By Noel Wauchope
There’s something dramatically splendid about King Louis XV of France’s famous statement in 1757 – “After me, the deluge”, interpreted to mean that he knew his reign would leave France in a terrible mess, but meanwhile, let’s enjoy the wealth and fun.
Well, I’m not sure that the predicted election win in Australia for the Liberal-National Coalition will result in wealth and fun, but I think that its aftermath will be a mess.
But, in the meantime, as Peter Dutton has now delivered the Coalition’s statement on the costs of its nuclear power plan, Australia can expect a deluge of another kind – the pro-nuclear propaganda. Australia has had a preview of how this will work, in 2023, with the highly successful campaign to defeat the referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
One must give due credit to an American influence – the Atlas Network – for perfecting the spin system. To very briefly outline the work of the Atlas Network: it is a global infrastructure of 500+ ‘Think-Tanks’ including the Centre for Independent Studies, the Institute of Public Affairs and LibertyWorks. Posing as impartial advisers, these “Think Tanks” provide reports and articles designed to direct governments and educational and other social organisations towards policies that improve the profits of big corporations, and remove barriers to their profits. The barriers would be regulations, especially those involved with protecting the environment, and the rights of Indigenous people.
Apart from some funding, and training support, the real focus of the Atlas Network is on LANGUAGE – teaching the stink tanks how to use words to manipulate thinking. George Orwell alerted the world to the way in which fascism uses language, and wrote of “Newspeak”. Now the Atlas Network perfects the method – repetitively using vague and deceptive words to convey a lying message that is aimed at molding public opinion.
Sometimes these words are straight out lies: sometimes just vague words in which the meaning is distorted. The word “elite” is a good example – now used to discredit scientists and other experts so that the public comes to distrust them, and to rubbish their opinions, and their reports, particularly about regulations to protect the environment and Indigenous rights.
FEAR is indeed the currency of the Atlas Network. Fear and distrust of regulations, of officers and organisations involved in human rights and environmental protection. So these stink tanks work to weaken laws, and discredit agencies of human support – such as the United Nations.
Side by side with those messages of fear, come the lying messages of reassurance – for example the story that global heating is not happening, or, if it is, it has nothing to do with human activities such as greenhouse gas emissions. So we don’t need to worry or to do anything to stop these emissions. So we are reassured that nuclear power is “clean “green” “safe” “cheap” “nothing to do with weapons”.
Jeremy Walker explained the process by which the Atlas Network architecture of influence operated in the lead-up to the Voice referendum in 2023.
But we mustn’t let the Americans take all the glory for destroying the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. We have our own Australian spin network – called “Advance”, (sometimes “Advance Australia”). Advance has been around for some years. Financially and ideologically backed by a group of prominent business leaders, Advance’s membership and funding is obscure. Like Atlas, it teaches the think tanks, and some universities, how to word misinformation campaigns about climate change, indigenous rights, and nuclear power. It also spreads these messages via the conventional, and the social media, especially Facebook. Advance is at present working strenuously to discredit and destroy The Greens, the only political party genuinely opposing the nuclear industry.
So – how to deal with the deluge?
Australia has some fine journalists in the mainstream and the alternative media. They are already pointing out the flaws in the Coalition’s argument for nuclear power. Cost seems to be the main one: it is noted that Dutton’s costing is refuted by the CSIRO and the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. Other big factors are delay, the increased greenhouse emissions, the opposition of some rural communities.
So Australia’s reputable commentators are doing a good job, in shining light on what is now the Coalition’s big election policy – nuclear power for Australia.
The anti-nuclear movement has a history of respectfully answering peo-nuclear proponents, sometimes in the same detailed jargonistic language that nuclear physicists and engineers prefer to use. At the political and academic level, they have done so well, providing effective information and detail. However, apart from Helen Caldicott, no-one has been game to spit it out forcefully to the great unwashed. The result is that – being ‘dazzled with science’, we ordinary mortals are inclined to just give up, and “leave it to the experts”.
Australia, the only continent with one national government, is blessed with world-leading renewable energy resources, and is already well on the way to genuinely clean energy, especially in rooftop solar. Australia now has the opportunity to lead the world in this. Our nuclear-free movement can promote the consciousness of a positive clean energy future for Australia, by using clear, forceful, jargon-free messages.
My worry is that there will now be a well-funded barrage of simplistic pro-nuclear propaganda -that will reach people everywhere, of all levels, especially in the outer suburbs and the regions – where everybody is watching Facebook, YouTube etc, and where in the ‘mainstream’, Murdoch media dominates anyway.
Will the nuclear-free movement be able to counteract the Atlas/Advance language methods? Atlas/Advance are so very good at it – using brief, repetitive, misleading language.They have the “hooray” words – “justice”, “life”, “freedom” and those “positives” – “clean” “green” etc. They have the “negatives” – “Hitler, “taxes” – and words used negatively “elites” “bureaucrat”, “government official” and “public servant”. And as well, they use vague, really, almost meaningless words – that waffle, weaken, and obscure the argument- “may” “can” “could” “might”, “arguably”.
We don’t know when the federal election will take place. At the moment, Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan is receiving much media scepticism. But it’s very early days. Advance is already swinging into action – starting with the anti-Greens campaign. The deluge will follow in no time.
But – I’m hoping that sensible people across Australia will have learned from the debacle of the Voice referendum. There are some very sound and thoughtful people out in the regions – where Dutton says that nuclear reactors will be placed, and these people are already resisting in a clear and practical way.
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The local Natz , Dave, has started saying he had a commonwealth parliamentary association study trip on renewables and visiting nuclear power stations in US and Canada and is going to share the wisdom with the upper hunter & NSW
Sluts for money are out, the local conservative political perverted profiteering peanuts, to perpetuate coal and gas burning and we can all go and get stuffed. Ted O’Brien, an even uglier version of mad maggot Morrison, wants to promote current profiteering. Lives are being lost, environmental damage is sever, the future is uncertain but the profiteers know what they want, and it is guaranteed GREED of pose, returns, rewards, good boy pats.
This photo of Barnaby Joyce, taken by Mike Bowers…. epitomises the infantile and ultimately damaging aspect of the political system that we have in this country. That an alcoholic sot such as Joyce can continue to be reelected, to influence policy, to be wined (hah!) and dined in the exclusive echelons of society where the minions dare not tread… bathos personified.
If Potty Boy Dutton is the next PM after the election, we are well and truly fucked! Potty Boy Dutton is an evil bastard who will destroy our democracy!
CIS does not receive funding or training from Atlas. Walker’s junk article had several inaccuracies, including leading people to believe Atlas founded and funds CIS.
The reason that I chose a picture of Ted O’Brien, the Opposition Energy spokesman, rather than their leader, Peter Dutton, is because in one sense, Ted O’Brien is the “power behind the throne”. On the road to running a nuclear fascism, Peter Dutton needs a top spinner. The road to fascism is either a military coup, or an election swindle. Election swindle requires a master propagandist. So Dutton, though quite a fine lying propagandist himself, really needs a special kind of top spinner. Dutton has found his man – Ted O’Brien.
Never losing his cool, O’Brien projects himself to authorities and media as approachable, friendly, and oh so well informed. But in dealing with those who criticise the Opposition’s nuclear pollicy, he’s quite ruthless and unpleasant, uses deceptive tactics, interrupts, distracts and bullies – https://antinuclear.net/2024/12/15/philip-white-exposes-the-bullying-and-dirty-tactics-of-the-liberal-coalitions-nuclear-spin-charlatan-ted-obrien/
Charlatan… such a good word. I think anyone with an active conscience and sense of appropriate behaviour would slink away in shame if thus labelled, but for the spinners that populate the ranks of the Opposition, it’s water off the duck’s back. The shameless apparatchiks with their ruthless ambition to reoccupy the seats of power in the legislative chambers will stoop to any degree of venality, lying, spin, carpet-bagging; they are all of a kind, reptilian, cold-eyed, uncaring, in it for themselves, and clearly we face more years of inevitable suffering and distress should we be unwise enough to hand them the reins at the next election.
Australians, beware; there are snakes in the grass and they’re coming for you!
Noel W has spoken of the unpleasant Ted O’Brien, a totally ignorant front and coating for conservative stupidity, for the conservatives of all types here need donors, money, promises, endorsements, patrons, media lying support, general ignorance and coating, fogging, veiling, covering and camouflage. There is nothing to O’Brien, nothing at all, except negativity and subterfuge. Dutton being reliable only for being unreliable, they make a pair, a sort of image of a prehistoric political scrotum.