Ok, just in case you’re confused. It was Julia Banks who was bullied. I’m not talking about the Royal Commission where those pesky people told the major financial institutions that when Dire Straits sang “Money For Nothing”, he didn’t mean it to form part of a business plan.
I’m not sure who takes the prize for the most ironic response to Ms Banks’ decision to pull the plug but I certainly think that both Scott Morrison and Craig Kelly deserve special awards.
Scottie for telling the press that he’d “laid down the law” to his party over bullying. I guess he told them in no uncertain terms that bullying wouldn’t be allowed and if anyone was caught bullying then they’d be… um, bullied into submission by their leader?
However, I think Craig is in a class of his own… Actually, I think Craig is in a world of his own, but his suggestion that she was just not tough enough because, as he put it so eloquently, “You’ve got to roll with the punches in this game.”
I trust that both the punches and the game were metaphoric.
Of course, it’s easy to just go along with the Craig Kelly/Scott Morrison view on this. Julia has announced that she’s not going to seek re-election because she’s been bullied and that’s a shame and it shouldn’t have happened. However, that presupposes that it was her choice and that the bullying wasn’t because some Liberal powerbroker, like say, Christopher Pyne, actually succeeded in his plan to push one of his mates into the seat.
Not that I know that, of course. I’m just speculating. Like I speculated about Malcolm being made PM in 2014. Or Scott Morrison using Peter Dutton to cause the spill, then putting himself up as the compromise candidate.
Nobody has told me anything about Christopher Pyne. I’m just using him as an example. There is no way anyone could imagine him being a bully.
The fact that I live in Julia Banks’ electorate is just a coincidence.