In case you missed it, there was an announcement by the temporary, care-taker, acting prime minister today:
People of Australia, it gives me great pleasure to announce that after careful consideration and a couple of schooners and a takeaway Chinese with my good friend Clive Palmer, that we have agreed on what we are calling a marriage of compatible interests. Which means, to adopt a phrase coined by Barnaby Joyce, we are getting into bed together with Mr Palmer’s United Australia Party.
After detailed analysis of our respective policies, we find that the Liberal Party of Australia has much in common with Mr Palmer’s United Australia Party and that we have ideologies and philosophies that are in alignment and that allow us to swap preferences in the upcoming election.
Many of you will be asking does this mean that we are looking at a three-way coalition but that is very much jumping the gun as we don’t yet know if the National Party will still be a party after the election and, of course, we will need to take into account the wishes of my very good friend Pauline Hanson, with whom I will be sharing a Chardonnay and a Vindaloo later.
I hear you say, does this mean that Clive Palmer could become the deputy prime minister of Australia? Well, that’s not as outrageous as it at first appears as, you may recall, we actually had Barnaby Joyce as deputy prime minister at one stage. That, of course, didn’t work out as, whilst we are a broad-church in the Liberal party that doesn’t mean that we condone our coalition partner playing hide-the-sausage in the vestry. No indeed, we take a very dim view of that.
Now, any questions?
Reporter: So, prime minister what you seem to be saying is that, to hold onto power, you are prepared to enter into a coalition with just about anybody be it One Nation, Palmer United, the Nationals?
PM: That just about sums it up: you see, a vote for me and Clive and that bloke from the National party and Pauline means stable government and a vote for the Labor party means you get Bill Shorten (yuck !)
Reporter: You had previously said of Clive Palmer that he was a despicable toad who dudded his own employees, who had the worst record for parliamentary attendance of any member since federation and now he’s your best buddy?
PM: Is there a question there?
Reporter: Which are the policies and philosophies that you share with Mr Palmer?
PM: We both hate the Labor party and we both love power.
Reporter: Haven’t you sold out on everything that Bob Menzies stood for and the principles by which John Howard was guided in his years at the helm?
PM: Bob who? principles? John Howard ?- you’re making no sense, are you from the ABC?
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The ideology in common is Mr. Palmer wants his Galilee Basin mine and Mr. Morrison wants to give it to him.
Clive Palmer came into parliament to get rid of the carbon tax and the mining tax because he had a very large bill that he had refused to pay (as is Clive’s way) and was in the middle of a lawsuit against the carbon price.
You can be absolutely certain that Clive has an agenda to reduce corporate taxes and taxes for wealthy people and to get government funding and approval for his business interests like coal in the Galilee.
He had the worst attendance record of any MP – it’s not like he actually is interested in politics.
But hey, ProMo has never been accused of being a man of principle.
OMG and all the Angels and Saints I, after reading that contribution from Terence the very same feeling of hopelessness and despair that hit me on waking up to the news Trump had become POTUS… returned. Fortunately reality also returned and brought the family running to my cry nooooooooo, never such evil can be be allowed to drive this country to near dictatorship.
Australians will see through this obscene attempted marriage of ultra right wing BS and if we all use our brains and common sense, it will not prevail.
Timely reminder Terence, we voters need to keep our eye on the ball.
One Notions vote collapsed from a weakened 8% to 4% 2PP (Down from a high of 11% in 2016) post Al-Jazeera expose’. Labors primary vote increased by 2% 2PP, Coalitions by 1% 2PP as a result, based on most recent dodgy Newspoll (ALP ~52.5% v LNP ~47.5% 2PP)
Coalition still remains ~3-6% sustained trend below primary vote of ~42% at 2016 election, a 14 seat loss, 1 seat win.
Disaffected voters re the ALP & LNP, previously flocked to One Nation from both the former & the latter. Clive Palmer has likely managed to attract the disaffected ALP/LNP voters, now newly disaffected with One Notion, to now vote for his ‘partee’.
A little potted history re Clive … what people often fail to recall is he started out as a Liberal operative in SA in the 70’s, then became deeply embedded in the QLD State Nationals of Joh Bjelke-Petersen utterly corrupt regime from the mid seventies onward. Palmer was Joh’s National Party campaign director during the 1983 State election & as media spokesman during its 1986 election campaign, both ‘successful’ under Joh’s gerrymander. Followed in 1987 by the ground breaking Fitzgerald Inquiry, ending the Nationals corrupt three decade plus regime.. Palmer has been a ‘life member’ of QLD Nationals since 1992, subsequently the merged QLD LNP from 2008, until resigning to stand in 2012, briefly re-instated & promptly resigned again.
Palmer ‘acquired’ his wealth through the ‘Game of Mates’ under Joh, & his diminished & thence recovered lost wealth, through the ‘Game of Mates’, and is seeking to increase it opportunistically re the LNP collapse this election, through the ‘Game of Mates’.
Just like failed ex-Liberal candidate Pauline, only far more skilled & experienced in the ‘Game of Mates’.
Why is he not in a Gaol cell ?
End result, the ~8% 2PP vote of deeply disaffected is now split between One Notion & Palmer DisUnited, the resulting preference flows will go ~50/50 to ALP/LNP. Likely Net result the same as before One Notions 2PP collapse … LNP behind on a collapsed negative Coalition primary vote of -3-6% compared to 2016, facing a likely ‘trend’ swing to Labor v 2016 of at least ~3%+ 2PP.
Consider it likely any Palmer DisUnited members that may possibly be elected by cannibalising the One Nation vote, may possibly be facing s44 challenges in the Court of Disputed Returns post election, due lax candidate vetting … again.
And we innocently believe that we live in a civilised and democratic society.
I’m old, with lots of global experience, but in my simple ingenuousness am still shocked by the unscrupulousness of so many people:
It is almost as if we have co-existing strata of human social evolution where there is little or no gradation between them.
Greetings from China
Also keep the eyes on the ball as Labor continues its’ Socialist Republic agenda by stealth.
Queensland Labor government has passed legislation for a Bill of Rights.
Victorian Labor government is in boots and all on the One Belt One Road initiative (Belts and Roads) and new legislation to provide a legal framework for local governments as the third tier of the unlawful Australian Government (Inc in USA).
Shorten and Co will capitalize on closer relationships with China. Maybe good in the short term (intended).
Regardless of the outcome of the next round of bids for the franchise holder of the Australian Government, the people of Australia are facing a much more risky future.
I am 61 and should change my profile from middle-aged (though I think even having a profile is silly) and things have changed during my lifetime enormously. So many exciting things, so many improvements.
But greed has now tipped us past equilibrium in so many ways – climate, resource depletion, wealth inequality, power structures, even our judicial system seems to be about who can outlast who in legal costs.
Greed has bought or threatened into submission or neutered our politicians. Everything is about wealth creation, wealth protection. It’s a madness that cannot continue. It’s unhealthy. Look at Gina Rinehart and James Packer. Not to mention Rupert whose papers are just humiliating in their crassness.
It beggars belief that Palmer is going to get votes in QLD where the people who used to work for him have been dudded. Have they bot a brain cell between them Z? How could anyone up there even think for a second of giving him a vote? I could understand some of the disaffected in TAS who haven’t been ripped off by him, but seriously. . . . k
I cannot look at your picture without hearing the cuckoo waltz and it puts me in a good mood.
Doubly so today because of your post.
Arguably only labor can win government without a coalition and even then not without preferences.
In 2013, Palmer won with 20% to labor’s 18% and libs 40%. Would mind a bet that the loonies put palmer ahead of labor but certainly labor put palmer before libs and got him elected????
So no preferences no wins.QED make a deal.
ps drakenI can’t think of anywhere you can get old and be ingenuous without the ;simple disingenuous’?
Breaking: ‘WaterGate’…
Mark Coulton, Assistant Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, National, Electorate of Parkes(NSW), margin of 15.1%
Matthew Coulton – Water Sector Engagement Lead – Bureau of Meteorology
Water Advisor to the Hon Niall Blair MLC … Senior Adviser to the Hon Barnaby Joyce, Deputy Prime Minister of Australia (Water Policy), Chief of Staff to the Hon Barnaby Joyce, Deputy Prime Minister of Australia.
Yet Angus Taylor, Barnaby Joyce & the Liberals & the Nationals all, Federal & NSW State, relevant Department heads & others all ‘Know nothing ?!
One Nation candidate: ‘The only thing worse than a gay person with power is a woman’ Nine News, 25 Apr 19
Video, conspiracy comments on Port Arthur … an ‘intriguing’ ON candidate.
Palmer only went into politics last time in order to further his business interests because Campbell Newman didn’t concede to Palmer’s demands for a railway from the Galilee Basin and is doing so again this time just to build a new mine.
His attendance record was abysmal and he didn’t even visit his own seat for seven months.
If he misses out this time I expect the promised payment to ex-employees will mysteriously disappear, like his grandious plans to build another Titanic. He probably sees himself as a cross between Alan Bond and Donald Trump, manipulating the media, avoiding scrutiny and telling people what they want to hear.
I guess the $60+million paid to those ex-employees by taxpayers will never be seen again either.
One day supporters of those protest parties may realise there’s more to government than listing grievances. You need solutions too, and sensible ones.
For example I remember when Hanson’s solution to the government debt problem was to simply print more money.
If you consider how dumb and uninformed the average voter is then you should realise half of them are even dumber than that.
I’ve seen a lot of specualtion the past couple of days in the media about this, but none have even floated the possibility that the folks polled may possibly have lied. Anecdotally, many people I know deliberately say the opposite in polls for varying reasons, but mostly based around resentment of politicians. I can easily see the angry people who remember what Palmer did to the Qld Nickel workers telling pollsters they will vote for Palmer out of sheer bloody-mindedness. Another thing that strikes me is the fact that only Kerry O’Brien on the Drum has hinted that the record number of enrolments is due to anger and need to punish the Coalition. Historically, Australia votes parties out, not in, and it irritates me to see media dancing around this to perpetually go easy on the posse of idiotic, elitist, soulless and cruel thieves who’ve been in charge for the past six years.
PS. Something of a tech tard – many commenters here I would follow if they blogged, I thoroughly appreciate the quality of commenters here at AIM. Are they linked here? How can I find them?
This was announced by Asic this time last year:
Following an ASIC investigation, Mr Clive Frederick Palmer, 63, of Broadbeach Waters in Queensland, has been charged with breaching takeover law arising from a proposed takeover of The President’s Club Ltd (TPC).
Palmer Leisure Coolum Pty Ltd (Palmer Leisure Coolum), previously known as Queensland North Australia Pty Ltd, has also been charged over the proposed takeover.
ASIC alleges that in April 2012 PLC publicly proposed to make a takeover bid for securities in TPC but subsequently did not make an offer for those securities within two months, as required under section 631(1) of the Corporations Act 2001. Mr Palmer, a director of Palmer Leisure Coolum, has been charged with contravening section 631(1) – through the operation of section 11.2 of the Criminal Code – for aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring the company to commit that offence.
The charges carry a maximum penalty of two years’ imprisonment and fine of $11,000 for an individual, and fines of $55,000 in respect of a corporation.
The matter remains in the courts.
The Morrison Government signed off on a controversial uranium mine one day before calling the federal election, and did not publicly announce the move until the environment department uploaded the approval document the day before Anzac Day.
s44(ii) disqualification applies, if convicted, regardless of actual sentence imposed …
Re the mine approval, just more evidence they are scum. Again, Melissa Price. 🙁
Kaye Lee, as Always, in awe of your informational abilities. Re Palmer and courts, conviction potential might rule him out of Parly then. Like so many, I wonder if it is possible that people could be stupid enough to vote for him and finally, I would not have thought that advertising in the Australian would reach his target audience of the really stupid. Oh, perhaps he’s targeting Libs. Same thing then.
@ tyrannosauruswenz
Try this link for related sites.
If you lose the link, the menu is in the masthead for this site.
Scomo, Pauline. Palmer and Barnaby; what a wonderful team, we are going to entertain the world with our unique old-fashioned ways ways of doing things…..
I nearly choked on my coffe when I read this crap –
Yep, he keeps it pickled in a jar with lots of needles sticking into it.
“Senator Burston was elected as a One Nation senator in 2016, but resigned after a feud with the party’s leader Pauline Hanson, telling media he intended to sit as an independent before joining Mr Palmer’s United Australia Party.” No doubt he was offered a hefty “donation” and promises of more to come to sign up. Burston, I’m betting, does nothing out of altuism and caring.
Effing hell!
The graft and corruption just keeps worserer and worserer.
I can almost picture them having secret meetings with Thuganning to try and stitch up a deal.
David Bruce,
I hope you were trying to be satirical because if you weren’t then it’s a case of “Whee, it’s conspiracy time again.” Back up what you say with more concrete evidence.
Time to go and watch some more Monty Python then do some reading.
Gangey….while our illustrious dealers are all pulling one another’s hair
They’re pulling something alright and I can guarantee it aint their hair.
From the various comments here, I get the impression the AIMN is a Labour Party newsletter.
I was considering providing references for more of my posts until I realized the subject matter was a bit complex.
Instead, I would refer commentators to check out some of Doug Casey’s reports (some of them are FREE)
“From the various comments here, I get the impression the AIMN is a Labour Party newsletter.” What a load of rubbish. Back up your assertion. Just because some here people crap all over the worst bunch of crooks this country has ever had the misfortune of being ruined…run by does not mean that it’s aligned with Labor. At the moment they appear to be the best of two choices even if there is only a page or two of paper between them on a number of issues.
Sloppy David, very sloppy. That’s no way to try and convince people about your conspiracy theories by telling them to look on the ‘net. You should provide some more concrete evidence. And that goes for you as well Gangey with your baseless comments.
Davis Bruce, while you are in China you might like to find out exactly what the Chinese (and the Indians, while you are at it) are planning to do about energy policies in the future.
Here in Oz we get very little in details apart from dubious numbers about the construction of coal-fired power stations. There is far more happening over there than here in Oz.
The reason is that fossil fuel adherents here in Oz are hoping to power those coal powered energy generators. It means that the fossil fuel industries spread the idea that many jobs will be available in Queensland.
And what are these jobs? Digging up coal or fracking gas so that the products can be burnt here in Oz or overseas. This burning will produce more and more carbon emissions into the atmosphere with disastrous results for our efforts to reduce emissions causing global warming.
Do the fossil fuel advocates and the people pushing for more mining and fracking ever think about this?
Are there no other jobs they can think about, such as renewables?
And then to think that Palmer or Hansen or the LNP can actually do something useful and not wreck everything is the result of lazy thinking which can lead only to disaster!
‘ I was considering providing references for more of my posts until I realized the subject matter was a bit complex.’
I presume you mean that’s for you?
For me, I am a Marxist not a retard.
David Bruce,
It only ever takes clicking on one of your links to realise it isn’t worthwhile. I wonder what your agenda is.
That link is from the Matterhorn Asset management Fund in Switzerland whose home page says “Our global client base strategically store an important part of their wealth in Switzerland in physical gold and silver outside the banking system. We are pleased to deliver a unique and exceptional service to our highly esteemed wealth preservation clientele in over 60 countries.”
The audience here is a tad more savvy than that David.
There are too many genuine things to question to let (deliberate?) dead cat distraction divert us.
Aw, come on,TimofAltona is so bad, he’s actually funny. And the Black Knight, Sir_Arthur, what a card!
Yes mr Alcibiades, there seems to be at least a platoon of trollies who infest mostly the Guardian and IA even poor old First Mutt gets a serve. They don’t blog with well researched thoughtful contributions like yourself and many others here but are limited to the short snipe like naughty boys throwing stones and running away…. but then everyone is entitled to express an opinion, as that other Tim mr Wilson says.
Now, there’s an interesting twist !
Following outcry from the Liberal old guard about this preference swap deal with Clive Palmer, the Liberal media jocks were asked to come up with something to counter the kick back from their traditional conservative base.
So what did they do ? Well they did what they always do when in a corner : they blamed Labor !
They screamed, Labor done it first, Labor was talking to Clive !
All of a sudden, it became a contest to embrace Clive and the Liberals won
Take away message : Labor are losers.
@Terence Mills…so Terence did Labor approach Palmer first?
I don’t think Labor approached Palmer at all, they have not sought to do any preference swaps with any of the minor parties and they made that clear with Hanson. Why on earth would they even consider doing a deal with Palmer ?
When one puts it all together: Labor and China, Clive’s hostility to China, Labor’s attempt to win Palmer Preferences, Clive’s posters being printed in China, Queensland trying to ensure rights in legislation, Clive eventually going with the Liberals after spending even more money than he owes the Chinese bagging them, vacinations, chemtrails, George Soros, dinosaurs and the moon landing, you get the sort of conspiracy that would take years to uncover. That’s even before I start to tell you about a book I read which I think had a blue cover which pointed out that Martin Bryant was actually Lee Harvey Oswald who didn’t die but was kept in a state of suspended animation so that he could be used as a scapegoat yet again.
However, as we haven’t got time to do that before the election, i advise all those who think that they have it worked out to refrain from voting. That should ensure the sort of result that proves them right.
@ Terence Mills
Cheers and thanks that was my understanding as well, wondered if I had missed something.