ) be totally refitted in gold.
Admittedly, the documentary was filled out a bit – in keeping with giving a few thrills and a little drama throughout. … however, It is a real eye-opener to the type of – er – person, who is GOP nomination for the Presidency of a once good, once democratic country. …
Many might see this as a rather banal, narrow post I have made. …. I make no excuses for it – if viewed and really listened to, you will see to what I am referring – and how much of an exposure of Trump himself, it really is.
Unfortunately the Imperial left sees Clinton as a viable alternative. Actually I have no idea what Trump will do – nor does anyone one else but she will probably kill a lot more people with her wars.
Notice Hillary’s slogan has become “America is already great” as a retort to Trump’s.
mark delmege, whatever her problems being embedded in the system in the past, it is difficult to know what kind of president she will be. From what I’ve read I think she’s likely to be a humane and progressive one.
Dan, what an absolutely fascinating video! Wow! I love that there is such cool stuff on the net.
Trump having a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame diminishes whatever status that symbol of recognition ever had.
It’s a bit like the National Trust of Australia (NSW) who named Clive Palmer a ‘National Living Treasure’. Clive was in company with other living treasures : Olivia Newton-John, Kylie Minogue, science guru Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, world champion Formula One driver Sir Jack Brabham, naturalist and conservationist Dr Harry Butler and creator of the cervical vaccine Professor Ian Frazer.
At the time, Ian Carroll, from the National Trust of Australia (NSW), said the group was chosen because they personified qualities all Australians should aspire to.
Perhaps Mr Carroll would now, on reflection, have a different view on Clive Palmer’s personal qualities and contributions to our society.
Or like giving Greg Hunt the award for bestest minister in the whole wide world for his protection of the Reef.
Donald Trump is a Trojan Horse. He pretends to be friendly to the disenfranchised working and working middle class but he is a wannabe puppeteer of them.
He’s like Pauline Hanson, canny enough to see the deep anger of disempowered people when they believe a grossly unfair neoliberalist regime has left them behind and who fear the inclusion of other groups that they perceive would put them further behind in the queue.
Trump (and Hanson) knows how to sweep up these people even when they seem the anti-thesis of what Trump stands for: meglamania, income inequality, tax avoidance, social divisiveness and social deprivation.
I like bad words. Dysphemism works for me when describing any neoliberals like Snotty Morrisscum, Malcolm Muck or Humpty Dumpty Trump.
A story in The New Yorker – Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All
If Trump is elected President, Schwartz warns, “the millions of people who voted for him and believe that he represents their interests will learn what anyone who deals closely with him already knows—that he couldn’t care less about them.”
Trump has already shown how effective he is at dissent:
Medea Benjamin dared to suggest “Build Bridges not Walls”
Thanks John,
that article about Trump explains what a fraud Trump is.
Anybody can make money when they have money. Trump is self -delusional if he thinks he deserves credit for being rich when his daddy held his hand and gave him his big start.
From what I’ve read Trump isn’t actually very good at making money. He was left a fortune by his father, but even though an idiot can make money if they already have vast amounts of it Trump has lost much of it.
I disagree that Trump has a grand plan behind his race for presidency. He doesn’t have that much intelligence or depth. He’s already saying to people that he doesn’t want to do any of the work as president; he just wants the position and the glory. He’s offering other people the work of actually dealing with being president. I’m amazed this scandal isn’t being reported widely. He is a fraud, a sociopath, and really not very smart — the worst person you want to have controlling the most powerful country on the planet. I take that back. The worst person would be a vicious sociopath like Charles Koch.
Thanks Dan. I’ve now subscribed so I’ll get email alerts when they make new ones and later today I’ll get my computer to download all their earlier videos for viewing during breakfast or dinner. I have a number of favorite YouTube channels: CGPGrey, The Brain Scoop, SciShow, MinutePhysics, PHD Comics, EEVBlog, TheraminTrees, Vihart.
But one of my very favorite things for breakfast and dinner listening is Radiolab. Their archives contain around 240 talks that are fascinating, often humorous looks into science and human-interest.
When I want some fiction I go to Librivox and download some more of their stories read by volunteers. I especially enjoy their enormous and growing science fiction short story collection.
So much wonderful stuff online now! It constantly blows me away. This morning I read an almost tongue-in-cheek article about Edgar Allen Poe being a time traveller. So I went to Project Gutenberg and downloaded his collected works. Project Gutenberg also cross-links with Librivox so for good measure I got his famous poem “The Raven” as an audio file too. So much cool stuff!
@ Miriam E and Mark D ….
Some believe H Clinton will be ( is ) a warmonger, and will lead the world to peril. Some don’t – – thinking she will be a more humane and kindlier President. We don’t actually know, cos it hasn’t happened yet. We speculate. As we do with D Trump, although he reveals himself in a less than positive light 9 times out of 10. He is considered dangerous ( and I agree ).
I mentioned elsewhere, that Trump in particular is in for a rude shock, when he realises that the office of President is one of being a figurehead. …. Many other agencies and assorted advisors, run the country in fact, and if he thinks he can throw his weight around, he will be taught rather quickly that he in fact, cannot.
On the other hand, that just might suit Trump, as he will be followed by cameras everywhere he goes, will garner publicity constantly, and if publicity wains a little, will come out with some outrageous and most likely aggressive and challenging statement that will start the damnable carousel going again. “We will get it done” is not a policy statement. I doubt he and his cohorts ( how many of THEM are there ? ) have any idea whatsoever how to put any advancement for the U.S. people, into action. Or even if that was ever the intention. He is a publicity junkie through and through. The ‘whistle-blowing’ by his ghost writer ( link posted by John ) was alarming, a long read.
Clinton already knows all this – about who runs what in that country. Whatever her inclinations, she has been wife to a President – and frankly has ‘graduated’ …. while Trump remains in kindergarten, in so many respects.
November is looming as ‘interesting’ at the very least, but more like terrifying as time marches on.
Miriam, the image of that beautiful gentle man shaking his head and muttering ‘WTF are the Americans doing?’ Just cracked me up.
terr2 loved the wag who built a little wall around trump’s star.
The irony is history suggests more women will vote for the man rather than the woman. Surely this time history will be changed???
Terry2, couldn’t agree more;
“Trump having a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame diminishes whatever status that symbol of recognition ever had.”
There was this bloke, Muhammad Ali, who was offered a ‘Star’ on the walk of fame.
“On Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, he is also one of a kind. His star is the only one of more than 2,500 honouring celebrities that is not on the pavement along Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles.
It’s at eye level, on a wall next to the Walk of Fame, just in front of the Dolby Theatre — home to the Oscars.”
It seems only appropriate to mention his reasoning;
“But mounting the star on the wall was a break with tradition. Ali did not want people to walk upon his name.
“I bear the name of our beloved prophet Muhammad, and it is impossible that I allow people to trample over his name,” said Ali, who converted to Islam in the 1960s.”
Seems one had conviction, the other 2,500 had celebrity which they were prepared to have trampled.
Seems only appropriate to quote Mr Brisbane.
“F*ckin’ awesome.”
Thank you Mr Brisbane (and Terry2). Take care
wam, I think women are turning away from Trump in droves — even Republican women. His sexist slurs have alienated many.
oh miriam I have great hopes that trump and his pence get asked questions in the debates that will reflect their attitudes.
Since Donald’s dad had lots of money, did he buy his surname in a card game so he and his odious son could say they have TRUMPed everyone?