The AIM Network

Do try to keep up, Tony

Image from (photo by Gary Ramage)

From today’s South Coast Register in their thrilling article Abbott show rolls into town we read these wise words from Tony himself:

“Well, in the case of the Federal Government we are going to have this organisation, Infrastructure Australia, which will do its best to rationally and as scientifically as you can look at various infrastructure projects and rank the best on public cost benefit – then all levels of governments will be able to fund what they choose to be the one that makes most sense.”

Someone needs to point out that:

Infrastructure Australia is a statutory body, established under the Infrastructure Australia Act 2008 which came into effect on 9 April 2008.

Infrastructure Australia advises governments, investors and infrastructure owners on a wide range of issues. These include:

  • Australia’s current and future infrastructure needs
  • mechanisms for financing infrastructure investments, and
  • policy, pricing and regulation and their impacts on investment and on the efficiency of the delivery, operation and use of national infrastructure networks.

Infrastructure Australia’s focus is on assisting Australian governments to develop a strategic blueprint for unlocking infrastructure bottlenecks and to modernise the nation’s economic infrastructure.

Infrastructure Australia reports regularly to the Council of Australian Governments through the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport.

It has only been a statutory body for five years, doing what Tony says he will do.

Do try to keep up, mate.


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