When Craig Kelly gave his first speech in Parliament in 2010, he declared himself an environmentalist, citing a particular concern about the detrimental effects of diesel exhaust.
“As our cities and roads become more and more congested, I am concerned about the health effects from fine particulate matter in diesel exhaust, as studies in California show that diesel exhaust leads to 9,000 premature deaths annually.”
At the time, Labor were proposing an intermodal freight terminal at Moorebank in Kelly’s electorate where containers would be brought by rail from Port Botany and transferred to trucks for distribution to their final destination. Kelly was opposed to the idea because of the pollution it would cause.
In October 2016, Infrastructure Australia added the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal facility to its Infrastructure Priority List.
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development explained the benefits of the project:
“Projects like the Moorebank Logistics Park link Australia’s freight networks and our ports, drive productivity, improve our logistics industries, and create long term efficiencies that will benefit our cities and our economy into the future.”
Sounds like a compelling case, but not to Craig Kelly who insisted that it was imperative that all diesel locomotive engines should be fitted with the same air pollution filters as trucks.
“At the moment there are no regulations at all applying to diesel locomotive engines used by freight trains,’’ Mr Kelly said. “For every container moved from Port Botany to an intermodal at Moorebank, particulate pollution would increase by 1,000 per cent.” (Love to see where he got that figure from).
“This would be devastating for air quality in western Sydney, where pollution levels are already above the recommended national standards.’’
This is the man who has railed against fuel efficiency standards and electric vehicles.
When it was pointed out to him that the huge cost of fitting air pollution equipment on freight train engines may make the project financially unsustainable, his response was “So be it.”
Forget the jobs, the congestion-busting, the cost cutting and the productivity gains – Craig cares about the environment, or at least his little corner of it.
If, however, it’s a coal mine a long way away, or a nuclear waste dump in another state, or land denuded of vegetation out in the bush, or shipping through the reef, Craig’s all for it. Jobs and Growth. More coal says the man who has overseas trips paid for by the coal industry.
But how would Craig react if it was his water supply being contaminated or if it was the Georges River drying up with millions of dead fish floating in it? How would he feel if the uncovered coal trains rumbled past his door or a severe weather event wiped out years of his work?
Kelly’s family furniture business went belly-up. Whilst this loud-mouth ignorant bully continues to exert influence via threats to colleagues and an inflated media presence, his appalling lack of judgement risks doing the same to the country.
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“… this loud-mouth ignorant bully”
You are far too restrained Kaye.
Bejowelled, festering sphincter polyp would be along the lines i’d use. But then i get grumpy a lot.
Yep, I’m with you Grumpy!
Sphincter polyps can be a sensitive topic for women who have been through childbirth.
Railing against these people is like a dog barking at the moon. The ethics and morality of the Liberal Party were encapsulated by the (insert epithets) Sophie Mirabella who exclaimed when aiming for pre-selection in a safe seat ‘If I win this (get pre-selected) I’ll be made for life.’
We didn’t know, then, that you cannot ever be unemployed if you have ever been a Liberal candidate or MP (Slipper apart).
Uhm ….. surely the distribution of goods for Port Botany to Australian destinations would be better served by rail freight that keeps heavy transport vehicle off the highways.
This in turn suggests that renovating and re-opening the 220K section of the Great Northern Railway (GNR) between Armidale NSW and Wallangarra at the Queensland border is more beneficial than the proposal by Liarbal Party spouses for a fail rail trail to dig up the GNR between Guyra and Ben Lomond (about40km north) at a greater cost than rejuvenating the whole 220km of line for local passenger and through freight services.
The principal supporters of this short sighted proposal are a failed Guyra coffee barista and the few members of the Guyra Geriatric Girls Group of bicyclists who do not want to ride on the very low traffic sealed railway access road between Black Mountain (10km south of Guyra) and Ben Lomond.
Oh silly me!!! The real reason for destroying the GNR is so that the Northern Inland Railway (NIR), a white elephant project supported by staunch Nat$ politicians, against the better interests of the electorate, want to remove this commercial competition so that the NIR might possibly return the initial capital investment in less than 50 years. Already the Liarbral Nat$ misgovernment has gifted this project about $700 MILLION ….. so nice to have political mates who can look after your financial interests in your political retirement.
” … as studies in California show that diesel exhaust leads to 9,000 premature deaths annually”
Safer than guns then (in the US). Explains a few backwards things. 🙁
“Just because we are governed by clowns it doesn’t mean it is a laughing matter”
Cannot stand the big mouthed man with a exaggerated opinion of his importance and knowledge of all?nothing but ignorant big mouthed fool! Has permenant fixture on SKY after dark says it all doesnt it?
With a primary vote of 53.2% leading to 59.8% after preferences, Mr Kelly now represents a relatively safe seat for the Liberals. Difficult to imagine the swing of + 0.5% was down to Mr Kelly’s charisma, intelligence, wit, wisdom or his ability to articulate insightful arguments.
Perhaps it was a conscious vote against Labor whose primary vote fell again – down a further 1.4% to sit at 30.5%. Gone are the days when it was a fairly safe Labor seat.
The people spoke. Democracy in action. Perhaps Mr Kelly should be elevated to Cabinet? Or at least a Minister.
“Just because we are governed by clowns it doesn’t mean it is a laughing matter”
Yea it is, you either laugh or cry I prefer the former.
The conservative political parties hereabouts have a bent skill in getting ignorant loudmouths as candidates, apparently assuming such is the way of action and result. Political perverts and intellect denying idiots are corrupting our life and future, Kelly being an under educated one of many. These suppurating turds get media attention from the Murdoch maggots and other slimy types, but cannot ever be honest, The so called fast rail project, like coal abuse, is terribly selfish, primitive anti social, self defeating…, why push this ego fixated cash in at all costs rubbish? Why?
craig kelly is like a yap yapping dog, turns into a raving lunatic when you kick it, then yap yaps louder. Just needs a few more good kickings to shut him up. He is a dangerous, rabid, willfully ignorant lunatic. I see he must have a free holiday coming up, his F/B page shows blatant advertising for a ‘new’ resort in the Maldives, in the guise of scoffing at sea level rise…. IF there was any sort of leadership within “government” he would be forced to take it down and apologize for his blatant stupidity, (corruption?)….BTW, it is rumored around Canberra that he has approached Santos re investigations for fracking possibilities, CSG development, shale oil and coal mining exploration within the Hughes electorate, and is apparently insisting that the diesel locos referred to above will be repowered with coal fired steam engines….He doesn’t want diesel exhaust particulates in Hughes Electorate….Hughes, and Australia, certainly Deserve Better.
Craig is not the only idiot who doesn’t know his Csa from Dwb? However has anyone heard him demonstrate that he knows anything of value to Australia? Still I can’t see Albo exposing his weaknesses??
As china owns darwin all goods to and from china should utilise the rail link through the adelaide and darwin,
pps You are spot on PP the word I find missing in politics and journalism is honesty.
Not sure that skill is confined to the conservative political parties, because I recall a certain ignorant loudmouth who was elected to lead the Parliamentary Labor Party. In addition, he demonstrated his physical prowess by breaking the arm of a Taxi Driver when upset. Was both brains and brawn apparently.
I think his first name was Mark. Certainly – multi skilled. Perhaps a polymath?Just sayin …
The only thing I remember about Latham from back then is the handshake. Was he as unhinged then as now? I agree he was a completely inappropriate choice. Campbell Newman was another.
Not a polymath Matters, but hopefully soon an aftermath. Such a committed individual to his dearly held beliefs, is probably looking for the next party to join after his probable punting from his present one.
He wrote a tome – Civilising Global Capitalism – which I waded through some years ago when he was still under the influence of Whitlam (debatable). It was internally contradictory – intellectually speaking – but it was at least in the tradition that Labor stalwarts could at least write beyond a few sentences.
How the mighty have fallen?
If the past is any guide, Latham will punt Pauline long before she has the chance to punt him. She’s rather slow to react.
That period, when Latham was in charge, is a blur for me. Shit was happening that needed my attention. But surely I would have at least noticed if he had been as batshit crazy as he is now. He reminds me of the directors at the RSL club – some of whom are lovely no doubt, but I have had personal experience of some shockers in the past.
When he was leader of the opposition Latham seemed a good prospect. He was a good communicator and excellent writer and effective opponent to Howard, who seemed to be buckling under Latham’s attacks. An early victory for Latham was his managing to get Howard to end those over-generous Parliamentary Superannuation rorts for all future members.
However Latham resented the personal attacks on him during the election and after he lost the election just “went to ground”.
He was totally missing in action after the Boxing Day tsunami and didn’t make any public statement or appearance until turning up some time later to resign from Parliament, confounding and betraying his former colleagues.
Since then he’s stood for everything he formerly hated and despised. Where he once said he felt hurt and a turning point was while watching TV with his children when the news came out there was a videotape falsely accusing of him “drunkenly cavorting with strippers”. Now he’s not only become one of those scum but once of the worst.
It’s either a form of Stockholm Syndrome or maybe his pancreatitis has spread to his brain.
He’s not just a disappointment to many but an utter waste with nothing further to offer except bitterness and bile – much like Craig Kelly & Co. He should fit in well with Hanson for the time being but will probably turn on her as well when neither are of any further use to each other.
You are far to courteous to this bullet headed fascisto Kaye. Call a spade a spade. Kelly is of such low intelligence it is surprising how he still knows how to breath. He should have stuck to rugby league. A boof head without a brain cell.who played a game that doesnt use helmets and that is known to cause serious head injuries. But one wonders if Kelly had any brain cells before his league carreer. My bet is he didnt. And to think the future of a whole nation is in the hands of this dimwitted bullet head.
He is a perfect example of why this country needs entrance exams for politicians. Potential candidates should be required to prove:
✦ they are are above average intelligence
✦ they don’t have any severe mental problems (e.g. sociopathy, narcissism, paranoia, etc)
✦ they have a more than average grasp of science and technology (essential for this age)
✦ they have a more than average understanding of history (so they don’t repeat previous dangerous errors, such as, for example, privileging religion)
We need to pass exams in order to drive a car, and require even more stringent qualifications to pilot an aircraft, yet we allow utter morons, riddled with delusions and insane bigotries to steer our nation!!!
Let’s not confine those entrance requirements to Australia alone, Miriam. The USA could do with them, and we can toss the UK in as well.
There are so many countries governed by idiots. Idiots can be dangerous.
And random drug and alcohol tests for politicians.
Kaye, oh yes! Random drug and alcohol tests! Absolutely!
Compare the punishment for driving a car or airplane or ship while intoxicated, while our politicians can often being absolutely shit-faced while steering the entire country and suffering not even a slap on the back of the hand. The hypocrisy stinks.
Agreed, Michael. All countries should put those restrictions on politicians.
They want to give welfare recipients random testing and income management. Let’s see how they like it.
If they fail to turn up to parliament they will get some penalty points. If they get kicked out of parliament for poor behaviour they get penalty points. A magic number of points will see their benefit – oh sorry, salary – rescinded and they will have to make an appointment with Centrelink and fill in copious forms with evidential attachments to get their payment back. If they have any assets, that won’t happen for 3 months. They can go live with their mother. Any positive test for drugs or alcohol and their income will be quarantined and they will be issued with a card which does not allow the purchase of alcohol or cigars. Repeat offences will mean a period in rehab before they can reapply. Before getting into a commcar, politicans will be breathalised and if they record a reading above the legal limit to drive, they must catch a taxi at their own expense. I could go on pointing out how the rest of us are expected to behave…..