By Bob Rafto
A spin-off of the Iraqi/Syrian war has been the radicalization of a group of folk here in Australia and who have banded together to Reclaim Australia from the Muslim community; who they fear are taking over Australia. They have grouped in the eastern states and it appears membership is growing and they have taken to the streets with a list of demands.
From Reclaim Australia’s website:
“Australia is a nation of many people groups with the majority being caucasian and Christian. We have successfully embraced multi-ethnicity for decades …Yet, all of a sudden we have to make all these changes to the way we do “Australian” in order to cater to an minority who refuse to integrate anyway.
If Islam can’t cope with how we do “Australian” well then perhaps Islam needs to move along to somewhere where they are not so offended by the locals.
We love Australia, our Values and want our freedom back to be “Australian”.
We Reclaim:
- Equality and tolerance of all races and religions—which includes Aussies and Christianity, our holidays and celebrations, Christmas and Easter and ANZAC day.
- Equality at law, no more “cultural considerations”. It is one law for all.
- Food free of blessings, religious taxes or Islamic Sharia Law Certification (Halal)
- Freedom of speech—“offence” is a concept derived from Islam and as such is alien to the foundations of our legal system and our practice of democracy and needs removing.
- Equality of gender—our women are equal. There can be no diminishing of legal rights forced segregation; female genital mutilation (FGM); Sex Trafficking (child brides); Wife beating because they are the ways of Islam. They have no place here in Australia.
What can be gleaned from the demands is that they are advocating the ethnic cleansing of Muslims, ‘They have no place here in Australia’ is their finishing line above.
And there’s the ultimatum: do ‘Australian’ (a code word for Bogan, I would surmise) or ship out.
And what can be made of the demand that ‘offence’ be taken out of the statute of free speech? They are already being ‘highly offensive toward the Muslims and that ‘offence’ is not stopping them.
What about the other freedoms, the freedom to congregate, the freedom to wear what you please, the freedom to worship any deity, these are the freedoms that Reclaim Australian wants to remove from the Muslim faith, the very same freedoms that our diggers gave up their lives to protect.
If the following reporting by Amy Remeikis of the Brisbane demonstration is true it appears Reclaim Australia members are well and truly radicalized.
“What’s the f**king point”, a Reclaim protester declared to a fellow supporter in disgust.
“They’re f**king brainwashed over there. You can’t reason with those who are brain dead”.
This is a classic example of mad people thinking they are sane.
In this era what do Aussie’s perceive as do ‘Australian’? Reclaim Australia does not provide details and I can only ponder that they are maybe clinging to the ‘Bazza McKenzie’ icon of Ozzie Ockerism who would now make any intelligent Aussie cringe.
Perhaps do ‘Australian’ is to be a bronzed Aussie hitting the waves, taking the family to the beach for a barby, watching the footy and getting pissed while eating a meat pie. Going to the pokies and hitching one’s pocket to a machine to have one’s money hoovered out of their pockets, taking drugs, killing a spouse on a weekly basis and bashing one up every other day. And we do indeed love our sports, and Warnie too.
Elenie Poulos on the Australian way of life (TAWOL) says . . .
When I look around at TAWOL here are some of the other things I see:
- the continued abuse by governments of the human rights of Indigenous Australians;
- overflowing prisons because it’s apparently better to be “tough on crime” than it is to be focused on rehabilitation and social inclusion;
- an addiction to gambling that sees us lose $18 billion a year;
- ANZAC Day as an occasion when young people around the country pay their respects to Australians who have lost their lives in wars by getting blind drunk (I know this as fact because I live in a suburb that has two pubs on every block);
. . . plus a lot more here on ‘What is the Australian way of life?‘
There is no doubt that our mentality has changed since 9/11, if our government is supposed to represent the people they serve we can now be seen as refugee torturers for the incarceration of refugees on Manus and Nauru, we have also developed a mean spirit to the battlers, once there was a war on poverty, now there is a war on the poor and a war on the Muslim community.
I believe that we can do ‘Australian’ better than what we have become since 9/11 if only we can unpick the fear and hatred that Howard, Abbott and Murdoch’s News instilled into the Australian community.