Climate Expert Demands Federal Action

Ian Dunlop, climate activist Photo from ABC News)

Media release from Janine Kitson, Independent candidate for Bradfield

Ian Dunlop will speak on the climate emergency at a Bradfield Can Do Better zoom event, hosted by Janine Kitson, on Thursday 3rd June, 2021 from 6-7pm.

Ian Dunlop, one of Australia’s most respected climate experts, continues to speak out about the crisis of climate.

“Climate change is an unprecedented, existential security threat,” warns Ian Dunlop.

Janine Kitson has said she will stand in the next Federal election as an Independent candidate for Bradfield.

“As a former teacher I have a responsibility to step up and take action on climate, for the sake of the children I have taught, over my many years of teaching. Politicians are failing our children. They still refuse to acknowledge just how dangerous the climate future is becoming. Nor are they being honest about just how serious the biodiversity extinction crisis is,” argued Janine Kitson.

Ian Dunlop agrees that “climate change must be the Federal Government’s number one priority. We need to drastically reduce our carbon emissions, before it is too late.”

Ian Dunlop, resident of Gordon, is a member of Australian Security Leaders Climate Group, as well as being a former Chair of the Australian Coal Association.

Janine Kitson is a former Ku-ring-gai Councillor and teacher. In 2010 she was awarded the North Shore Times Community Medal for Conservation and the Environment.

The event is free, but registration is essential at

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  1. Demand all you like, people, but it is only the demads of the corporations, their boards and the Murdoch and CH9 media which will be heeded by our psuedo government.

  2. My local member in Bradfield is an ex-pommy dropin, who relinquished his U K citizenship in the very morning of his organised pre-selection. To get pre-selection here from the conservative mafioso misfit matrons and mudskulls, one must be fellatio friendly with corporate practices in lying, deviousness, duplicity, double crossing, coercion, propaganda, financial dodginess, fiddling, utter suppression of all morals, decency, ethics, behavioural resposiblity, and, last of all TRUE liberalism as with J S MIll or Gladstone or Asquith or even our own Deakin. May the independent candidate do very well.

  3. “Children win landmark climate change court case against Australian minister”, Michael Mazengarb,, 27/5/2021.

    “The students sought a ruling from the federal court that would prevent [Sussan] Ley [Environment Minister] from approving the expansion of the coal mine, arguing the children were particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, as they were more likely to live through the future consequences.

    “In response, Ley had argued that no such duty of care existed, as there were no ‘reasonably foreseeable climate change-related consequences’ resulting from the extraction of additional coal [33 million tonnes expected to result in 100Mt of greenhouse gas emissions] from the coal mine [Whitehaven’s Vickery in NSW]”

    “No foreseeable climate change-related consequences”? They are already happening!

    The judgement does not forbid the Minister’s decision, but reminds her of the ‘duty of care’ ruling.

    This site also refers to the “Dutch court which ruled gas and oil giant Shell must reduce both its direct greenhouse gas emissions as well as those caused by products that it sells.”

    In “Hey presto, a new legal duty pushes judicial boundaries”, The Australian, 2/6/2021. Janet Albrechtsen picks up this federal court decision. Albrechtsen reveals that the judge told Ley that perhaps she is more educated about climate change than she was before this case.

    Albrechtsen suggests the judge could have come to other decisions about duty of care – ” ensuring an environment minister makes decisions that ensure reliable, cheap and stable sources of energy” or “ensure all Australians thrive from a prosperous economy.”

    Of course Albrechtsen is thinking of the coal-driven economy which the Coalition seems to be expecting to go well into this century.

    As chairman of the IPA, she is well aware of the four climate publications which question the IPCC climate science – which are referred to here following:

    “Why the IPA’s claim global warming is natural is ‘junk science'”,, 25/8/2018.

    “How the Institute of Public Affairs poisoned Australia’s climate”,, 29/1/2019.

    “The climate wars: IPA amateurs inordinately outgunned by Royal Society experts”,, 13/1/2015.

  4. mishmash of natural vs man induced.
    Climate change, global cooling and global warming are all natural and ongoing. 100% true
    The man made greenhouse gases are the drivers to global warming. almost certainly 100% true.
    Land ice and permafrost melting are immediate threats to the planet. Keep to visible facts, polar bears, pacific islands and glaciers.

  5. Further to the trial which favoured the claim of 8 children concerning duty of care required by coal mining, we have Henry Ergas on the subject in The Australian today (4/6/2021).

    Ergas says: “…adopting the court’s own estimate of the emissions associated with the project [Whitehaven’sVickery mine near Gunnedah] they amount to less than eight one thousandths of one percent of the global emissions the International Energy Agency expects over the 26 year period.”

    Given that the amount of emissions expected from 33Mt of coal to be 100Mt of greenhouse gases, I will leave it to the mathematicians to calculate how much greenhouse gases that is.

    Such a number allows Ergas to claim the Vickery extension would not be the straw to break the camel’s back, which of course denies that greenhouse gases of any amount have any effect.

    Coal, he claims, is essential for “democracy, prosperity” and if Oz does not sell it, some other country will.

    This claim about other sellers of coal is part of the deniers’ claim about Oz coal. So which countries are going to sell the coal if Oz stops?

    “Since 2015, 197 countries – nearly every country on earth…have endorsed the Paris Agreement. Of these, 190 have solidified their support with formal approval.” (

    Of course deniers claim that few of these will achieve their promise because they have no plans – nor has Oz.


    Your simplistic explanation tells us nothing. It is the kind of explanation which allows the IPA to claim that CO2 has nothing to do with Climate Change and that the IPCC science is a false hypothesis.

    The IPA says we must gather more data – and has already come to the conclusion that Climate Change is the result of natural “cycles” driven by the sun.

    Does that explain everything about Climate Change? No.

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