Whether it’s Abbott as PM or someone else from the Liberal government, it makes no difference. Because they are all the same. Sure, it’s fun to watch Abbott squirm as he realises he’s losing the fight. I can’t deny I’m enjoying the sense of schadenfreude that comes from watching the Liberals respond to ‘leadership tensions’, something the previous Labor government had to put up with for years. But that’s not to say that the Liberals are in the same position as the Gillard government was in, because the two situations are completely different.
Gillard was running an entirely successful government and was effectively negotiating many positive policy successes with independents and minor parties as a member of a minority government. Sure, Rudd was a problem for Gillard. There’s no denying Rudd’s leaking spurred on a press pack desperate for any bite of a story that would save them from doing any policy analysis, something they’re incapable of doing. But for Abbott, Abbott is clearly the problem. His incompetence is his problem. His ineptitude and incapacity for the development of reasoned, logical, fair, sensible and importantly, popular policies, and his lack of negotiation skills to get terrible and unpopular policies through the Senate are his problem. Abbott is a problem of Abbott’s making. And it’s such fun watching the house of cards come slowly tumbling down. Especially since he has no idea what the problem really is.
This is why I think it’s important to note now, at the outset, before a decision is made about Abbott’s future by his colleagues who are stuck between a rock of an unpopular Prime Minister and a hard place of the hypocrisy of changing leaders after the way these same very people attacked Labor for doing the same thing, that a leadership change will make no difference. The reason for this is because Abbott is not unique to the Liberal National Coalition government. He is not even rare. He’s just like all of them and his policies are ideas they all support. So why would it make any difference if someone else is PM? It’s not Abbott who has to go. It’s this government.
Ask yourself, once they’re rid of Abbott and Peta Credlin, who would they put in their place? Julie Bishop, who is more interested in locating an earring which cost more than most workers’ monthly home mortgage payment than supporting Australians on death row in Bali? Malcolm Turnbull, the quality NBN wrecker who’s giving his Telstra mates control of a lemon of a broadband network, which relies on old technology and will barely be faster than the internet network we have already? How about Joe Hockey, the cigar smoking, best night of his life dancing, poor people don’t drive, bully boy architect of the most unpopular and unfair budget the country has ever seen, which has so far failed to pass the Senate many many months after it has been released? What about, shudder to think, Scott Morrison, who clearly takes great pleasure in the suffering of desperate asylum seekers who are begging Australia to help them save themselves? Instead of helping these desperate people, Morrison has been aiming to make Australia a scarier destination than anywhere the desperate people have fled from. Would you trust this man with your children’s future? He’s in charge of Social Services now. It’s the stuff of nightmares. Name someone else, anyone else who could take over from Abbott and you will see it’s quite clear that they are all the same. They all share the same values, values that lead them to misunderstand why they’re so unpopular. They all share the same failure to understand that their policies are to blame, policies they never took to an election. The problem is not the way the Liberals spin their policies. The turd is unpolishable and the turd is everyone in the Liberal government.
In the simplistic media narrative that goes something like ‘Abbott can’t get his message across so the Liberals need to try a new salesperson’, there is no analysis of the core of the Liberal government’s problem. The core is that their extreme conservative ideology is disgusting and Australians don’t like it. Australians value a fair go, where a person’s post code doesn’t dictate their future success. The Liberals hate this idea. Australians believe that quality education and healthcare should be available as a right to everyone in the country, no matter their bank balance. The Liberals think people who can’t afford health and education should be denied health and education. Australians appreciate a clean environment which provides a safe climate for their futures and future generations. The Liberals cancelled the Carbon Price to help their rich business owner mates continue to pollute our environment and endanger our futures, all to maintain their rich business owner mates’ profits. Australians think we should all benefit from the rewards that come from the sale of natural resources we all own. The Liberals defended rich miners by cancelling the mining tax. Australians think those who have benefited most from the Australian civilisation – those who are the richest – should progressively pay the most tax to pay forward the opportunities they have benefited from to future generations. The Liberals think the rich already pay too much tax and should pay less, with the tax burden falling regressively on those who can least afford it. The values of Australians are fundamentally different than the values of the Abbott government. This mismatch isn’t going to be solved by cutting off the head of the snake.
So I’ll sit back and laugh as I watch Abbott’s political career unravel, and I will appreciate the self-inflicted karma Abbott and his colleagues have brought upon themselves. But I will not entertain notions of anything changing with a new Liberal PM in the top job. The only way to solve this problem, as I suspect Australians have now worked out, is to comprehensively vote the Liberal government out in 2016, if not before.
Well said.
Very well said indeed, hope everyone can see it now!
Not everyone will see it, especially people like the one on talk back radio who told Abbott ‘I will always vote Liberal’ ???????
I agree with what you have said except for “He’s just like all of them “. Tony has a special place in my incompetent bully stakes after spending time with him at uni. He is the epitome of a man who has an over-inflated idea of his own worth which has been encouraged by the people around him (the bovver boys he would roam the campus with come to mind – he has always needed an audience). Tony has no plan other than to earn as much as he can and Lord knows his other attempts at employment or a career path ended dismally. Tony has no vision for the nation…I doubt he reads much other than the Murdoch press. He is the captain…as should be (in his mind). Sadly he doesn’t have a clue what to do now that he’s there other than to milk it for all it’s worth and on that front he is doing extremely well.
Absolutely right, Victoria. I don’t want to steal your thunder, but I’ve said the same thing here in comments myself. But the problem is compounded by several other factors not least of which is the press. Murdoch wants rid of Abbott not because he’s a complete imbecilic ideological nutter, but because he keeps making the same mistakes over and over again. He’s utterly incapable, as you say, of learning anything. He has come to represent everything that’s wrong with Liberal ideology and as long as he’s PM (HAH!!) he’s the face of the party. And he won’t shut up because of his narcissism and, of course, stupidity. Change the face and you change the story. You can begin to control it and rewrite it, but crucially without changing one iota of ideological policy, if you have someone who’s less shirtfronting at the helm. It is absolutely vital that Abbott stays there, as he said today that he will, until the next election, or, please, a forced DD. It will also make it increasingly enjoyable to watch him sink ever deeper into the quicksand of delusion and denial as he squirms for his terminal political life. He and his ‘team’ (well, that’s a joke now) have brought this entirely on themselves through their ignorance, lies, deceit, hypocrisy, and sheer inhumanity. This government has no noble objectives, nor ever has had. That multiplies the stunning truth behind what Eric Hoffer wrote in 1954 in his ‘The Passionate State of Mind’, ‘No matter how noble the objectives of a government, if it blurs decency and kindness, cheapens human life, and breeds ill will and suspicion – it is an evil government.’
Spot on… although I think you’re being a bit too generous with the “Australians” bit. Enough “Australians” were deluded enough to vote them in in the first place, when they were already promising to repeal the carbon tax, “stop the boats”, and to cancel the mining tax. All of that said enough about their principles – they can hardly be surprised. Like you, when I’m not distressed about what permanent damage they are going to be able to wreak in three years, I’ve definitely got that ‘schadenfreude’ feeling as I hope like hell ‘…if not before’ 2016 comes to pass.
Whether it’s Abbott as PM or someone else from the current incarnation of the ALP, it makes no difference. Because I’m not hearing sufficiently progressive noises from the opposition.
If only we could lose this evil govt before 2016
Yep Tones is going down quick what precedes him is his ego, and it was dinted today
I saw the interview this morning on melb radio, and was he squirming which was so good to see after all the bullying tactics he has applied to everything he does or touches, and tries or has wrecked
Toxic Tones will be gone by the end of February, but who will take on the poison chalice,
Fashionista Bishop, Morbid Morriscum, but the gig is up for Tones yeeeehaaaaa 🙂
I reckon there will be an election before the middle of the year, the whole lot of the flatheads are floundering, not just Tones, the Ship is going down those barnacles are heavy little suckers… 🙂
And while we’re about it, why has it all gone so quiet again over the sleasebag suit’s nationality?
All LNP members think the same, it does not matter what part of Australia they are in, or what they are doing, they are not for the ordinary Australian they are for the rich and famous and developers.
June, whilst I agree with the sentiment in your comment, could we please drop ‘ordinary Australian’. We are all extraordinary people – apart from the LNP, of course, they’re extraordinary in the same way a barnacle is.
Abbott the destroyer.
He helped destroy the Labor party
He's destroyed the Liberal party.
He's destroyed the Australian Federal parliament.
The Liberal party might just as well replace him with Bronwyn Bishop.
The rest of them are equally as bad …… and should be judged as such.
The people of Queensland and NSW really need to take a stand.
“The erosion of accountability and transparency has damaged democracy in Queensland. Successive governments have become too close to industry lobbyists and representatives, particularly from the resources industry, undermining public trust in the political process.
“The current government has weakened Queensland’s anti-corruption watchdog, the Crime and Corruption Commission, and used its almost unlimited constitutional power to legislate without regard to proportionality or individual liberties.”
“I had a meeting with Campbell Newman, he promised me $20 million to fund the 15 (precincts) across the state, and Campbell Newman looked me in the eye and he lied to me.
“I’m a serving police officer. If you’re going to lie to a police officer, you’ll lie to anyone.”
Key departments in the Baird government have “been captured in a big coal and gas rush” that has run roughshod over environmental protection measures, according to a former state ecologist.
Speaking at a NSW Minerals Council Awards dinner last night, Baird said protestors had been getting away with acting up for too long.
“We need legislation which provides a real deterrent to this unlawful behaviour and protects businesses from illegal protesting activities.”
Baird said his government would introduce the legislation if it won the 2015 election.
I agree Tracey. The ordinary Australian is likely to be influenced by the Murdoch Press and daytime TV. The ordinary Australian is likely to vote with his/her pocket. The ordinary Australian is happy to look the other way when refugees are demonized. The readership of this fine publication does not, reflect the ordinary Australian. The LNP will probably get rid of Abbott. So what? Together with Toxic Tony they’ll banish Pyne, Abetz, Andrews, Dutton, Hockey and other useless self serving egomaniacs. They won’t put Bishop in because she is a woman. They all hate Turnbull. They won’t risk Morrison. The pool is shrinking. Despite their hate they will probably go with Turnbull because he’d be the most popular with the electorate. But then (as they have already) they’ll start fishing for a Tampa moment. Do not underestimate the apathy of the ordinary Australian. Don’t write this bag of clowns off just yet.
Whilst I share your sentiments regarding our fearsome leader and all of his potential replacements, I don’t share your optimism regarding the intelligence of the voting population of Australia. They have repeatedly shown themselves to be a mob of sheep who will run after the noisiest negative noise that they hear. A few examples: Whitlam was removed without a whimper by a suspect act of the governor general who ignored the wishes of the voting populace. The same voting populace that stood aside and sat on its hands while it’s it’s democracy was trampled. Then we had the hateful little man as treasurer who made the same kinds of noises, regarding appropriate treatment of the poor, vulnerable recipients of benefits which they are entitled to, as our present Minister for Social Security. Next after some of the normal jockeying the accompanies leadership change we had the best finance minister and many would say the best Prime Minister that the country has ever had voted out. Although he was doing a very good job the intelligent voting public gave it’s reason….that he was arrogant. Knowing the economic rationalist standpoint of Howard and his minions I remember saying the night of that election, when the result became clear, that the Australian electorate was about to get what it deserved, but that it wasn’t likely to enjoy it. Then we had the deceit surrounding the GST and the ignominious work choices which alone should have alerted Blind Harry to the essential dishonesty of the Liberal party. An intelligent electorate could reasonably be expected to give so little support to such a mob that they’d disband. Later, presumably shocked by what they had done in electing a government led by a woman, the electorate then began to listen to the barrage of Bullshit from “o f*ck we’ve got oh but”. Proving once again the proles can always be swayed by negativity, but not apparently by observed action, they managed to vote from office a successful government led by a skilled and able negotiator. A government, which though it wasn’t prepared to go as far as necessary, was making some great strides in returning fairness to the workplace and some hope to limiting the ravages on the environment of climate change. Not having learned any lessons in the past the docile electorate listened to the noise from the Murdoch publicity machine and voted in the most dishonest government that Australia has ever seen. Trust the Australian electorate to act in it’s own best interests? Nup!
It seems that the only people who are really prepared to stand up on their hind legs and say what they believe are the Greens. There is certainly no other leadership which is even making the remotest of attempts to lead public opinion and/or the voting population. The greens by a landslide? Not likely. We’ll likely get another green/labor coalition. Hopefully it will have enough Greens to put some action into restoring some of the lost environment initiatives and help to what will by then be failing alternative energy industry.
With the prospect of another two years of this government, regardless of who leads it, I fear we will have an economy which is suffered so much harm that it will take 20 years to bring it back to some degree of normalcy. Combine that with a docile, switched off electorate which is likely to listen to the next barrage of bullshit by the liberal coagulation and we will be headed for Keating’s banana republic.
Well said, Victoria. Let’s hope Abbott recognises the futility of his government and calls an early election for the sake of Australia and Australians.
i’m with you keerti labor whimpers on the abc instead of ridiculing abbutt on msm so loses momentum newman can look in the eye and lie abbutt can look internally and know he doesn’t lie except for and on behalf of his god.such men have a poison bite even after hanging from the fence overnight.
Senile, shut up. You add nothing to the debate.
Kaye Lee
Like you John I live in Queensland and a pox on Campbell Newman.
The most corrupt state government in Australia.
Everywhere you look there is blatant nepotism. Just go to Kaye and John’s links.
I am standing at the booths with Getup to do my bit.
Please bring back ICAC and Fitzgerald.
I am so worried about this election.
If I earn $15 per hour as opposed to Gina’s Thousands of dollars per minute is her vote more important than mine? Why would a country full of people who tomorrow could be exposed to the economic bread line listen and agree to the drivel that came from Mr.Murdoch’s paid hacks to give us Abbott and his ‘merry” men (note the limited amount of females), What has the present LNP coalition given to the community apart from tearing down the house of common sense and public good that had been built over the years. They are reactionaries and we need to awaken the intellectual capacity of our public and bolster their interest in how their country is governed in order to stop the rot. Without the concern of the common man (and particularly woman) we will be led into a repressive mire where we have very little say in what goes on. We don’t need a revolution just a vote for commonsense in 2016. .
“Not everyone will see it, especially people like the one on talk back radio who told Abbott ‘I will always vote Liberal’ ???????” Yes, people like this guy are a worry. He acknowledges that he made a terrible error of judgement electing Tony, but won’t review this opinion on other aspects of the LNP. Such people can’t admit that they elected Tony despite clear evidence of his stupidity.
Graham Houghton,
.taht dessiM .tops dooG
Bit harsh on the rebuke, though.
They can’t help themselves.
WorkChoices is breaking out everywhere.
They can walk away from Abbott but they can’t wash away the stench of the policies they have been promoting and there will never be a statue raised to Abbott inscribed with the words “Got Rid of the Carbon Tax”.
As for the radio caller who has “always voted Liberal”, he should be reminded that this government is no longer the traditional Liberal Party.
They are now a bunch of neo-conservatives with a different and socially aggressive agenda with nobody politically to their right.
So when abbortt goes does that mean peta credlin wont be Prime Minister any more?
John Fraser “The Liberal party might just as well replace him with Bronwyn Bishop” Thanks John, I had a mouthful of coffee as I read your post and believe me its not easy to laugh and drink coffee at the same time. I have just finished cleaning my monitor.
A good brief analysis of Abbott and the Liberal Party. The brief reference to the powerful interplay between business and the the Liberals is very important (and the associated presence of their like minds in the Productivity Commission) and deserves more detailed reporting and deeper analysis. Those who exploit in the workplace and who wish to exploit more – on a more free basis – are very active in forming the direction of this government. And of course, the whole article leaves begging the question of the alternative. Is it possible that we can have something even better than the neolaboralism of the Gillard – Rudd governments? Someting that the majority of Australians have earned and deserve.
I have seen them all since Menzies and thought McMahon was execrable but this idiot and his motley crew have got the incompetents in spades.
I can’t decide about Victoria’s posts. They cheer me up because I agree with her. They depress me because I agree with her.
By the way Victoria – when you talk about Australians’ intrinsic fairness – roughly 45% vote LNP as a habit because they are selfish and greedy. About half of all Australians. Oiks, oiks, oiks – the lot of ’em.
I absolutely love this article, its accuracy and insight and cannot fathom why this sort of analysis does not appear in the mainstream media.
While I’m not hearing much from the opposition., I cannot agree that there’s little difference between Toxic’s mob and the ALP …
I suspect enough people felt this way before the last election, and that helped get the LNP over the line.
If Toxic goes, we could be looking at an LNP led by Scott (the compassionate one) Morrison … would you bet your pension he would treat the locals better than refugees?
Maybe the best we can hope for is to get some good independents up along the lines of Nick Xenophon and Jackie Lambie.
Tony Windsor, Rob Oakshott, and Ted Mack come to mind from days gone by.
I have fundamental dissonance with your assessment of Jacqui Lambie as a ‘good independent’.
She is a far cry from Oakeshott, Windsor or Mack in terms of any display of both intellect and integrity.
Yep Jackie Lambie is not up to it and should not be spoken in the same breath as the other independents.
Jackie Lambie has stood Toxic’s mob up at every turn, and given servicemen/women some representation,
For that she has my undying gratitude.
You want perfection?
Good luck with that.
Look crypt0 she does her best but she is also a loose cannon. I don’t want to denigrate her I want well informed independents. It is vital to sustainable and well reasoned governance.
Spot on stuff… but the point really is the “intelligence’ of the Australian electorate. Two years out from the election it was obvious that this would be a vicious rabble of a government and the electorate didn’t notice then and it wont notice their manipulation the next time.
They certainly don’t notice that the IPA is running the show…..
Can we do it before 2016, can we?
Senator Lambies’ belligerence towards Tony and single-minded focus on financial renumeration for her prior profession (ADF) to the exclusion of other concerns do not, for me, balance out her anti-ecological zealotry, as well as her fundamentalist attitudes to many social issues, on top of a serious dose of naivity on legislative and economic issues.
There is a lot more to effective political representation than ‘ban the burqa, more pay for soljers and, in the meantime, NO TO EVERYTHING!(!!!)’.
Ms Lambies independence is, by the way, a pragmatic fourth option (born of cynical necessity). Lacking funds, she applied unsuccessfully as a Lib then a Lab candidate before she signed a contract with ‘honest Clive’ (subsequently breached).
I do not expect perfection, just, as previously stated, a reasonable display of intelligence and ethics.
P>S. The double thumbs up happy dance after she helped throttle existing carbon emission reduction measures may not have helped my attitude to the born-again happy-clapper, anti-environmentalist and former suicidal alcoholic.
Oh dear … CB … No need to shout !
That was an eloquent and comprehensive reply !
Have I touched a raw nerve ?
I had thought you might have paid more attention to the bulk of my post, rather than just to the 2 words “Jackie Lambie”
Ah well … whatever !
P.S. Nice demolition job on Jackie … Toxic would be envious of such a talent !
The capitalised shout (+!!!s) was a quasi-quotation of the senators stated attitude.
The raw nerve was a notation of the name (Jacqui) in stark contrast to the context of the qualities of character and mind shown by the surrounding names.
I stated disagreement with your assessment. You gave the reasons for your viewpoint. I stated the bases for mine.
As to the meat of your initial post;re independent representation, I’m all for it, with the proviso of preference for representatives who are reasonable, rational and broadly knowledgable.
As you say Victoria, there is a good aspect to it the situation the Liberals find themselves in. To me it emphasises that there is a difference between political parties. That difference has become blurred over recent years, and maybe this extreme LNP position will help refocus the ALP on their values. Maybe. It is also interesting to note the lack of influential Victorians in the LNP cabinet. Is that part of the problem? So Josh Freydenberg has been tapped on the shoulder as a potential savior, even though it will not be in time to save this Government.
Ricky Muir made an interesting comment. He admits he had no idea what he was doing and was being hounded by lobbyists and had to immediately vote on important legislation. One could argue that someone running for the Senate should already have some understanding of the issues but they are not given any staff until the day they start. Ricky suggested a Senators kindy that starts three weeks before they take office so they can get some advice and help. Personally I would like to see some form of entrance exam.
As for Jacqui Lambie…
“What we will not abide by is a toxic economic dictatorship led by a minority.” July 20, 2013 criticising environmentalists who were opposing a proposed Tasmanian mine.
“We have had enough of people like you trying to shut down our livelihoods and drive our children out of Tasmania.” Letter in the Burnie advocate criticising a Tarkine forest campaigner.
“Who decided that animal rights had become more important than human rights?”
“I support tearing up the carbon tax to a certain degree but some of that carbon tax is quite good. So, you know what, tearing something up and restarting again takes longer. We probably need to start that carbon tax at maybe three or four per cent.”
“Oh yeah, no, the carbon tax needs to go. It’s been an absolute mess since that was introduced. It is absolutely killing the nation.”
And the entire next paragraph needs (sic) next to it….as written by Jacqui
“The Australia United Party will give an immediate Duty off Care to the men and women that have been physically or psychologically damaged because of Military service that they received by placing their lives on the line for our country.”
Victoria, I agree.
We have to stop calling him One-Term Tony. From now on, it’s Half-Term Tony.
What a bout good old Terminal Tony.
I suspect that there is only one alternative to all of this, given that it seems 1/2 the population will always vote for the kinds of unfairness the liberal party stands for, a secession by the rest of us!
I was laughing before but after the ‘leaked’ Productivity Commission paper I nearly wet me-self.
While I agree about the intelligence of voters and the general sentiment of your post I don’t believe the number isn’t really that large when you have a look at election results. There are those that will always vote left or right it’s the swingers that decide who wins . The ones John Howard identified as his battlers. The ones that the rank and file of the Union movement identify as grubs and scabs.
Wun Farlung, to my mind I would define an intelligent voter as one who is prepared to vote on the merits of all policies put forward and on the observed abilities of those desiring to serve (assuming that that is their intention). Any person who assesses their voting intelligently would be unlikely to vote the same way every time.Voting the same way every time is most definitely sheep like.
I am also a swinging voter. Between labor, greens and the occasional independent.
My greatest wish is for a hung parliament in the house of reps with Tony Abbott as P.M.
That would even top Bill’s most expensive blowjob in history which, so far, is the best laugh I ever had.
I like Ricky Muir and Jackie Lambie. Not understanding is not as bad as, like the Labor Party, voting for legislation and then deciding that it is no good. Too late fools. Once liberties are taken away, they are almost never returned.
My advice to new and encumbered politicians alike, if you don’t understand it, don’t vote for it.
“Once liberties are taken away, they are almost never returned.”
All too true.
Keerti wrote: “Any person who assesses their voting intelligently would be unlikely to vote the same way every time.Voting the same way every time is most definitely sheep like.”
Fortunately, with preferential voting, progressives can largely have our cake and eat it, too.
That’s not true of most nations’ electoral systems.
Interesting that you like senators Lambie and Muir because they are confused/uninformed.
Jacqui (spelled ‘Jacqui’) is also very big on more logging and mining in Tassie, and apparently God once told her that she is going to be PM one day.
It is also noteworthy that your ‘greatest wish’ is another term of chronic mis-governance under Tony.
Cravings for chaos?
Corvus, they are no more confused than Abbott, the man that does not skite. Does one noticed we only hear from handful of this government, all in full agreement with Abbott. It will no different if he goes. The danger, and what is likely to happen, there will be a brief honeymoon with a replacement. They will then rush back to the polls. Seem to be heading for December poll with the reports due about then. First the TURC and now IR productivity. A give away budget with massive tax cuts as a sweetener.
I believe that plan has been dumped, and will call an election at the first opportunity they can.
As for Abbott, he is now irrelevant.
I think they might try to milk a few more radical ‘amendments’ from Tony before they kick him to the kerb.
Use him as a kind of disposal biro to tick off a few more IPA wishes. I expect there will be a greek chorus in the commercial media calling for ‘fearless leadership’ and some ‘bold decisions’ to ‘reinvigorate his appeal’.
It makes sense for them to wring the chamois dry before they toss it out.
I am afraid you might be right.
You are left but metaphorically right.
They will bleed Abbott for everything he has got and I am sure he will do his best to comply.
It’s never over with this lot until they are in padded box.
Great Article, when we get a proper Government Back, all Abbot reforms should be rolled back, the NBN should be what was Original going to be put in by Labor. the recourses of Australia should be declared a public asset so a public resource body should be set up to receive the bulk of the resources income, not private company’s, they should only be able to claim a maximum of 20% profit on the extraction and the rest Goes to the resource Body for use in public infrastructure and services, such as Free university & ternary Education not debits
It makes no difference who governs. We are (insert expletive here)!
An absolutist cliché espousing fatalistic political indifference, then a general damnation that “we are (superfluous [generally profane] additional word)!”.
My sniggering is turning into unseemly guffawing.
Thanks for the well written article Victoria.