Curing Outrage Fatigue



I agree with Tim Dunlop when he says we’re currently living through a phase of ‘the normalisation of bad politics’. There are hundreds of examples of the way in which the low expectations of the Abbott government due to their blatantly, and now universally acknowledged ineptitude is giving them a free pass to keep being inept without the usual outrage that follows.

Just this week, Hunt has been on a campaign of lying, saying his Direct Action policy is stunningly successful and that it will easily meet the 2020 target of reducing emissions by 5%. But it won’t. All you need is a calculator to understand why. And he gets away with lying that the Carbon Price wasn’t working, when in fact a cursory search of Google will show factually that it was, in its short life time, working just as it was meant to thank you very much.

Another whopper of an example is when Abbott recently cancelled, after putting on hold, his paid parental leave scheme. The most the media could muster over this huge broken promise to Abbott’s ‘signature policy’, or what Howard once would have called a ‘core promise’, was a few lines in the newspaper or a mention on the nightly news. And then it was done. Nothing to see here, move along. Sure, it was a brain fart of a policy to start with, and deserved to be dumped. But I have no doubt that some voters liked the idea of being paid their salary for six months of maternity leave, and voted accordingly. Where was the outrage from these people? There was no one calling Abbott a liar. There was no on questioning his credibility as Prime Minister. There was no one turning his name into a description for someone who doesn’t tell the truth.

The worst part was that the media aren’t the only ones who have given up being surprised by Abbott and his government’s backflips and lies. The electorate, us, have come to a point where we too expect the worst from Abbott, and when, every day, the bar for the ‘worst thing Abbott did’ was raised a little higher, I worry that we’re too fatigued by the long and continuous disgrace of this first term abomination of a government, that we too can’t muster the energy to respond with the appropriate, and justified level of hot blooded rage. For some, it might not be a problem of lack of energy, but rather lack of time. We all have lives, we’re all busily trying to survive in this country which is being whacked daily by the Abbott wrecking ball and there’s just too many outrageous Abbott government disasters to mount a campaign of outrage for every single one.

You would need to be ready every day with your outrage energy loaded. I’ll put my hand up as someone who just literally finds it hard to have the time to keep up with all the damage Abbott is doing, let alone respond to every single detail.

I also agree with Dunlop that the failed leadership spill which saw Abbott remain in his job as Prime Minister, was a massive hit to the outrage energy levels. Sure, the rational part of me wanted him to stay and wanted him to maintain his bad polls so that he will comprehensively lose the next election and become a one-term blip that we will eventually laugh about after brick-by-brick rebuilding our damaged communities. But the emotional part of me just wanted him gone.

And when he wasn’t gone, the incompetence and embarrassment, and shame, and disappointment, and fear of the damage he’s doing that can’t be undone, and daily frustration that this man was ever elected Prime Minister in the first place, remained. It was like someone moved the horizon that we were running determinedly towards and now it feels like we’re going to be stuck with this moron forever but we don’t have the energy to run anymore. Sometimes I don’t have the energy to even walk. I’m limping!

But luckily, I’m an optimist at heart so this is not where the story ends. Because I’ve got an idea. I’ve got a plan for how we can re-boot the outrage in a productive way. What we need to do is to try to stop focussing on the trees and deal instead with the wood. Rather than trying, and failing to highlight our outrage for every single thing the Abbott government does, we need to focus on the big picture ideological problem and maintain the rage that such an ideology runs this country.

We need to change the way we vent our outrage so that it becomes a blanket that covers everything and anything the Abbott government does in one all-encompassing umbrella.

For instance, it’s clear that the Abbott government lies about almost everything it does – particularly when it comes to explanations for their policy motivations. So rather than unpick every policy detail of the upcoming budget, let’s just all scream in unison ‘stop lying to us about the state of this nation to justify your ideological small government!’ Because that’s what Abbott’s been doing since he won the top job.

We also know that the Abbott government will always, without fail, preference the rich and industry barons over the poor, middle class, workers and welfare recipients. So rather than look at one pension change, or one tax fiddle that hits the poor but leaves Gina Rinehart untouched, let’s unite to say ‘we’re not going to stand for this inequity! Stop protecting the rich at the expense of the poor!’ And every time Abbott and co. do these things, call them out for the big picture.

Remind voters that all Abbott’s policies, and all his reactions to Labor policies, fit in these boxes. This is who the Abbott government is and we need to make sure voters don’t forget it. Make memes, tweet about it, share outrage on Facebook, tell your workmates, rant about it on the bus. But forget about trying to cover all policy bases, all the outrageous details. Focus on the beast rather than the teeth. And the beast will be slayed. We have just over a year to make this work. Fire up! Who’s with me?

About Dr Victoria Fielding 215 Articles
Dr Victoria Fielding (nee Rollison) is an academic, independent media commentor and activist. Victoria’s PhD research investigated the media representation of industrial disputes by tracing the influence of competing industrial narratives on news narratives. She has developed a theory of media inequality which explains structural media bias in news reporting of industrial, political and social contestation. In her honours thesis, Victoria studied the influence of mining tax narratives on mainstream news media.


  1. Age may not weary the fallen at Gallipoli but and please forgive the tie up, it has certainly wearied the men and women of the MSM. They now rarely take Abbott of his pathetically inadequate Ministers to task on anything, be it lies, backflips, absurd ideas or downright bloody mindedness.
    If Abbott’s plan is to streamline his negative approach in Opposition by ignoring any critics and just keep doing what he has set out to do regardless of any opposition, with just the odd tinkering when it is needed, his fek you all attitude appears to be succeeding.
    Intersting tactic, shut what media opposition there was/is down by ignoring them and they will eventually give up. 18mths until the Election, plenty of time for Murdoch to prop him up and ignore the rest.
    If Shorten leaves his run too late he will be.

  2. I understand and empathise with outrage fatigue but it is dangerous to not be across the detail of policy implications. If you don’t unpick policies then you have to trust what someone else tells you, or reject it because you simply don’t trust them at all.

    It is what I deplore about our current crop of politicians – they rely on slogans, motherhood phrases, talking points issued by eagre young marketing graduates. They cannot answer a question because the research, and by that I mean focus groups and polls, has been done by someone else and they then just quote the party line which is decided on the basis of popularity in marginal seats.

    I have quoted many times from Milton Mayer’s book “They thought they were free”. Every day it becomes more applicable….

    “What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it.

    Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’ that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these ‘little measures’ that no ‘patriotic German’ could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.”

    The last day that the next Federal election can be held is January 14th 2017 – we still have a way to go.

    Maintain the rage in whatever way you can.

  3. Thanks Victoria,you have articulated my sentiments as well,and i have been thinking and saying to anybody who will listen and even some that wont exactly that.
    I have two Get Up stickers on the back window of my ute which says,Tony Abbott,hands off our Medicare,and an Independant Australia one as well,i know it’s not much,but as a tradsman i drive all over Brisbane every day and hundreds and maybe more motorist see those messages.

                             Like you i am a positive person and i get the feeling or the ''vibe'' from talking to people and watching reading and observing things that people do know what's going on,and in 12 months or whenever it;s called,the voters will kick Tony and his rabble out onto the footpath.
  4. Fear not fellow travelers. I raged at Pig Iron Bob. I raged at Fraser and felt revulsion at the incompetence at that intellectual midget Howard as treasurer. Today I rage at Howards’ regressive clone otherwise known as that lying immoral idiot Tony Abbot and his fawning dystopian front bench.

    I find time does not diminish my sense of social justice and I will not stop until this idiot mob are turfed out and Labor steps back from its right wing neo-con faction.

    In short I want to get even.

    My working class origins live on and I will never compromise the rights of the marginalised, low income and poor.

    Bring it on shit-head for we are undoubtedly up to the challenge.

    Been there, done that.

    Once you understand the cycles then all you can do is play the game within the limitations of flawed social constructs and hope that, with time and resolve, we will encourage rational thinking and the ethical requirement for justice and equity.

    Never doubt. Never give up.

  5. Had a conversation about this very thing with a mate just last night, at least partially stemming from the Dunlop article. And Abbott and his moronic minions are but a microcosm of a much greater problem that is facing the world, that of utterly selfish conservative politicians everywhere doing everything possible to protect and preserve the wealth, privilege and power of the wealthy elite, above all else. Which in turn contributes strongly to one of the great issues facing mankind today, massive and ever-growing inequality.
    I find I need to regularly indulge in comparatively frivolous distractions, like music, football (Go Hawks!), movies and the like to give my mind a break, otherwise, it would probably consume me. I am very grateful for those distractions, as outrage over the sheer folly and incompetence of this woeful government, and others like it, gets completely under my skin.
    But, after having indulged, I always return to fighting the good fight. That’s the most important thing.

  6. Wonderful article. I too have felt the need for some respite from this deplorable government and have to remind myself that if the rage is not maintained then this government could win another term. If that happened I dread to think of what they would unleash on the less privileged of our society and the utter destruction that would befall our environment.

  7. A tree can absorb about 20 kg of CO2 per year. If I have 10000 trees they can absorb 200 tonnes per year. That means I can get about $2,800 for not cutting them down. Can I get another $2,800 for not cutting them down again next year?

  8. One point that I think is critically important: the Coalition did not win the last election – the Labor Party lost it.
    Unless people can be convinced that Labor is not dysfunctional – and that may be hard with Bill Shorten as leader and queries about the validity of his election by the caucus – and that they have sound policies to give us confidence in their financial management, then we well might end up with another hung parliament.
    Tony Windsor is potentially a better leader than any who are currently touted as such.
    I still think we need a new centrist party along the lines that Malcolm Fraser was developing which would govern for all the people and not just be hungry for power.
    We currently have an incompetent, lying Prime Minister, surrounded by sycophants who see him as their gravy train and are deluded by the lack of truly critical examination of their policies and actions by the media.
    We have a Labor party which does not have the moral courage to stand up to oppose policies like those on refugees, data retention, terrorism and a myriad others which are antithetical to a moral society which cares about social justice.
    I really understand why their was a revolution in France in 1789 and I think we need one here!

  9. I’m with you Victoria. I’ll do anything, anything, to get rid of this dangerous and damaging regime. I will not rest until this maniac is gone. I love the idea of all encompassing statements that reflect the idiocy and meanness of LNP policies. Lets get posters done and plaster them everywhere. I have never been so agitated hand unhappy n life as I have under this despotic regime. If he doesn’t go I’m leaving the country. He is ruining everything that Australia stands for, compassion, education, fairness, justice and community. Lets do it, lets get rid of him!!!!!

  10. A good read Victoria, but to what degree will Labor, if they win government, diminish our collective angst? I worry about Shorten; if he becomes PM, he will be the Steven Bradbury of politics, achieving high office purely through Abbott’s ineptitude. This is supposed to be Shorten’s year of ideas – thus far I have not been encouraged. The loss of Labour seats to the Greens in NSW might well be repeated at the Federal level, and this could well force a shift to the left in policy terms, for good reasons.

  11. I’m with you, Victoria; we’ve all needed a bit of a breather, a raising of the heads from the shitpool as it were, that this government has created. My real concern, as touched on by others above, is the lack of outrage from the opposition benches. If Shorten’s policy was to let this government dig its own grave and then fall into it, then it was working very well indeed. The problem is that Labour now needs to get proactive on this and start behaving like an opposition and begin mercilessly harrying Abbott and co. just as he did in opposition. That’s the only way to keep the dishonesty, not to say criminality in some aspects of their behaviour, and their gross incapacity to understand the job they should be doing, front and centre of the debate. Where are the Liberal Democrats now that we have a real and present need to ‘keep the bastards honest’. I have genuine doubts about the motives of every member of parliament at this time, with one major exception, those on the government benches – we know what they’re about. Francis Bacon wrote in his ‘Essays’ of 1625, ‘Many a man’s strength is in opposition, and when that faileth, he groweth out of use’. And there is an English proverb – who draws his sword against the prince must throw away the scabard. So, when democracy fails, as I believe we can now say has happened in this country, it’s a long and bloody road back to normalcy. And like another has stated above, I’m on the point of packing my bags; trouble is, where to go?

  12. Here’s an idea; Labor could help end the current nepotistic and corrupt travesty of shambolic anti-competent mis-governance by exposing their blatantly dodgy dealings to the investigatory powers of a federal ICAC.

  13. corvus boreus re ICAC…I like the idea but I suspect, here i go negative again damn it, every time ALP think seriously about it and I believe they have, they hear the ominous rattling of bones in the closet. Their fear of what those bones will reveal if they see the light of day, is so ominous it overpowers the need to bring this criminal Govt to answer for their evil manipulation of the country through ICAC..
    First on my list and there could be many firsts, the attempt to bring down the democratically elected, legal Labor Government of Julia Gillard via Ashby, Brough, Pyne, with assorted puppets and of course Abbott, through the destruction of Peter Slipper.
    That in my book is Treason.

  14. I would like to see ICAC investigate political appointments like Tim Wilson being gifted a job for which he has no qualifications or experience and which was not advertised and did not go through any form of interview or selection process.

    I would like to see laws governing political donations and advertising tightened up so it isn’t those with the deepest pockets who get the loudest voice. In the UK Gina Rinehart couldn’t have carried out her anti-mining tax advertising blitz as paid political advertising is banned.

    I would like to see some onus on politicians to tell the truth though I haven’t worked out how to achieve that. The display of misinformation this week from Greg Hunt should be prosecutable – it is certainly laughable.

  15. David,
    My mind strays down the very same ways.
    I suspect there are few dusty and downright dirty strands FedLab would need to cut away before they could display their part of the web as clean.
    A shame.

    Kaye Lee,
    Love to see some action tightening the necessity of demarcation in roles for political appointments. Too much conflict of interest and unaccountable behavior occurring.
    Paid appointees in advisory and oversight capacities, spouting spurious opinions through discredited commercial media outlets, or interceding in legal proceedings on behalf of sexual partners charged with serious rorting.

    Also a spotlight on the roles of ‘thinktanks’, especially ones who do things like collectively claim charity status whilst obtaining undisclosed finances from business interests to advocate not only further corporate deregulation, exemption and favour, but the dismantling of one of the fundaments of representative democracy (popularly elected ministration within government).

  16. Completely agree Kaye and Corvus.

    The problem of lying is, to my mind, critically important. Our children are being taught that lying and deception is a legitimate tool of politics however my feeling is politics should be one area where honesty is paramount. Citizens cannot make informed decisions without disclosure of the facts by journalists. The media allows this sort of nonsense often holding only one party to the flame of critical analysis while letting he other side off of analytical challenges. Why the hell get a degree or media qualifications if you can’t discriminate between honesty, deception an straight out lying.

    Our youth are being led down a path that will have substantial ramifications for society if we do not openly challenge lying and deliberate misinterpretation of empirical evidence. To my mind all journalists should have foundational understanding of science and a sound grounding in propositional logic and the misuse of language to avoid rational criticism of untruths.

    Finally they should be held to account on ethical grounds by an independent body of scientific, moral and linguistic experts.

    A media bereft of critical analysis and sound understanding of empirical evidence is not a media worthy of our respect.

    A media who accepts and encourages lying is a travesty of democracy, honesty and social justice.

  17. ‘…the normalisation of bad politics’.

    A period being dumped on us by bad, inept, shameless, corrupt, lazy, clueless… politicians. And Labor hasn’t done much to separate itself from the loathsome pack.

  18. Our media has become so compliant to right wing propaganda that I fear they will brainwash the selfish centre and this moronic,delusional excuse for a leader will be foisted on this magnificent country again and destroy everything that defines us . Dog eat dog ,team Aust you beauty!

  19. Yes Victoria, it is the ideology that is the problem: Neoliberalism. And unfortunately just voting ALP next election will not make a huge amount of difference unless the party hss an ideology transplant.

    Currently the ALP is lockstep with govt on:
    1. TPP
    2. Slave for the Dole.
    3. Asylum seekers
    4. Data Retention

    There are others, but these are the biggies IMO, the ones that hurt us domestically and internationally. Not only this, but lack of outrage at the stripping of Aborigines rights is, well, disturbing.

    I wonder if the ALP will reinstate the carbon and mining taxes?

    I hope these things will be raised at Conference because at present it seems if Abbott is still around next election to lose it, the ‘new boss’ may very well be ‘just like the old boss’.

  20. On curing outrage fatigue. For all of my adult life I have wondered just what it is about the “lucky country” that enables it’s invader inhabitants to be so “busy” in their daily lives as to disregard the real nature of humanity and remain as subjects to a creeping malaise of divided loyalties of tweedledee and tweedledumb. Now that Abbott the incorrigible has sharpened the defining lines, suspended the collective disbelief, the crie of centuries past of curing outrage fatigue now beckons for even the Abbottoids as much as for the rest of us. People openly wonder how did this Abbott lying low life slime mount the hallowed hall of patronage in what is laughingly called Australian Democracy. The past will always be the past but this Australian curse will remain beyond Abbott unless the power of the people restrains the power of political parties, because sure as f*ck is a swear word, these political pygmies that inhabit the benches of entitlement and public funding(leaners) will continue as they are succoured in the knowledge that without their approval no change to this present farce exemplified by Abbott, his rabble and Shorten and his, can bring affect to the suspended disbelief that curing Outrage Fatigue engenders in Australia today. I seek relief and apparently so do many others seek relief from the farce that allows Abbott to reign when more than 60% did not vote for him and his rabble.

  21. I share the outrage of the long suffering members of the HSU, a union whose executive officers systematically pillaged large amounts of money for personal use over a period of years.

    We are still awaiting the out come of a civil action against Kathy Jackson who continues to insist that spending $1.4.million of union money for personal benefit was authorised and legitimate. Even if the civil case succeeds I wonder of the union will get their money back and if criminal sanctions will follow.

    The Royal Commission started its 2015 hearing on 23 April at which time the Commissioner noted that the matters affecting Kathy Jackson had not proceeded during 2014 due to a number of factors included in which was that Jackson was not sufficiently well to instruct her legal representatives : the Commissioner has however noted that :

    “One thing must be stressed. The issues affecting Ms Jackson will have to be dealt with unless good cause is shown for a contrary course.”

    We have seen the outcome of a civil case against Cheryl McMillan – an former HSU Procurement Officer – and her collaborator Alf Downing ordered to repay the union $3.7 million and $4.3 million respectively – they immediately petitioned for bankruptcy and the money was not repaid and no criminal charges have been initiated so far.

    The extent to which our legal system is able to cope with the obvious political pressure in this matter will affect all of us into the future.

  22. Terry2,
    Beyond the allegations against Ms Jackson, there is also the conduct of her ‘partner’, Michael Lawler.
    A direct Abbott appointment as VP of Fair Work Australia, he has not only interceded directly on her behalf during legal proceedings, (in clear conflict of interest), but, as her sexual partner during the time of the alleged rorts, may have been the direct recipient of illicit gains(including jetsetting, fancy booze and nosh, furnishings and cosmetic surgeries).
    Strangely, the HSU(subject of some of the most serious allegations, with further investigation/charges recommended by the TURC) were exempted from the Abbott appointed Fed/Vic police special taskforce.

  23. McMillan and Downing were given immunity from prosecution so that they would spill the beans on Michael Williamson who is currently serving 5 years gaol for taking a fraction of what those two embezzled.

  24. Hi Kaye

    I too have heard that they were given “immunity” but speaking with a lawyer friend of mine he was of the opinion that under our judicial system we do not do these sort of deals, rather a court would take into account cooperation by people like these in mitigating their sentences. Or, if some sort of deal were to be done it could only be justified where those cooperating with the justice system came to the court with ‘clean hands’ which obviously these people were not.

    There is something very troubling about this whole business, there was a conspiracy to fraudulently embezzle money from the HSU and its members; how can it be that two of the major players get off by dobbing in the third player. Aspiring bank robbers must be following this with interest.

  25. Terry,

    I agree the whole thing is very fishy. They agreed to pay the money back, presumably to avoid prosecution, and then immediately filed for bankruptcy (as did Williamson). It seems to me that if you can’t make financial reparation then you should serve the time. I know that the question has been asked by Michael Smith and it was phrased this way….

    Dear Attorney General,

    I refer to the prosecution of Michael Alexander WILLIAMSON and his plea of guilty to fraud and other charges in October last year.

    Did the Attorney General make any grant of indemnities under section 32 or undertakings under section 33 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 to any persons involved in the WILLIAMSON prosecution? If so to whom?

    32 Indemnities

    (1) The Attorney General may, if of the opinion that it is appropriate to do so, grant a person an indemnity from prosecution (whether on indictment or summarily):
    (a) for a specified offence, or

    (b) in respect of specified acts or omissions.

    (2) If the Attorney General grants such an indemnity, no proceedings may thereafter be instituted or continued against the person in respect of the offence or the acts or omissions.

    (3) Such an indemnity may be granted conditionally or unconditionally.

    (4) Such an indemnity may not be granted in respect of a summary offence that is not a prescribed summary offence, unless the Attorney General has consulted the Minister administering the enactment or instrument under which the offence is created.

    33 Undertakings

    (1) The Attorney General may, if of the opinion that it is appropriate to do so, give to a person an undertaking that:
    (a) an answer that is given, or a statement or disclosure that is made, by the person in the course of giving evidence in specified proceedings, or

    (b) the fact that the person discloses or produces a document or other thing in specified proceedings,
    being proceedings for an offence against a law of the State (whether an indictable offence or a summary offence), will not be used in evidence against the person.
    (2) If the Attorney General gives such an undertaking:
    (a) an answer that is given, or a statement or disclosure that is made, by the person in the course of giving evidence in the specified proceedings, or

    (b) the fact that the person discloses or produces a document or other thing in the specified proceedings,
    is not admissible in evidence against the person in any civil or criminal proceedings, other than proceedings in respect of the falsity of evidence given by the person.
    (3) Such an undertaking may be given conditionally or unconditionally.

    (4) Such an undertaking may not be given in respect of a summary offence that is not a prescribed summary offence, unless the Attorney General has consulted the Minister administering the enactment or instrument under which the offence is created.

  27. For Bill short on opposition. When I refuse to obey an unjust law, I do not contest the right of the majority to command, but I simply appeal from the sovereignty of the people to the sovereignty of mankind, Alexis de Tocqueville, ‘Democracy in America’ (1835 – 1839).

  28. Kaye, thanks for that,

    Wow ! Is that the perfect crime ?

    You steal the money, dob in your accomplice, get an immunity from prosecution, keep your share of the loot and declare yourself bankrupt…..let the good times roll.

    I see from commentary on S.32 that the immunity from prosecution would normally have to be in the public interest and that it be demonstrated that the interests of justice are served by granting such an immunity : well, there you go, the adults are in charge and what they say goes !

    Did Michael Smith ever get a reply ?

  29. No, I’m sick of the moment for all the reasons suggested in the posting..I recognise that the demoralisation flows at least in part from quite premeditated and deliberate conscious tactics from the oligarchic right formations, but you really get a feeling of despair and never more so than when considering MSM..they have ALL been dumbed down to idiocy level and you wonder, what hope, for public consciousness?

  30. Yes and yes and yes. The shit that sticks when ill-informed folk are whining in the pub is the really smelly big-picture stuff. It’s the ill-informed folk that one’s trying to reach. So sling that filth and make it big-picture!
    Libs lie to cut.
    Libs favour the rich.
    Simple, true, effective.

  31. Great article Victoria – and dished out in shovels. Good onya.

    Agree with all comments here. Admittedly, my comment is more than 1 month late, but found this post in my email account shoved downwards, because of the amount of incoming mail I receive. …. Nothing to do with being popular either ?? 😉

    DanDark’s video post of “Everybody Hurts” – got to me in a big way. Tears. …. We are all hurting or are about to hurt – big time.

    First and foremost, bullies survive ABSOLUTELY on their reputations. Dictators also thrive on reputation. …. And their reputation gets under the skin. We begin to half accept the rhetoric and thrust. … it’s difficult not to, for the average Aussie – or those involved in cooking dinner while giving scant regard to the TV news – but we know that words sink in – the brain acknowledges, our ears hear. … and we cannot unring a bell. This particular bully relies on that. Get that folks – he RELIES on it.

    The entire aim of a bully is to make others afraid. … And while this excuse for a p.m. continually calls on the media to listen to him – to ‘be there’ when he wishes to speak, adds to the entire scenario.

    Anyone notice how often he speaks to the Australian public ? ……….. Of course you all do. ….. It’s DAILY.

    And that is precisely what he wants, and why he calls so many, many, many press coverages. A large % of his screechings and preachings, happen in front of ( first 4, now 6, and possibly 8 I think I saw recently – Australian flags ) … which hits people where they live …. OUR FLAG. …. That’s his first conquest.

    His second is to speak / spout a new lot of nonsense – obfuscation, lies etc., but mostly redirective to the listener / viewer – to ” look here, not over there “. Have to give him this – he is THE master of evil intent.


    May I suggest, that rather than letting off our understandable steam and angst at this out of control government, we might try taking a lateral view of the situation.

    That is to consciously, and conscientously – IGNORE him ? In precisely the same way, he ignores the opposition when they are making a statement of policy or the introduction of a bill to Parliament….. they get up and leave – to a man ( and woman ). … It is their way of saying … phhfft to you lot – you are not worth listening to. …. It is a ploy, a game play, and a rotten thing to do. But – they do it. … And damn it, so should we.

    I think we have to find a way to fight fire with fire, in much the same way. …. No quarters given.

    Sadly, I don’t have any blueprint on the way to do this – but perhaps someone has. … There are plenty of posts and petitions out there damning this government, but it most likely falls on deliberately deaf ears. …. I do however, believe they snoop on independent media ( of course they do – and it’s not via the trolls either ) …. and God forbid, have we given them some ideas ? …. have we given them grist for mill ? I sure as hell hope not.

    I believe we need to find something that will set them back on their heels absolutely and undeniably – no matter what the abbot might say in rejection of it all . …. Needs to be iron clad.

    Good luck everyone.

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