Editors note: At The AIMN, we take people’s criticisms seriously, even if inflammatory. Although Morrie Moneyweather conveys little interest, The AIMN’s policy is to publish other points of view. We don’t in the least think we have ownership of any righteousness.
Oi. Michael Taylor,
I know I haven’t written for a couple of years Mr Taylor and I wouldn’t have except many of your writers have gone to far and I mean the crome domed one who writes all that filth about a government that we should be all thanking God for. He is so popular that his name escapes me. Thank the Lord. John Lord thats hin. I mean there is just no limit to how far he will stoop, no gutter to low to slide into, no sewer to murky for him to loosen himself in
It really irrites me. All this criticism of a man who has devoted his life to God and the community. I mean, no vunder people are so well off these days and you left wing latte sipping loonies of the proletariat. The chardonnay drinking Bolsheviks without any intelligence. Allyou can do was criticise a few grammamatical errors in my last piece of considered thought.
Barnaby was right your all just a lot of commies. The thing is, you commies don’t understand the fundamentals of conversation.
The free market and capitalism. Conservatives (LNP) believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty and traditional values. We believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals unhindered by government regulations. Is that clear.
Just before I go on. I read that piece by John Lord abouy covid19 and really, he needs to take his hand of it.
Fair dinkum. He wouldn’t know shit from clay. I’d suggest he takesa hold of himself. Life is life and death is death. How’s that for a deep philosoxiful thought Mr Taylor. Pass that on to the old bald bugger.
Personally I don’t think Scott went far enough. He should have banned you commies as well.
And all his bullshit about Scott overlooking the order for the pricks. God only knows there’s enough in the country as it is.
I mean everyone knows that their will be plenty of work after the pandemic. Let her rip I say. Then there will be jobs for everyone. All my sons at Melbourne Gramma will got jobs this year. My son Erwin is repeating year 12 vagain, but that’s not the only thing repeating on me.
And everyone noe’s we need to be free to pursue whatever they like to pursue be it wealth, SEX or government handouts like job keeper.
I mean I needed the freedom to accept my inheritance. The same with Gina. There will always be haves and have nots. Even Jesus said that. And Ronald Regan said. If we keep giving more money to the rich, everyone will have more money. It’s called tickle down economics. Funny that.
Its always worked and always will. The poor will just have to wait a little longer to see it work.
Patience is a virtue. The poor need to get that into there Thick heads.
Conservatives were born to control capitol. Labour comes after capital. Not everyone can be effluent.
Had we had less regulation and let market forces have their way we wouldn’t have had a Global Financial Crisis. Remember that and Swanee paid A hundred thousand dollars to be named Treasurer of the year.
THAY, lABOUR wreckoned they handled so well. Now look at the mess Scott has to get the world out of. We need more men like Scott.
Has Australia ever, so wisely, elected a man so positive about the countries future and exprecced it so clearly.? A person with such truth and transparency. A leader in every respect. So sensitive to those who cannot help themselves. So willing to endorse and foster equality. So knoweggible of technology and science. So aware to the needs of women. there Prime Sinister. So adeptt at policy formation and its implementation. Did ya notice my use of diplomatic language words. (That’s what a private education gives you)
Now what was the point I wanted to make. Or was it points. Could you get Lord to lay off Porter. He has nough problems. I mean what is it with women these days. Almays complaining. women should be obscene and not heard.
And talking about lies. How stupid people can be. Scott is of the finest examples of honesty one could ever meat.
Anyway I don’t mind wealthy people so long as they aren’t as wealthy as me. If that makes sence.or do you want me to spell it out.
I can only speak the truth Michael Taylor. There is no need to be so bloody cruel.I know there are loads of me letters you haven’t posted. No wonder 18c needs to be changed.
I have feelings you know. Even if I am wealthy. I think you are so bloody mean that if I paid you a compliment you would probably ask for a receipt.
Speaking of reciets I must get one from Dam Murphys for that dozen bottles of 62 Grange.Bloody decent drop that one.
You’re disrespect is just revolting. I think you’re that dumb that you must be three bricks short of a load or not the full two bobs worth. Either that or your three sanwhiches short of a picnic. See I can throw shit tooo.
And most of the comments had to be a joke – no-one can be that stupid and arrogant, unless they are members of the Greens. Even Pauline knows that climit has something to do with a ladder.
I could describe you as a pain in the neck but I have a much lower opinion of you.
There were so manny comments regarding my last letter. All of them in such poor taste that I feel I cannot avail myself to share my wisdom with you again. I can only hope and pray that someday the working classes will come to their senses and show their appreciation for the effluence we share.
John Lord just keeps hurling insults every day. Never a fact to back up his lying. Just wild claims about anything that suits him. I mean he he thinks he has some sort of influenza over people. Fancy saying that Scott doesn’t have a plan. His words have a wiff of effluence about them. The Lord that is.
Scotts plan is to stay in power so that the rich can support the poor and those who get the covid. All with whatever is left over after all our expenses are catered for. After all there are a lot of costs in being rich. I mean what’s wrong with that.
I new there was somethink I missed.m Might I suggest that the writers on this blog try a bit less bias otherwise they will end up like the ABC. Christ don’t start me on them dicks. My son Nigel would like that. I have no malcontent toward anyone. Just try to be more fair and give credit where credits dew. Try to be objective and nondiscriminatory. Then we con have some real intercourse. Fair bloody dinkum your crap blog is getting worser
All your writers av little to say and all the time in the world to say it.
Take all the things Scott wants to do for the Country. No one understands his motives. Well Labor doesn’t. All they do is critic. I was talking to my Financial Adviser the other day and he reckons they are all just jealous.I know I inherited mine and I had the best of education. Well I will say it again. All they have to do is get off their collective arses and get a job. God only knows sCOTT is providing enough of them.
And what about the climate. I mean have we ever had a prime minister so on top of the sciences. I mean look at wht he is going to do for it. All the new technologies that he will invent. He knows more about everythink. You ask him. He has plans to have a fleet of subs to put all the stuff underwater by 2050. Hows that for imaginative thinking.He will even disclose what’s under the kilt when he gets to Scotland.
While Im at it and this is the mane reason I have written is to comment on the stuppiddy of that fellow John Lord. I told him last time that he needs a manager because hes been handling himself to long. Then he emailed bak to say he was to old to handel anything.The eldest son Miles laughed and said said he did though.
I have no idea what he meant. Jees he pisses me of. Stupid old bald headed bastard ought to get a grip of himself.
Yours Faithfully
Morrie from Malvern.
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