Diary entry 27: Wednesday, 13 April 9 2022
1 For this entry into my Election Diary, I shall linger over what might be described as a personal perspective of where our politics sits in 2022.
I have never known a Government and its leader to be so engrossed in corruption and rorting yet said to have a fair chance of winning the next election. I have never known a leader so filled with lies yet said to be a good campaigner. They said the same of Abbott. Perhaps it is the lies that make it so.
But never mind, I have repeatedly said all this and more about Scott Morrison and his party. I fear that as I approach 82, my desire to see Labor given a go will not eventuate, and I probably only have one or two elections left in me. I might even miss my long-held desire for us to become a republic.
After a decade of governance that could best be described as just plain abysmal, I believe that the Australian people might yet elect these corruptors of democracy: A slim chance that haunts me daily. Those who are so distasteful that I feel the bile rising as I write.
John Howard used to say that our people usually get it right. Could the pollsters be wrong yet again?
I’m going to leave it there for this diary entry. To the many loyal readers of my work, which totals ten years in November and thousands of entries, I thank you for your patience, loyalty, and long-suffering.
I know from your comments that you have suffered from this government, as much as I have been infuriated by their hopelessness. You have criticised me where you have thought it warranted, but you have stuck with me for many years.
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I find it impossible to imagine that the Australian people could be so gullible as to elect for a third term a government that has performed so miserably in the first two and has amongst its members some of the most devious, suspicious and corrupt men and women but they did.
This might be my final fight against these destroyers of our way of life. I fight off the need to give them a final spray as I write. The desire is overwhelming, but I have said it all before, so best I leave it for future diary entries as the campaigns get into full swing.
My current view is that Morrison only has a slim chance of victory, though it is much harder for him this time. The government is in much worse shape than they were at the time of the last election.
2 The wrong answer to a simple question or perverted lies. You choose.
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My previous diary entry: Make your vote count: The importance of this election is such that it will determine our future for better or for worse.
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My thought for the day
“The gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages … It measures neither our wit nor our courage; neither our wisdom or our learning; neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country; it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.” (Robert Kennedy, 1968).
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All we can do is put Liberal, Labour and Greens last and just hope and pray!
” … where our politics sits in 2022.”
There was a time I would have said it was sitting on the toilet. It is now way beyond that. It’s not even squatting over a cathole out bush. It’s at the bottom of an immense, foetid cesspit, sinking deeper every day.
JL, I have the same fears. Have the votes of the Australian public been bought by a cheap beads and mirrors budget? Will fear of change out weigh knowledge of Morrison’s many flaws and faults? Will the rusted ons and shallow condem our nation to another and perhaps final term of corrupt government before our unique and arguably flawed federation collapses altogether? If so, it won’t be because you haven’t tried to effect knowledge and positive change.
My thought for the day. ” There are none so blind, as those who will not see”. John Heywood
Anyone care to try and convince me that Scummo and Crony Co. Inc. are going to get the chop at the election because Labor appears to be set to shoot off toes as they bumble around and leave themselves wide open to the machinations of the Rupert/Costello/Stokes meedja and the sleaze and dirt of the Crosby Textor LNP wing. And we’re only four days into the election campaign.
A great contributor. lord, I remember your ‘week that was’. My archives show: “…Its major strength is policy formation. My contention is that this government has performed remarkably well. It is rare to see any government invoke major reform that serves the common good with the frequency this one has. The fact is that they have the front running on major policy reform and it is difficult to see Abbott matching them. They must play hard to these strengths in a way that the media simply cannot ignore. To a degree, they have to play Abbott at his own game.” Well they didn’t, they went back to the white-anting lemon. Then to little billy when the labor choice was albo and, now, 9 years too late, it is albo’s turn. It wasn’t a wrong answer it was the image of a weak unprepared man unable to think on his feet. That is not. Albo! He has 6 weeks to return labor to the gov benches. He must play hard and put the boot in and, above all, he must show ‘strench’
ie his strength and scummo’s stench.
ps the libs cannot ‘see’ because they will not hear nor look but they are not ever going to support labor. Indeed they put the loonies before labor which the bandit hopes will cost labor seats. The distance this hope leads the party is yet to be revealed but it will devastate labor. Kaye like their dentist policy and billionaire tax?.
There are so very few as distinctly profound as Mr John Lord; he offers his hard-won wisdom free to others to evoke their inspiration.
I regard you as a champion Australian writer, I here thank you, John Lord.
Good on Bandt for this put down of a journo trying the now tiresome bullshit “Gotcha.” question. Imagine the screaming, wailing and gnashing of teeth if Albo had said the same thing in reply.
‘Google it’ hardly a put down, so who would be wailing and gnashing, at that, GL? Labor people? The media are already on that track? The bandit was warming up at the press club. He was jubilant with his anti-labor pitch “They have blood on their hands. They have the blood of the people who were trapped in their flooded homes or burnt to death trying to run away from a raging bushfire,” That bullshit should attract more of the city latte labor and “The Greens are aiming to boost their presence in the Senate to as many as twelve senators, as well as increase the number of seats it holds in the House of Representatives to ensure it is in a balance of power position and able to negotiate for its policies following the election.” that should frighten the shit out of enough workers to vote scummo back.
Please Albo be prepared, attack scummo’s lies, his debt and wasted cash on rorts.
Remember the bandit’s agenda is long term so be decisive in governing alone. He is determined and will persist, regardless of how many times labor loses. Their coalition with labor will not be a national party style but on a blackmail bully basis. Labor must stay firm and remember the fact that extremists can say what they like in search of AEC cash, as they have nothing to lose.
wam April 13, 2022 at 6:04 pm
‘Google it’ hardly a put down,
I’m with GL on this.
It might not have been the most clever of put-downs but a put-down it most certainly was ….. you only had to look at the boy reporter’s gawping, distressed face at the end of the exchange to see that he wasn’t expecting any accolades when he went back to the office.
I hope that’s broken the ice and politicians will now slap down the (genuinely!) lazy and/or stupid questions when they arise.
Although that hope probably is is fairyland territory.
What is it with you and your unalloyed, and obsessional, hatred of the Greens, were you bitten by a one years ago at a polling booth?
I feel your dispare JL, I feel it too, I listen to my peers, and hear them repeat some of the most enormous lies spruiked by the MSM, and I realise that they actually believe the lies.
These peers are people who have been workers all their lives, all paid their taxes by direct deduction yet defend the system that allows the to end of town to rort the system and enrich themselves at the expense of the them in the bottom 80% of the income distribution.
Apparently morrison is good at campaigning, and he is but he is even better at telling the most obvious lies, knowing that his audience really are as stupid as he believes them to be !