By Christian Marx
The smell of death is in the air
Rotting bodies everywhere
Killed by Uncle Sam
That great murderous sham
Killed by greed
Bombs rained down upon
Sovereign nations in need
The corporate filth salivate
Stealing food from babies
While they bask in hate
10,000 years has taught man naught
Ego and avarice reign supreme
These monsters should be shot for sport
Can you hear the screams?
A twisted soul crying in agony
This world a sadists fantasy
Governments feed the rich
and starve the poor
Kill children with phosphorus
For the Zion lore
Like a hungry whore
The bankers scream for more
Can you hear the scream?
Mother Earth is in mortal pain
Like a sick demon the 1% reign
They suck your blood
Shoot bombs into the sky
And fill our heads with lies
Thank you for sharing but now I need something strong to drink to musk my sadness.
The only thing the LNP succeed at is getting Australia wound up in bloody wars. This alone is why it is always imperative to keep the bloodsuckers out of power.
Doesn’t matter who has the franchise to run the Australian Government Incorporated, they will always follow orders from the City of Landon. Until we realize that, and take a stand, nothing will change. We have a system of managing humanity based on fear and greed, getting more desperate to survive. Fukushima, the BP oil spill and the burning forests of Borneo and the Amazon are taking their toll, while being ignored by the controlled media. Climate change is affecting every planet in our solar system but who is reporting that?
The conventional media controls the lives of most people who are striving to earn a crust and support their families. The use of scarcity rather than abundance is now entrenched in our thinking. Peak Oil has done that. I wonder how much longer the controllers can postpone Disclosure?
Everyday the clock is getting closer to midnight.