Labor’s bulk email today – signed by Bill Shorten – captured my interest:
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Over the weekend something amazing happened.
For the first time in history, nearly every country in the world has committed to lowering carbon pollution to try to prevent the worst effects of climate change.
I couldn’t be happier with a commitment to keeping temperature increases to well below 2 degrees Celsius and a further commitment to pursue efforts to limit increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This was absolutely necessary to preserve our environment for future generations.
But now we’ve got an agreement, it’s now up to us as a nation to do our part and make sure we leave our children with a sustainable, healthy planet. We need to join the rest of the world and adopt effective policies right here at home.
That’s why I’ve announced Labor’s plan for Australia to have net zero pollution by 2050.
And it’s why Labor will ensure that by 2030, 50 per cent of Australia’s energy will be generated from renewables. More talk won’t help tackle climate change, but stronger targets for renewables like solar will.
And then it went horribly wrong:
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But the Liberals keep standing against Labor’s plans. That’s why we’ve created a petition calling on the Liberals to adopt Labor’s plan for more renewable energy. Can you sign our petition and stand up for a renewable energy future? . . .
. . . Sign this petition and call on Mr Turnbull to adopt Labor’s plan for 50% renewables.
Thanks for standing with me on this,
God. Give. Me. Strength.
You have got to be kidding me.
If Bill Shorten thinks that the Turnbull Government will change their policies (and adopt Labor’s) because of a soft lettuce leaf petition then his head is filled with nothing more than small pebbles.
There’s only one way for Labor’s climate change policies to be implemented and that, obviously, is for Labor to win government. And for Labor to win government they have to win over voters – something they’ve lost the art in. Getting us to sign pathetic petitions won’t see their policy implemented and neither will it encourage me to vote for them. (Though I probably will anyway).
Bill Shorten really is coming across as a no ideas politician. If his best weapon is nothing more than blowing petitions at the government then he, or someone in Labor, has absolutely no idea what they’re doing.
Critics will hit back at me with the argument that the media hasn’t been giving Labor much of a voice, and they’re certainly correct about that, but if Labor want their voice to be heard then they have to start to roar. These continual requests to sign gutless petitions makes them appear that they have the roar of a mouse.
They can take their petition and jam it.
Oh, and by the way, nowhere in the email was there a link to their policy.