We never know what a new year holds, but 2017 might be a bit different. If it continues the way 2016 ended – in the world of politics, that is – we may be wishing that 2018 comes quickly.
But we’ll worry about that the other 364 days. Not today. It’s Day 1. The first day of a new year should be one of hope and optimism, not despair.
Day 1 is when we come together and make our plans on how we are going to fix all the wrongs in the world; how we are going to make it a better place than it was only yesterday; how our footprints through the new year will be etched in the sands we travel; and how we will go one step further than the year we just left.
And we will do all this together.
But first, we begin by offering our best wishes for good health and good fortune for the New Year. To everyone who is part of The AIMN, we extend these to you. Thank you too for your support and friendship during 2016.
2017 … it’s time!
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