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ACFID welcomes Australian Government’s reinstatement of funding to UNRWA

Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) Media Release

The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), the peak body for humanitarian and development organisations, welcomes the Australian Government’s announcement to reinstate the funding of the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA).

“This decision is overdue given the urgency of the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and UNRWA’s lifesaving support amongst a population currently on the brink of famine,” said ACFID chief executive Marc Purcell.

“Children are already dying of starvation on the world’s watch. Parachuting aid is not a solution. Five civilians have already died in trying to reach air drops in Gaza, and the aid is only reached by those who are fit and able to do so. Women, children, elderly and people with disability are left behind, those who are sick, injured and starving will not receive this relief.

“It is essential that the Australian Government redoubles its efforts to ensure aid convoys can enter Gaza safely via land. We call on the Australian Government to urge that aid convoys and humanitarian workers are not targeted further by the Israeli defence forces as they seek to assist civilians.”

It has been almost three weeks since the Director of UNRWA in Gaza warned the Australian Government of UNRWA’s pending collapse without donors reinstating their funding. This would have meant the collapse of the entire humanitarian response.

“ACFID has actively advocated for UNRWA’s funding to be reinstated since its suspension, recognizing the vital backbone that UNRWA is in providing the humanitarian response in Gaza and across the region,” said Mr Purcell.

Since the allegations arose, UNRWA actively responded, including with the dismissal of staff alleged to have been involved in the October 7 attack.

Over 31,000 people have now died in Gaza since October 7, thousands more are injured or missing, and more than a quarter of Gaza’s 2.3 million people are estimated to be facing catastrophic levels of deprivation and starvation.

ACFID welcomes the additional funding of $4 million to UNICEF and calls on the Australian Government to continue considering further ongoing funding for the humanitarian response in Gaza, the West Bank & the region, including to Australian NGOs providing crucial and lifesaving assistance.

ACFID continues to call for the Australian Government to publicly advocate for an immediate and permanent ceasefire to prevent further loss of life in Gaza.


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  1. paul walter

    You must wonder what went on behind closed doors to moderate such a hard line against Gazan women and children.

  2. Douglas Pritchard

    It`s depressing to realise that this government responds immediately, and with no apparent reasoning, to “intelligence” flowing from Tel Aviv, via Washington.
    If they want to see delusional, I can lend them books devoted to assuring the inhabitants of Israel, that nothing on this planet should stand in the way of their rights to do whatever is necessary to stay, and expand.
    It really is time to question the unchallenged nonsense coming out of Israel, and its delusional followers.

  3. Clakka

    In Oz, this business appears, to say the least, cruel and weird. Shades of just toadying to Uncle Sam’s hegemon, regardless. Just meaningless blather and ilogic spewing forth. Thank goodness Oz lawyers issued a referral of complicity to the ICC. The recent reversal mid-trip of Gazan women & children temp (tourist) visa to Oz has been met with a meaningless blather by departmental reps and Wong. Albanese seems to have just turned his head away.

    The mainstream reportage in Oz of these matters has been piss-weak and toadying. Is it the Oz ‘I’m alright, Jack’ laziness that fails to demand journalists persist, dig deeper and put pressure on all these peddlers of obscurity? Detailed answers in terms of Oz and International law are what we are entitled to.

    One can only conclude that there’s political slimeyness at play.

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