What if we had a better government? One that has dedicated its term in office to addressing all the social, economic, and environmental challenges we face as a nation. One who does not govern for the wealthy or big business, but for the ‘99%’. One whose policies do not inflict hardship on the poor, the elderly, the unemployed or refugees, but whose policies offer them help and hope. One who is step with the modern world, not lagging behind it. If we had such a government – an alternate to what we currently have – what might the ‘alternate’ Prime Minister say in his or her New Year’s address to the nation? Marcus Champ has prepared that address. All we need now is a prime minister and a government worthy of it.
Alternative Prime Minister’s 2017 New Year Message
Welcome to 2017.
When I look back on the achievements from last year I and filled with a sense of not just achievement but also of pride in the great changes and the challenges we have overcome and the simple hard work we have done together.
Starting with our social agenda, I am sure you would all agree we have laid the foundation for a more just, equal, open and stronger society for everyone. From ensuring everyone has the same right for their relationships to be recognised by the state, to the reforms that have been implemented in terms of closing casinos, bringing an end to the scourge of poker machines and the corruption of so many of our beloved sporting institutions by betting.
We have also made reforms to the social support net that will start with the dignity and welfare of those that need it, while also operating on a rigorous evidence based foundation to ensure our social programs not only work, but deliver the help to those that need it when they need it.
To that end we also have implemented a basic income support mechanism that both simplifies and rationalises thousands of separate programs, with simplified rules for entitlement and phased cut-offs for those that get back on their feet and no longer need the help.
We have also opened discussions with the First Australians to finally sign a treaty and bring to an end the terrible stains from the past and build a new future we can all be proud of. Furthermore, we have closed the off-shore camps and brought an end to the most recent stain on the nation’s character … with further reforms to the how asylum seekers are processed, housed, and treated to enable everyone’s right to a happy and safe existence.
The biggest reform, however, and the one that underpins our entire social agenda is jobs for all … with everyone who can work being provided the opportunity for meaningful employment, whether that is in the new infrastructure projects such as: the new rail freight corridors connecting the major capitals; the massive expansion of CSIRO and Australian Space industries investment; the revolution in our power infrastructure as we move to 100% renewables; the expansion and strengthening of our ABC; an NBN for the 22nd century with fibre to the premises for every household across the land; the new no-frills national banking system; or the national water grid.
In terms of transforming the economy it has also been a very busy period, with the Banking Royal Commission delivering their verdict and my promise to implement reforms that will transform our financial system from the systemic risk of today to one that actually supports the economy by connecting monetary resources to individuals, families and businesses that need it at a world’s best cost. Part of this will also mean making changes to superannuation with more being directed to people’s retirement through increased compulsory contributions, abolition of negative gearing, and negotiations with the states to end stamp duty and payroll taxation for taxes that enable the economy.
An economy is one that works for the people, not corporations or budgets … and with this initiative and others we have started that reform process. It is also important for everyone to realise the government does not work like a household and these things can be done if we apply all our creativity, our industry and our people to achieve them.
Talking about taxation, I am very proud to say that hundreds of Australia’s top companies are finally making their contribution to the roads, rail, hospitals, health care, and schools that they have long profited from with tax haven loop holes closed and reforms to rules around depreciation and write-offs. We have also ended the billions of dollars of subsidies that have been largely funneled to foreign companies such as subsidised fuel, exploration rights, and infrastructure.
In terms of the most significant challenges of our time – climate change – the revolution of economy has begun. Not only via renewable energy, but also the agreement with Tesla to start the production of Australia’s first electric vehicles that will completely replace the government fleet as well as be put on sale direct to the public. We are going to invest in bio-fuels, distributed power future proof vs any storm, and a solar industry that can export to the world using our already strong capacity and capability in this area.
Lastly, a key part of the reform process is changing the very nature of the Australian state by transforming our system to a republic. I for one will never bow to a non-Australian head of state, particularly one who’s legitimacy is decided by privilege as opposed to the will of the people.
There have already been a number of significant changes to how our democracy works … with total bans on all foreign contributions, real-time reporting of any donation over $500.00, banning all corporate donations, and never again allowing ministers to swap their allegiance based on lucrative foreign or private sector positions as has been seen only too much recently.
We have also started the process of clawing back entitlements and perks for ministers who leave politics for such positions and all ministerial perks are under review by independent panels. As part of this process we have also banned a number of major accounting houses from any work with the government due to their poor record of performance, conflicts of interest, and poor records in terms of self regulation.
Becoming a republic, however, is key milestone to strengthening our democracy and taking our country forward.
We have achieved so much but there is so much more to do. I am sure you can appreciate their is simply not enough room to list everything that needs to be progressed but I want to assure all Australians this government is building a future everyone can be proud of.
Now join me on the roof parliament house today as a “wall” that symbolises fear, uncertainty and exclusion has been erected around the very heart of our democracy, needs to be removed and by so doing purged from our nation’s character.
The Prime Minister
This article was submitted jointly to The AIMN and to The Political Sword
You can follow Marcus on Twitter @OzMyHomeMAC
How delightfully Utopian. Well written and highlighting just how far we are from competent government. This incompetence permeates the (barely) elected government and also our Opposition (including Labor and the Greens). I guess you can argue that if Labor offered a genuine alternative, it would have been elected, but in truth, the current government is, I think, the worst in living memory and partly that stems from the ineptitude of those “across the chamber”. Its zeal to “reform the welfare system” is completely add odds with its surreptitious support for the bludging corporate sector. That sector receives billions in tax concessions and subsidies and also benefits massively from regulation that protects profits and market-share. Note how corporates demand a reduction of “red tape”, but hide their love of and the clamour for more regulation that protects their market share.
For examples of incompetence and corruption, the list is too long to canvass here.
But consider; why was there not a major hue and cry from Labor over Robb’s job with Chinese interests only months after trumpeting his genius at concluding a free trade agreement with China? That was an utter outrage and a pointer to the level of corruption that now exists across the political spectrum. Of course, one reason was that Conroy was negotiating something similar, so had Labor attacked Robb, it would have opened itself up to the inevitable and entirely legitimate cries of “hypocrisy”, so that one had to go through to the keeper. Even if it were not Conroy, both sides of politics like to do favours for the corporate sector so that a selection of well paid jobs is on offer once they leave politics (how did Conroy not have some inkling that a cushy job in a faux role would not be available? Hmmm,)
Consider how a total little lying scumbag like Dastyari remains in the Parliament despite the fact that his crony and mentor (Obied) is now in jail in disgrace? I am not bashing Labor per se – merely pointing out that within the party system on all sides is an epidemic of corruption and incompetence. I fear we have already crossed the Rubicon – there are now so many nitwits and corrupt members in the Parliament that it is too late to turn back – we are trapped within a political system that is dominated by apparatchiks.
Our parliament is simply a disgrace. They don’t serve us – they serve themselves and their corporate and union masters.
Truth is the answer is as a above so simple. All would benefit including big business.
Love it! Now THAT would be a legacy defining end of year speech. Hopefully not a total pipe dream. Thanks Marcus for brightening up my morning.
We would love that but sadly we would have to find a charismatic leader like Gough Whitlam QC to achieve such a government, a person who ‘really’ believed in that dream we all share.
Simple, ethical, logical and just. What more could we ask for? With these imperatives in place necessary changes will be just and equitable. Full marks. The foundation is the basis of any democracy. Right now we are on quicksand.
Yes, how delightfully Utopian. A nod to all the itches imaginable on the body politic. NBN, banks, Treaties, pokies, income support; all worthy, and so easily solved.
But then there’s the republic! I love how simple it all is in Utopia. ‘The will of the people’, the sticky bit. So we have a popularly elected head of state, how? By a beauty contest? By a joint sitting of parliament? A public opinion poll? Is it a contest between candidates? Will the pres have to have policies, and therefore a mandate? If so, will the president need a cabinet? How will it effect the will of the people as expressed in parliamentary elections, our present supreme governing body and the core of our democracy? How quickly will we become a copy of the American system where everyone has a mandate and works to enforce it so the system is completely constipated by mandates. Trump is the result of that system.
My stomach churns thinking about it.
Simple solution: leave what we have well enough alone. It doesn’t do much harm, excepting of course a drunken bout of CIA inspired wrecking in 1975. The GG is effectively the head of state now, the present one was born in Sydney, and that is a foreign country? Well, I think so, although Sydney thinks the the rest of us are.
wouldn’t it be nice . . . . . . .
sadly we seem to beliving on an alternate universw
I’m voting for who ever wrote this ??
Thanks Marcus. That was lovely. Wouldn’t it be great!
Florence is right. Big business bribes and fights for what it sees as its short-term interests, but never seem to notice their long-term interest is best served by making our country — our entire world — a progressive place that looks after the people and the environment, without which business can’t exist.
Dear PM, I’d also like to thank you for making foreign companies pay meaningful royalties for the country’s resources, for establishing an independent evidence-based foreign policy (and ending the sub and F35 black holes) and for enacting war powers reform to ensure the parliament, not just Cabinet, debates involvement in foreign wars.
If only! Now, just include the obscene perks of past and present politicians and Australia would save millions.
Áh yes, to dream the impossible dream,to fight an unbeatable foe”””””” but hey’, look on the bright side,err just give me a minute and I’ll think of one.”””””
What a wonderful land Australia is. I am just going out to fire up my solar powered family sized flying pig and do a couple of laps around my private wind farm to celebrate, while the newly settled refugees take ”Orstrayliun” lessons in my garage so that they too can enjoy the fruits of a truly benevolent and class free society.
Shame turdbullshitartist et al are in charge, huh?
We need a better electorate.
The electorate is largely okay. We need a better mainstream media.
Rupert’s toys need to be taken away from him… or free alternatives must be leveraged to put him permanently out of business in Australia. Maybe if we did that we could do the same for USA and save the Yanks from him too. It’s the least we could do after setting that asshole loose upon them. He’s one of the main reasons they’re stuck with Trump.
Now listen here Marcus, or is that Don Quixote?
1. Gough is dead
2. Keating expresses no interest in returning to the fray
3. Pigs might fly
Nice blog tho
Ahh..to have a PM with such a vision. To have a representative group within Parliament with such a vision. To have a people who could believe in such a vision. To think the voter could see the bigger picture and how when we care for the least we care for all.
I was so close to tears reading this.
Thank you.
It is not just me after all.
I would add to the lists of “things to do” in this “new” Parliament, the cessation of ALL these non-tax paying bludgers on society–the entire Church “industry” as we know it today. After all, why are they allowed to be “tax free”? Also, that ALL politicians receive a “reasonable” salary, but without all the lurks & perks they currently “enjoy”. Think, for instance, on the incredible salaries they are able to have once they leave the Parliament, the grossly over paid Superannuation they are also “allowed” to have upon retiring. Just a couple of ideas for Australia to really be able to “cope” with the coming years!
If you want a better government that does this then you need to work to get it. Join or start a political party that meets these criteria; work tirelessly to get the result you want. Listen to people who are disaffected and voting against their interests, not out of stupidity, but out of frustration, and talk to them about realistic alternatives that are not full of hatred, fear and mistrust.
If you want to be part of the change, rather than just wishing for it, why not join the New Democracy Party, which has many of the above policies, and has a realistic economic policy to underpin it. We need passionate, and committed members to achieve the change we all want. See more at newdemocracyparty.org.au
In essence a utopian vision of the progressive’s politic. No argument from me in the overall thrust – BUT – where was WWIII in the narrative?
I think both the traditional ‘sides’ of the political spectrum are avoiding the four headed monster in the room – corrupt-corporate-consumer-capitalism – now at it’s apogee in 2017. So many are still supremely welded to the products of consumer culture – to choice, to new products, to the ‘latest’ thingy – to celebrity culture and celebrity gossip – and to the cult of TV social opinions delivered by hyper-glamour – yet its all total bullshit – that is not life.
Consumer driven hyper-individualism is the manipulative narrative of the uber-capitalist sect verses a muted community-cooperative narrative harboured often unknowingly by the majority of ordinary people. The capitalist wants everyone to aspire to be rich – aspire to be envied – to be seen to consume. And far too many ordinary people (who are ostensibly educated and so ought to know better) have taken the bait and they aspire so they vote conservative or some other right winger in hope – they are the losers who can’t even see their loss.
History shows that when the majority aggressively hold injustice to the flames, then eventually justice prevails – but not without pain for many because the powerful greedily covet their power and will always fight, and will elevate the fight to extreme levels. Vested power has never given way to mere intellectual reasoning – force, in one form or another has always been the weapon of coercion wielded by the powerful whether corporate or political class including here in Australia. Even today, dissent is on the nose in NSW where the ruling ultra-conservatives exercise an inherent authoritarianism toward environmental activism, cyclists, late night revellers.
Obama’s recent propaganda legislation making the US government and its suitably acquiescent news outlets, the sole purveyors of ‘truth’ so that all contradicting information will now be claimed as anti-American, as espionage, as lies or fake news and it’s sources will be ‘McCarthied’ – Australian ultra-conservatives will no doubt be drafting similar for 2017.
Wishing our country world to be as this article sets out is fair enough – and I support the vision – but lets set down a road map to achieve it – for a start, resistance and push-back should be on every progressives to-do list for 2017. My federal representative is going to cop triple what she got from me through 2016 – relentless communication on multiple fronts – supported by facts, data, references, sources and a fair and responsible tone – but relentless – smothering in fact.
If wishes were fishes …
Never happen in Oz.
As Wayne Tiurner said above …We need a better electorate.
That is the absolute bottom line, and then we wouldn’t have to approach every election with trepidation knowing that a goodly proportion of us will vote against their own, and our, interests.
Because THAT is how we get a complete rabble, led by turnbull, who believes in nothing, running the show.
Like the other comments above, there is no progressive culture in Oz. This country is one of the most backward, conservative, bogan red necked and disappointing populations in the Western world. The people speak and they speak Labor! or Liberal! Like having some party affiliation is some tribal acceptance as the bogans bicker the differences between Ford or Holden. The illusion of choice is what our system has become. There is a glimmer of hope in that this (sorry last) year saw more people voting non libs and labs than ever before. Alas, though most of them voted for Hansen. When you have a population of Murdoch trained retards, the government will always echo that resonating sound. Just look at the yanks and what they have thrown up in recent years and currently voted in. We are in for another 3 years of nothing but regression, just like the last 3 years. Yay.
crypt0, one way to absolutely guarantee things will never change for the better is to give up.
It bothers me that it has become fashionable to spit upon the ordinary people. There are a few problems with this:
★ The most important problem is that the ordinary people are all we have, unless you want a dictatorship.
★ Another problem is that the politicians and the mass media have nearly convinced us that most people are not progressives — that anti-gay-marriage feelings are widespread, that people are overwhelmingly racist, that they don’t believe in climate change and so on. But it isn’t true. The majority of Australians are actually quite knowledgeable and progressive despite the constant blizzard of propaganda blown in our faces from the mainstream media. This is pretty amazing. If we could turn off the tap of propaganda Australians would return to being an even more tolerant and progressive people.
★ Lastly, and this relates to the previous point, during the second world war many ordinary people in Germany thought they were alone in disliking the anti-Jewish, pro-war stand. They were isolated by propaganda and fear and suspicion. We will probably never know what proportion simply went along to avoid discrimination, but were actually opposed to it. It could easily have been the majority who were made to feel like they were alone and in a minority.
★ Oh, another final point. Most people spend their days working hard. They don’t have the time to research the truth about the lies the politicians spout. Most people distrust politicians, but don’t have enough information to know the details. This situation is worsened by the mainstream media pushing constant lies spiced with fear to make people feel powerless and ineffective. You can’t blame the people who are the victims of this nasty arrangement.
Leif if we are talking about the 1950’s I agree with you one hundred percent.
I feel that wave migrants since WWW from different background means this is no longer so.
I have this theory that cultures are never static but forever evolving. We have come a long way since middle last century.
You will ask me, I suspect how we explain the Hansonites, Bernadis and other loud groups.
That could be that they are in reality only small rump of our culture but loud, demanding more attention than they warrant.
They don’t represent in any way the Australian culture today, They by choice stand outside it, refusing to grow in any way,
They belong to the past.
Time we stop selling ourselves short. We can and do still punch above our weigh in many field,
it is time for what I believe to be the majority, take our wide brown land back.
We are better than what is on show now.
Wonderful insightful comments, it gives me hope that we do have a majority of sane rational voters in the electorate.
Most anger expressed by witnesses of the current inbred political class Is based their abject failure to stand up to corporate power. In fact they seem to be the servant rather than the master. The public see this as an abrogation of authority. Also public anger is caused by the frustration and fear being deliberately generated or invented by vested interests for public misdirection on issues like Company tax liabilities, climate change and the sale of public assets. For the sake of profit it is being promoted as News.
As FoxNews puts it, “some people say”…that Ruper Murdoch has contributed more than any other person to the gladatorial nastiness and cash for comment served up as political News on three continents. It is overwhelming in Australia. His papers and TV coverage is far more potent than political party dabbles..
His political interference is ignored by politicians of all stripes in the hope he will leave them alone or they bend a knee if they think he will help them. The public see this as abject cowadice. The murderous personality assassination he is able to meter out to those he dislikes is legend. Why should we have faith in these weak kneed politicians?
Great read, Marcus, and great comments.
Hello Everyone, thanks for your interesting and insightful comments and contributions. I am sure you can guess I have been very disappointed with the main parties for some time. In terms of the LNP my disappointment has morphed into disgust and utter bewilderment at how anyone could vote for them. The last few years I have been working overseas but I have returned recently, partly as a result of wanting to progress the change I think is needed. On a side note I would particularly like to thank David for his comments in that regard and I will certainly follow-up his suggestion. Although I have been waging a campaign on twitter for some time this is the first such post I have made to a site like AIM and I would like to thank them for their support and encouragement.
Thanks again to everyone and I really appreciate all your comments.
Hi Marcus. Well done to a great article.
Oh for such a government!
Well, you used “alternative” correctly one time out of three. I suppose it’s a start.