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Brandis Eliminates Red Tape By Insisting That All Inquiries To The Solicitor-General Go Through His Office First!

Yeah, I know. Irony, eh?

I mean, the Liberals are always on about getting rid of red tape. You know, that bureaucratic nonsense where people need to get permission before they do things, because, well, it just slows things down unnecessarily.

So, I’m trying really, really hard to work out how George Brandis’ decree that everyone – even the PM – needs to get his permission before consulting the Solicitor-General fits with the whole “eliminate the red tape” thingy! Actually watching the clips of the Solicitor-General in the Senate today, I wondered why he didn’t ask the members of the Coalition if they had sought George “The Fudd” Brandis’ permission before asking him a question…

Ok, while I understand that the legal niceties are a bit hard for us all to understand, the fact remains that the Liberals will now be trying to paint a public servant as a puppet of the Labor Party. You know the way this works: Anyone who agrees with us is quite independent, while anyone who disagrees is clearly a member of the socialist/United Nations/ISIS alliance and can just be ignored because they’ve shown how biased they really are. Andrew Bolt, on the other hand, calls it as he sees it after giving careful consideration to everyone who agrees with him. And just to prove how independent he really is, Andrew is telling us all how little he approves of Malcolm as PM which just show that he doesn’t agree with everyone in the Liberal Party, because Malcolm thinks he’s doing a great job, even if the rest of us want to dump him for Tony first chance we get. It’s just a little hard because we took Malcolm to the election and now we feel obliged to stick with him just a little longer. You know what it’s like. You let someone take you to the dance because he’s the one with the car, and you really want to dump him and start dancing with the cool kids, but you know that if you do it too early in the night everyone’ll know that you just used him to get where you wanted to go ’cause he was the one with a car.

>SIGH< Well, at least we can count on Donald Trump to give us all something to make us shake our heads and feel superior to the USA. So just to reiterate, in case you missed it: 1. Donald Trump is caught on tape boasting how he just goes up to women and kisses them or grabs them by the pussy. (I presume that's what the "p*ssy" meant in various publications.) 2. He tries to justify this by going on the offensive. He appears with several women who allege that Bill Clinton sexual assaulted them and suggests that while he was merely "boasting" about it, Bill was actually doing it, because people have claimed that he did. (Let's not delve too deeply into this one because they are so many aspects to this that I feel we could debate them for ages. If I suggest that there's something strange about the facts that he thinks this reflects badly on his opponent, even though it's her husband whose the alleged perpetrator, we'll end up talking about Hillary and whether her refusal to leave Bill is a feminist issue, or whether she shouldn't even have to consider this and then someone will suggest that she's responsible for ISIS and then someone will say that Trump's no worse, followed by Trump has some great ideas and I'll never get to point 3. And, if I mention Monica, we'll be here all night just asking why she never washed that dress with semen stains before we even get back to the feminist arguments!) 3. When he's accused of doing the things he's on tape saying that he used to do, he tells us that they're lying. And he's not lying. And you can trust him because he's been honest about the fact that he was lying on the tape when he suggested that he used to sexually assault women and isn't it terrible that these women can just tell lies. (Go back to point 2 for a second, and without making a conclusion about Bill's guilt or innocence, ask yourself if the word, "hypocritical" may just come to mind. 4. Some people still say that they still support Trump because he tells it like it is. So it seems that according to some people (politically incorrect comment warning)

If you want to be President, you can grab one. You can be one. You just can’t have one.

Have a good weekend!

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