Ain’t karma a bitch? Throw in some schadenfreude and last week’s politics had me grinning so broadly the top half of my head nearly came off.
There is no shortage of spivs, wide boys, porch climbers, till fingerers or doorknob rattlers within the ranks of the proctocracy that forms our current federal government. We could be forgiven for thinking that dodgy behaviour is a precondtion for Tory Party candidature given recent experience. Labor is not entirely blameless of course, but they at least are now championing a federal integrity commission which the “if you’ve nothing to hide you’ve nothing to fear” Tories will fight all the way to their “not guilty due to mental incapacity” pleas to charges of grift and rorting.
There is huge satisfaction to be had as their crime spree starts to unravel and no more so than when one of their heretofore poster boys is staring down the green mile to political oblivion. Black Angus Taylor, windfarm cancer survivor and Minister for Emissions Reduction (“hurr hurr, snerk snerk” – George Orwell. “Well done Angus” – Joseph Goebbels) has modelled the treatment of his portfolio on that of Tony Abbott’s NBN template – making sure it achieves the exact opposite of what it’s public purpose is purported to be.
That badly shaved Yowie in red sluggos who was 2 PMs ago set out to maliciously sabotage a technology that underpins national economic well-being and competitiveness. Australia is now ranked at #64 on international comparisons of fixed broadband performance – below countries such as Romania, Thailand, Panama, Moldova, Uruguay and Kosovo whereas for mobile, ignored by the Tory Luddites, we rank #4. The better economic managers in action.
The clunge of Luddites who control the Tory’s agenda, led by Fatman and Bobbinhead, that dullard duo of the colossal tossle FauxMo with his rusty sidekick Michael McSomebody, will die in a ditch to replicate the Warringah Wrecker’s subversion – ensuring that the environmental and economic advantages of clean energy are not realised and are sacrificed to the loony fringe’s steam engine dogma and theistic superstitions. We are in a climate change war and this collection of wilfully ignorant fitwucks are committing treason.
Black Angus will be protected until the inevitable – the Tories want to hang onto their 1 seat majority at any cost. FauxMo has already invoked the Phone A Friend option with a quick nudge, nudge, wink, wink call to Mick Wheeliebins-Fuller, the boss copper and FauxMo’s ex-neighbour who’s ultimately at the pointy end of the Angus probe. No doubt, as has been intimated by the comments of said copper about it being a waste of his resources and having it wound up quickly, there will be more effort expended on weasel words for why there is no case to answer than there will be on any effort to nail the duplicitous prick (ala the behaviour of those Keystone Cops the AFP, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the L/NP Pty Ltd).
But, Black Angus is subject to a further probing over #watergate and #grassgate – the expenditure of $80M of taxpayer money to purchase the rights to non-existant water from big irrigators and the lobbying for the poisoning of endangered native grasslands to benefit Taylor family farming interests.
FauxMo will duck and weave, he’ll distract and delay, he’ll obfuscate and dissemble but the congealed plate scrapings that is Angus Taylor will come to a nasty end. A wonderful irony is that it could be metadata that brings him down. I eagerly await his last words.
Speed Test Global Index – October 2019
Watergate Crew: the regatta of mates behind Australia’s richest water deal – Michaelwest.com.au
The green green #grassgate of home: Angus Taylor’s latest scandal explained – thebigsmoke.com.au
This article was originally published on The Grumpy Geezer.
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In a government with even a smidgin of integrity, this bloke would be gone long since.
But then, in a party with even a smidgin of integrity, he would not have even been pre-selected.
Angus, the bell tolls for thee and we will al be so much richer for your political demise
You got buckleys, of any thing happening at all,
if he was a labor/green/independent the MSM would be howling for his head over any of his poor performances,
never mind the blatantly illegal ones…
but there are so many that have failed ministerial standards
chosen not to respond to FOI requests
lie shamefacedly to all and sundry then deny that they ever said anything of the sort
oh look! a photo opportunity
one day you should really let loose and say it how you want to, Grumpy, love your work
Grumpy, you never fail to give me a laugh. No matter how dire the situation, I enjoy the way you make light of it.
You wouldn’t be the life of the party, by any chance?
Roswell, more a sit round the campfire kinda guy.
Great. I’ll bring my guitar. 👍
Agree, sadly.
Like a lot of the LNP crowd, Angus appears to spend a lot of time on Alt-Right chat sites where they stick voodoo pins into people like Clover Moore all the time.
Just listening to news radio abcipa and the ridiculously surpine reasons the poor fascists had such a bad week in federal parliament goes to illustrate just what lengths the msm will stoop to make their “team” look acceptable. The bias is palpable.
The problem for us is the number of folks who should become Soylent Green, who still vote for the nonces of the right with their clay target shooting and attraction to young fellows in shorts from the Kings School, who of course support the basic freedoms of Tory Political life.
When we get rid of these turd burglars, whereto from here in truth?
The ALP seem almost to have cross dressed to the right of the house as well. And Albo’s comb over becoming the story of the day among the turgid trollops of the News Corpse Stable. What the absolute f#ck ever happened to truth and ethics in journalism? Someone must have stuffed it down the crapper between Alan Jones’ skinny but hairy legs, in the London underground.
Now GG, I must take you to task about a small matter of the name of this week’s Leader(?) of the Nat$, the party you have when you want to gift MDB water to your financial political patrons.
I seem to remember the preferred nick name from Scummo was “Mick Mack” which successfully offended the trucking, transport and logistics industries in defence of their beloved Mack trucks. So it is most important that you stop offending these too many rusted on ute driving hot-heads. The sensible alternative would be “Mick Muck” because on the rare occasions that he utters a sound it is usually as worthless as old pig manure.
Would you be so kind as to use this form of address, “MIck Muck”, when naming last week’s (misleader) of the nat$.
The reason for Taylor’s little crusade over the cost of travel done by City of Sydney Councillors has now become clear. His wife, Lucy Clegg, wants to run for the position of Lord Mayor
Perhaps that would be Louise Clegg? The Lucy monicker has already been taken by a Turnbull. She was the Mayor as well.
I have seen that claim in a few places now. I know Louise Clegg tried to make George Brandis give her the sex discrimination role at the AHRC but is there a link to the Lord Mayor bid?
Interestingly, Louise co-authored a text on Evidence (Anderson, Williams and Clegg, The New Law of Evidence: A Commentary and Annotation to the Uniform Evidence Acts). She should have a chat to her hubby.
Kaye, I’m fairly sure that has been proven to be fake, or if not fake, could not verified.
Thanks Michael. It’s hard to launch a bid for Lord Mayor when you aren’t even a councillor. But with the Taylor dynasty…..who can ever tell?