Kaye describes herself as a middle-aged woman in jammies. She knew Tony Abbott when they both attended Sydney University where she studied for a Bachelor of Science. After 20 years teaching mathematics, with the introduction of the GST in 2000, she became a ‘feral accountant’ for the small business that she and her husband own. Kaye uses her research skills “to pass on information, to join the dots, to remember what has been said and done and to remind others, and to do the maths.”
Great song. Can’t say the same about the suppositories.
Kaye, I think it’s an insult calling those horrible blights on Australia “suppositories”. Suppositories have a purpose, they are used to clear blockages and impacted faeces from the body. These two, however, are the impacted shit in politics that we can well do without.
“[Cory Bernardi] is a show pony with no substance, with an ugly political agenda, and good riddance to him if he does quit the party,” the Coalition MP said.
“Cory is deluded,” says a Liberal Party colleague. “He is one of the least effective or important members of the parliamentary team. Cory is a person without any intellect, without any base, and he should really never have risen above the position of branch president. His right-wing macho-man act is just his way of looking as though he stands for something.”
“He has no record of note in politics; he has hidden under the umbrella of the Liberal Party for years and, if he was to walk down the main street of Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane, not one person would recognise him,” Mr Kennett told ABC morning radio. “This is an individual who, for some ego-driven reason, believes he has the answers to the world; he does not.”
And that’s just what his colleagues think of him…..
I got this from an old former wharfie/commo mate who occasionally comments on IA. unsure of author or where it originated but it sums up the year quite nicely
I love this bloody country
this land of booze and honey
of Opera House and Harbour Bridge
of shearing shed ’n’ dunny
I love this bloody country
where the sea is full of sharks
where there’s redbacks on the toilet seat
where your car gets booked by narks
I love our bloody country
this island Gert by sea
of rabbit, snake and cane toad
and the eucalyptic tree
Where your pollies are all ratbags
either that or on the take
where it’s hard to tell the difference
between reality and Rake
Where your team gets trounced each Saturday
and your pub runs out of beer
where you’re bank-robbed by the CBA
and nagged by Germaine Greer
I love this bloody country
of drought and flood and fire
with asylum seekers welcomed
with lots of razor wire
Where bigotry is Brandis’d,
and tolerance? A mockery,
thanks to ranting, raving racists
in the ranks of our shock-jockery
I love this bloody country
this land we call Australia
which has an awful anthem
coz Australia rhymes with failure
Australian stories end in woe
Or in acute embarrassment
like Gallipoli and Burke & Wills
and Rolf’s revolting harassment
(Another woeful ending’s
in our national song
when a suicidal swaggie
drowns in a billabong.)
I love this bloody country
where nothing could be finer
than to have the place exported
by some rapacious miner
Our commonwealth of minerals
by legislative stealth
goes to Clives and Ginas
to create uncommon wealth
And while Gina counts her billions
we must count the cost
in budget cuts to everything
because of taxes lost
Once Australian megawealth
was the gift of the merino
now it comes from human sheep
fleeced in James’ casino
Why salute the Union Jack
on our patriotic rag?
a Dickies towel or galvo sheet
would make a prouder flag
(The Queen’s a nice old lady
but it’s really time to ditch her
– better that our head of state
was someone like Lowitja.)
I love this bloody country
where all our famous brands
from Vegemite to Qantas
are flogged to foreign lands
And where our trad Australian slang
(drongo, dinky-di ’n’ dingo)
is forgotten in the rush
to Coca-culture lingo
I love this bloody country
it really could be worse
when this ancient columnist
goes from bad to verse
And these jerks give all the indications that they are calling the shots in the government allegedly led by Mr.Harbourside Mansion !
Where to from here, Oz ?
These two RWNJs should either “piss” or get off the potty! I’d love to see them form their own party (lower house) and takes their mates with them. My guess is that the number of votes they would get could be counted on one hand.
the sooner they go, the better for the rest of us
No let them stay. They show up every day what this government is. That is if one can call them a government.
But, but,,,,,,suppositories are useful….you must have the suppository and arsehole mixed up?
Merry Christmas, John. It’s writers like you, Kay Lee, John Kelly, Rossleigh and more that puts this site head and shoulders above all others.
“suppositories are useful” What brand do we need to rid ourselves of a bad tenant?
Merry Christmas everyone
Love your articles…please keep em coming in 2017…Happy Xmas and New Year
Thanks Kaye. and I was just telling my friends to ‘live it up’ because we don’t have long to live…
People like that killed this writers faith in humanity a long while ago.
So,Rod Culleton has been found by the Federal Court to be bankrupt – quite simple really when you don’t pay your debts – so by s44 of the Constitution it’s ‘on your bike Rod’.
But the Court have given him 21 days to resolve his situation before making the judgement binding ; presumably by paying his debts or finding a white knight to pay them for him he could make the situation go away.
Question is, is the continued presence of Culleton in the Senate so critical to our democratic arrangements for somebody to front-up on his behalf now that he is an independent ?
And will Pauline let his brother-in-law take his place which is what Antony Green is suggesting might happen.
The brother-in-law might have some difficulties himself – as I understand it he went guarantor for Rod. But he may have deep pockets.
Hanson of course has made so much money out of elections, she could rescue him but won’t. Can’t see any white knights on the horizon – he’s too erratic.
He’s a machine – just ask his wife.
I read that Hansons replacing Culleton not be as simple it seems. 1 It is still to be decided if he was indeed eligible to stand in the first place 2 Filling casual vacancies may not fit if the LNP and their Courts play hard ball. The deal is the Party could nominate the person to fill the vacancy but as Culleton has done the right thing and notified everyone in writing Labor,PHON, LNP ,Senate etc that he is an Independent, and no connection with PHON, why would PHON have a right to name a replacement? Could Culleton name a replacement Independent? Could the LNP pull an Albert Fields? All hypothecical but far from cut and dried
Kaye Lee, thanks for all your great articles and merry xmas. Re the Mahatma Ganhdi quote ‘the ocean does not become dirty’.. Humans have always thought the ocean so vast and plentiful it could never be depleted. Sadly, we are screwing the oceans big time to the point of collapse. I think if the wonderful Mahatma was alive today he would use a different analogy. He could replace ocean with universe.
Section 15 of the Constitution requires that in the event of a senate vacancy :
‘Where a vacancy has at any time occurred in the place of a senator chosen by the people of a State and, at the time when he was so chosen, he was publicly recognised by a particular political party as being an endorsed candidate of that party and publicly represented himself to be such a candidate, a person chosen or appointed under this section in consequence of that vacancy, or in consequence of that vacancy and a subsequent vacancy or vacancies, shall, unless there is no member of that party available to be chosen or appointed, be a member of that party.’
So, it seems that the Culleton seat will go to a One Nation candidate as clearly when he was voted in it was as a One Nation Senator.
Culleton has no role in nominating his replacement, it is done by the WA state government or if they are not in session, the state governor after being notified by the President of the Senate.
Hope it also raises questions about Abbott’s time staying with the AFP.
Just about every criminal case born out of the TURC has failed. The early election it was an excuse for has given us a terrible dysfunctional government and the ABCC it spawned is little more than a lemon.
Maybe we might find out when Abbott met Jackson and what role he had is whole saga, The ex deputy assistant commissioner FWA appointed by Abbott was son of dad’s mate. Has sons in police force as well I believe. Have seen photo of Jackson before she left her husband with both in it families.
Why hasn’t Blewitt been charged. Admitted he buried the money. Not sure Gillard’s boyfriend has case to answer. So many unanswered questions.
I have two reasons for wanting Culleton to stay:
1) to remain a thorn in Hanson’s side and in turn, the Coalition 2) to back Labor’s and the Greens’ call for the Bank Royal Commission.
Kaye:“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
Unfortunately the world is much smaller now, So too is the Ocean. And its murky and polluted. Faith has been lost.
For those who’ve been waiting for the T-shirt to begin a conversation, here it is.
nurses1968, I really admire your poetry and comments.
Why is it tempting. Just wear the damn thing to coffee and watch the conversation develop.
Well Ok,
since you put it like that, it would be tempting if I could swiftly afford the $33 to buy it! Sorry, if that offends!
townsvilleblog Thanks but I can take absolutely NO credit for the poetry which comes from my boss and an old mate who helps out on the property when the boss is away and comments on IA This one, for you Solidarity Stand Firm ! (1913)
Stand firm, and stand together, All ye who work for bread; Stand firm, and stand together, For the living and the dead!– For the welfare of the Present, And the days that are to be, For the honor of the heroes Who have died for you and me. Stand firm and stand together, Tempestuous is the weather, And our Flag is floating free!
Now in the ranks of Labor Be no dividing creed, For every man’s a neighbor, And all are One in need. No cleaving castes or races Our unity must spoil; One common Cause embraces All who for others toil,–
The miner grimed and gritty, The groom in livery drest, The spruce clerk of the city, The stalwart of the West; The sailor on the water, The weaver at the loom, The toiler’s pallid daughter In the sweater’s living tomb;
The brown earth’s humble tiller, The wise man teaching truth, The slow and peaceful miller, The eager rebel youth; And the artist and the poet, Though their hands be soft and white, For they plough the soul, and sow it With the golden seed of Right.
Wide are these avocations, Yet one supreme Cause links The low with the higher stations–, The clod with the man who thinks; The Cause, men live, and die for, That makes brave hearts elate With the hope of the days we sigh for, And the end of the days we hate.
While’er we stand united No foe shall work us ill, But evil shall be righted By our concentred will. Dark clouds may on us lour The sun sink down aghast, But Unity hath power To quell the thunderblast. Stand firm, then! stand together, All ye who toil for bread; Tempestuous is the weather, And our Flag flies overhead And the workers flag is red
From the Wagga NSW Newspaper the Worker Thursday 1 May 1913 first published in the Brisbane edition of the Worker in 1906 it bore the title “Solidarity”
I am remarkably thick skinned. I can’t afford the $10 per month I send to Michael either. Doesn’t stop it happening.
Seriously, if I were to lose sleep over that, I would be quite useless here and anywhere else I express an opinion which is not shared expressly by the ruling classes.
The same message to the suppositories still applies, as it did on 1 May 1913,
except now it must also come from the voices of our more diversely mixed society of women and men of different cultures, socio-economic circumstances and political affiliations on the Left and Centre of the political spectrum,
who share the same disgust for neoliberalism and all the inequities it has wrought on us for 30+ years.
Go The ALLiance of the Greens, Labor Left, progressive parties far and wide and sane Independents!
instead of having a go at me, save your venom for the dinosaurs, who have further inflicted torture on those seeking asylum (as the T-shirts correctly identify).
Dear Jennifer Meyer-Smith,
I am certain you can imagine that somewhere in what I said, was me having a go at you. I am confident that you would feel that, no matter how I were to phrase a question requesting an idea of what/where I said something which did that. So I won’t.
I will ask however, that you refrain from injecting your imaginings into anything I am dopey enough to write which you feel may either be of interest to you, or of common interest to us as members of species shared.
I accept, that as a man, I am unlikely ever to reach anything resembling a positive to you, and I can live with that.
I remain, as ever, completely nonplussed.
Sir ScotchMistery
Jennifer Meyer-Smith How about we both make a New Years resolution,I promise never to mention the never to happen ALLiance again if you don’t
only if you come out as cornlegend. But then, I might have to renege coz The ALLiance is far more important.
fine with me, matey. Shit on your allies. Stay in your little, narrow ivory tower.
Jennifer Meyer-Smith you and your conspiracies I said in an earlier comment that Cornie had walked away from politics completely, believing the so called progressives were their own worst enemy and LNP would rule for at least another term or two,but if you must have your fantasies who am I to get in the way
Is there a strain here of people who see the alternative liberal party led by Bill Shorten et al as a government different in any way to that of the current moron in the lodge?
If so, we are doomed.
And JMS lay off. If you had taken the time to read anything I’ve ever written here you would know how pissant that comment is.
@nurses – totally agree.
cornlegend/nurses 6981,
you are sounding more and more like a highly paid political appatchik for the Labor fuzzy wuzzy fizzles, who wouldn’t know how to fight their way out of a paperbag and thus depend on you to show them the way.
The longer YOU can keep them in the nether zone of darkness, the better for you and your cushy salary.
The ALLiance will happen regardless of what you say.
I have not previously doubted your alternative thinking to the neoliberalist Lib/Lab dinosaur duopoly.
However, I admit I was taken aback by your attack of me and you got it back. Was it you quoting the pot calling the kettle black imagery?
Allies should act like allies and not let their egos get in the way.
By the way, I am a highly qualified UN-employed almost 60yo woman with much desire to work in meaningful employment consistent with the education I have taken much time and financial resources to achieve and I am reluctant to spread my mean Newstart pittance especially at this time of year. Your barb earlier was un-called for.
For any of you other arseholes, who didn’t previously realise this about me and yet would not care to understand how desperate it is for the vulnerable in unemployment and under-employment on Newstart, I hope you had shitful Christmases but I hope I can come to wish you Happy New Years (but it’s not looking too good right now.)
plural apparatchiks also apparatchikiplay \-chi-kē\
1 : a member of a Communist apparat
2 : a blindly devoted official, follower, or member of an organization (as a corporation or political party)
Thanks for the lesson, Terry2. Most kind.
I’m sure nurses56992200/cornlegend knows who I’m referring to and the point I’m making.
Great song. Can’t say the same about the suppositories.
Kaye, I think it’s an insult calling those horrible blights on Australia “suppositories”. Suppositories have a purpose, they are used to clear blockages and impacted faeces from the body. These two, however, are the impacted shit in politics that we can well do without.
“[Cory Bernardi] is a show pony with no substance, with an ugly political agenda, and good riddance to him if he does quit the party,” the Coalition MP said.
“Cory is deluded,” says a Liberal Party colleague. “He is one of the least effective or important members of the parliamentary team. Cory is a person without any intellect, without any base, and he should really never have risen above the position of branch president. His right-wing macho-man act is just his way of looking as though he stands for something.”
“He has no record of note in politics; he has hidden under the umbrella of the Liberal Party for years and, if he was to walk down the main street of Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane, not one person would recognise him,” Mr Kennett told ABC morning radio. “This is an individual who, for some ego-driven reason, believes he has the answers to the world; he does not.”
And that’s just what his colleagues think of him…..
I got this from an old former wharfie/commo mate who occasionally comments on IA.
unsure of author or where it originated but it sums up the year quite nicely
I love this bloody country
this land of booze and honey
of Opera House and Harbour Bridge
of shearing shed ’n’ dunny
I love this bloody country
where the sea is full of sharks
where there’s redbacks on the toilet seat
where your car gets booked by narks
I love our bloody country
this island Gert by sea
of rabbit, snake and cane toad
and the eucalyptic tree
Where your pollies are all ratbags
either that or on the take
where it’s hard to tell the difference
between reality and Rake
Where your team gets trounced each Saturday
and your pub runs out of beer
where you’re bank-robbed by the CBA
and nagged by Germaine Greer
I love this bloody country
of drought and flood and fire
with asylum seekers welcomed
with lots of razor wire
Where bigotry is Brandis’d,
and tolerance? A mockery,
thanks to ranting, raving racists
in the ranks of our shock-jockery
I love this bloody country
this land we call Australia
which has an awful anthem
coz Australia rhymes with failure
Australian stories end in woe
Or in acute embarrassment
like Gallipoli and Burke & Wills
and Rolf’s revolting harassment
(Another woeful ending’s
in our national song
when a suicidal swaggie
drowns in a billabong.)
I love this bloody country
where nothing could be finer
than to have the place exported
by some rapacious miner
Our commonwealth of minerals
by legislative stealth
goes to Clives and Ginas
to create uncommon wealth
And while Gina counts her billions
we must count the cost
in budget cuts to everything
because of taxes lost
Once Australian megawealth
was the gift of the merino
now it comes from human sheep
fleeced in James’ casino
Why salute the Union Jack
on our patriotic rag?
a Dickies towel or galvo sheet
would make a prouder flag
(The Queen’s a nice old lady
but it’s really time to ditch her
– better that our head of state
was someone like Lowitja.)
I love this bloody country
where all our famous brands
from Vegemite to Qantas
are flogged to foreign lands
And where our trad Australian slang
(drongo, dinky-di ’n’ dingo)
is forgotten in the rush
to Coca-culture lingo
I love this bloody country
it really could be worse
when this ancient columnist
goes from bad to verse
And these jerks give all the indications that they are calling the shots in the government allegedly led by Mr.Harbourside Mansion !
Where to from here, Oz ?
These two RWNJs should either “piss” or get off the potty! I’d love to see them form their own party (lower house) and takes their mates with them. My guess is that the number of votes they would get could be counted on one hand.
the sooner they go, the better for the rest of us
No let them stay. They show up every day what this government is. That is if one can call them a government.
But, but,,,,,,suppositories are useful….you must have the suppository and arsehole mixed up?
Merry Christmas, John. It’s writers like you, Kay Lee, John Kelly, Rossleigh and more that puts this site head and shoulders above all others.
“suppositories are useful” What brand do we need to rid ourselves of a bad tenant?
Merry Christmas everyone
Love your articles…please keep em coming in 2017…Happy Xmas and New Year
Thanks Kaye. and I was just telling my friends to ‘live it up’ because we don’t have long to live…
People like that killed this writers faith in humanity a long while ago.
So,Rod Culleton has been found by the Federal Court to be bankrupt – quite simple really when you don’t pay your debts – so by s44 of the Constitution it’s ‘on your bike Rod’.
But the Court have given him 21 days to resolve his situation before making the judgement binding ; presumably by paying his debts or finding a white knight to pay them for him he could make the situation go away.
Question is, is the continued presence of Culleton in the Senate so critical to our democratic arrangements for somebody to front-up on his behalf now that he is an independent ?
And will Pauline let his brother-in-law take his place which is what Antony Green is suggesting might happen.
The brother-in-law might have some difficulties himself – as I understand it he went guarantor for Rod. But he may have deep pockets.
Hanson of course has made so much money out of elections, she could rescue him but won’t. Can’t see any white knights on the horizon – he’s too erratic.
He’s a machine – just ask his wife.
I read that Hansons replacing Culleton not be as simple it seems.
1 It is still to be decided if he was indeed eligible to stand in the first place
2 Filling casual vacancies may not fit if the LNP and their Courts play hard ball.
The deal is the Party could nominate the person to fill the vacancy but as Culleton has done the right thing and notified everyone in writing Labor,PHON, LNP ,Senate etc that he is an Independent, and no connection with PHON, why would PHON have a right to name a replacement?
Could Culleton name a replacement Independent?
Could the LNP pull an Albert Fields?
All hypothecical but far from cut and dried
Kaye Lee, thanks for all your great articles and merry xmas. Re the Mahatma Ganhdi quote ‘the ocean does not become dirty’.. Humans have always thought the ocean so vast and plentiful it could never be depleted. Sadly, we are screwing the oceans big time to the point of collapse. I think if the wonderful Mahatma was alive today he would use a different analogy. He could replace ocean with universe.
Section 15 of the Constitution requires that in the event of a senate vacancy :
‘Where a vacancy has at any time occurred in the place of a senator chosen by the people of a State and, at the time when he was so chosen, he was publicly recognised by a particular political party as being an endorsed candidate of that party and publicly represented himself to be such a candidate, a person chosen or appointed under this section in consequence of that vacancy, or in consequence of that vacancy and a subsequent vacancy or vacancies, shall, unless there is no member of that party available to be chosen or appointed, be a member of that party.’
So, it seems that the Culleton seat will go to a One Nation candidate as clearly when he was voted in it was as a One Nation Senator.
Culleton has no role in nominating his replacement, it is done by the WA state government or if they are not in session, the state governor after being notified by the President of the Senate.
It might just be a Happy New Year after all.
That’s huge, Mobius.
Hope it also raises questions about Abbott’s time staying with the AFP.
Just about every criminal case born out of the TURC has failed. The early election it was an excuse for has given us a terrible dysfunctional government and the ABCC it spawned is little more than a lemon.
Maybe we might find out when Abbott met Jackson and what role he had is whole saga, The ex deputy assistant commissioner FWA appointed by Abbott was son of dad’s mate. Has sons in police force as well I believe. Have seen photo of Jackson before she left her husband with both in it families.
Why hasn’t Blewitt been charged. Admitted he buried the money. Not sure Gillard’s boyfriend has case to answer. So many unanswered questions.
I have two reasons for wanting Culleton to stay:
1) to remain a thorn in Hanson’s side and in turn, the Coalition
2) to back Labor’s and the Greens’ call for the Bank Royal Commission.
Kaye:“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
Unfortunately the world is much smaller now, So too is the Ocean. And its murky and polluted. Faith has been lost.
For those who’ve been waiting for the T-shirt to begin a conversation, here it is.
That is very tempting, SSM
nurses1968, I really admire your poetry and comments.
Why is it tempting. Just wear the damn thing to coffee and watch the conversation develop.
Well Ok,
since you put it like that, it would be tempting if I could swiftly afford the $33 to buy it! Sorry, if that offends!
Thanks but I can take absolutely NO credit for the poetry which comes from my boss and an old mate who helps out on the property when the boss is away and comments on IA
This one, for you
Stand Firm ! (1913)
Stand firm, and stand together,
All ye who work for bread;
Stand firm, and stand together,
For the living and the dead!–
For the welfare of the Present,
And the days that are to be,
For the honor of the heroes
Who have died for you and me.
Stand firm and stand together,
Tempestuous is the weather,
And our Flag is floating free!
Now in the ranks of Labor
Be no dividing creed,
For every man’s a neighbor,
And all are One in need.
No cleaving castes or races
Our unity must spoil;
One common Cause embraces
All who for others toil,–
The miner grimed and gritty,
The groom in livery drest,
The spruce clerk of the city,
The stalwart of the West;
The sailor on the water,
The weaver at the loom,
The toiler’s pallid daughter
In the sweater’s living tomb;
The brown earth’s humble tiller,
The wise man teaching truth,
The slow and peaceful miller,
The eager rebel youth;
And the artist and the poet,
Though their hands be soft and white,
For they plough the soul, and sow it
With the golden seed of Right.
Wide are these avocations,
Yet one supreme Cause links
The low with the higher stations–,
The clod with the man who thinks;
The Cause, men live, and die for,
That makes brave hearts elate
With the hope of the days we sigh for,
And the end of the days we hate.
While’er we stand united
No foe shall work us ill,
But evil shall be righted
By our concentred will.
Dark clouds may on us lour
The sun sink down aghast,
But Unity hath power
To quell the thunderblast.
Stand firm, then! stand together,
All ye who toil for bread;
Tempestuous is the weather,
And our Flag flies overhead
And the workers flag is red
From the Wagga NSW Newspaper the Worker Thursday 1 May 1913
first published in the Brisbane edition of the Worker in 1906 it bore the title “Solidarity”
I am remarkably thick skinned. I can’t afford the $10 per month I send to Michael either. Doesn’t stop it happening.
Seriously, if I were to lose sleep over that, I would be quite useless here and anywhere else I express an opinion which is not shared expressly by the ruling classes.
The same message to the suppositories still applies, as it did on 1 May 1913,
except now it must also come from the voices of our more diversely mixed society of women and men of different cultures, socio-economic circumstances and political affiliations on the Left and Centre of the political spectrum,
who share the same disgust for neoliberalism and all the inequities it has wrought on us for 30+ years.
Go The ALLiance of the Greens,
Labor Left,
progressive parties far and wide
and sane Independents!
instead of having a go at me, save your venom for the dinosaurs, who have further inflicted torture on those seeking asylum (as the T-shirts correctly identify).
Dear Jennifer Meyer-Smith,
I am certain you can imagine that somewhere in what I said, was me having a go at you. I am confident that you would feel that, no matter how I were to phrase a question requesting an idea of what/where I said something which did that. So I won’t.
I will ask however, that you refrain from injecting your imaginings into anything I am dopey enough to write which you feel may either be of interest to you, or of common interest to us as members of species shared.
I accept, that as a man, I am unlikely ever to reach anything resembling a positive to you, and I can live with that.
I remain, as ever, completely nonplussed.
Sir ScotchMistery
Jennifer Meyer-Smith
How about we both make a New Years resolution,I promise never to mention the never to happen ALLiance again if you don’t
only if you come out as cornlegend. But then, I might have to renege coz The ALLiance is far more important.
fine with me, matey. Shit on your allies. Stay in your little, narrow ivory tower.
Jennifer Meyer-Smith
you and your conspiracies
I said in an earlier comment that Cornie had walked away from politics completely, believing the so called progressives were their own worst enemy and LNP would rule for at least another term or two,but if you must have your fantasies who am I to get in the way
Is there a strain here of people who see the alternative liberal party led by Bill Shorten et al as a government different in any way to that of the current moron in the lodge?
If so, we are doomed.
And JMS lay off. If you had taken the time to read anything I’ve ever written here you would know how pissant that comment is.
@nurses – totally agree.
cornlegend/nurses 6981,
you are sounding more and more like a highly paid political appatchik for the Labor fuzzy wuzzy fizzles, who wouldn’t know how to fight their way out of a paperbag
and thus depend on you to show them the way.
The longer YOU can keep them in the nether zone of darkness, the better for you and your cushy salary.
The ALLiance will happen regardless of what you say.
I have not previously doubted your alternative thinking to the neoliberalist Lib/Lab dinosaur duopoly.
However, I admit I was taken aback by your attack of me and you got it back. Was it you quoting the pot calling the kettle black imagery?
Allies should act like allies and not let their egos get in the way.
By the way, I am a highly qualified UN-employed almost 60yo woman with much desire to work in meaningful employment consistent with the education I have taken much time and financial resources to achieve and I am reluctant to spread my mean Newstart pittance especially at this time of year. Your barb earlier was un-called for.
For any of you other arseholes, who didn’t previously realise this about me and yet would not care to understand how desperate it is for the vulnerable in unemployment and under-employment on Newstart, I hope you had shitful Christmases but I hope I can come to wish you Happy New Years (but it’s not looking too good right now.)
plural apparatchiks also apparatchikiplay \-chi-kē\
1 : a member of a Communist apparat
2 : a blindly devoted official, follower, or member of an organization (as a corporation or political party)
Thanks for the lesson, Terry2. Most kind.
I’m sure nurses56992200/cornlegend knows who I’m referring to and the point I’m making.