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Zelenskyy Joins the US Election

Here he goes again, cap in hand, begging for the alms of war. Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been touring the United States, continuing his lengthy salesmanship for Ukraine’s ongoing military efforts against Russia. The theme is familiar and constantly reiterated: the United States must continue to back Kyiv in its rearguard action for civilisation in the face of Russian barbarism. By attempting, not always convincingly, to universalise his country’s plight, Zelenskyy hopes to keep some lustre on an increasingly fading project.

The Ukrainian president has succeeded most brazenly in getting himself, and the war effort, into the innards of the US presidential election. In doing so, he has become an unabashed campaigner for the Democrats and the Kamala Harris ticket while offering uncharitable views about the Republicans. (Electoral interference, anyone?) The Republican contender, Donald Trump, had good reason to make the following observation about Zelenskyy: “Every time he comes into the country he walks away with $60 billion … he wants them [the Democrats] to win this election so badly.”

Even as a lame duck president, Joe Biden could still be wooed to advance another aid package. This seemed to be done, as the White House records, on threadbare details about Zelenskyy’s “plan to achieve victory over Russia.” According to the readout, diplomatic, economic and military aspects of the plan were discussed. “President Biden is determined to provide Ukraine with the support it needs to win.”  

Detail was also scarce in a briefing given by White House national security spokesperson John Kirby. Zelenskyy’s plan to end the war “contains a series of initiatives and steps and objectives that [he] believes will be important”.  

In a statement, Biden announced that he had directed the Department of Defense to allocate the rest of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative funds by the end of the year along with US$5.5 billion in Presidential Drawdown Authority. The US$2.4 billion from the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative is intended to supply Ukraine “with additional air defense, Unmanned Aerial Systems, and air-to-ground ammunitions, as well as strengthen Ukraine’s defense industrial base and support its maintenance and sustainment requirements.”

In terms of materiel, an additional Patriot air defence battery is to be furnished to Ukraine’s air defences, along with additional Patriot missiles. Training for Ukrainian F-16 pilots is to be expanded. The air-to-ground Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW), colloquially known as glide bombs, will also be supplied.

Ukraine’s fate is being annexed to the US election campaign, with the Ukrainian president keen to make his own boisterous intervention in the election. On September 22, Zelenskyy paid a visit to a military facility in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It was calculated for maximum effect. The facility is not only responsible for manufacturing some of the equipment being used in the war against Russia, notably 155-millimeter howitzer rounds, but is a crucial state for the presidential contenders. On hand to join him was a full coterie of Democrats: Gov. Josh Shapiro, Senator Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Representative Matt Cartwright (D-8th District)

Harris is clear that any administration she leads will see no deviation from current policy. Peace proposals were to be scoffed at, while prospects for a Ukrainian victory had to be seriously entertained. Stopping shy of playing the treason card in remarks made on September 26, Harris claimed that there were those “in my country who would instead force Ukraine to give up large parts of its sovereign territory, who would demand that Ukraine accept neutrality, and would require Ukraine to forgo security relationships with other nations.” And such types had endorsed “proposals” identical to “those of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.”

That message of sanctimonious chest beating was also embraced by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), who could only see Zelenskyy as a fighter “for freedom and the rule of law on behalf of democracies around the world” while “Trump and his craven MAGA followers side time and again with Vladimir Putin,” one responsible for a “filthy imperialist and irredentist invasion.” Clearly, the Zelenskyy promotions tour has exercised some wizardry.

The full soldering of Ukrainian matters to US electoral politics has received a frosty response from various Republicans. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) demanded nothing less than Zelenskyy’s dismissal of the Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markarova. “Ambassador Markarova organised an event in which you toured an American manufacturing site.” The tour took place “in a politically contested battleground state, was led by a top political surrogate for Kamala Harris, and failed to include a single Republican because – on purpose – no Republicans were invited.”

Those on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, seething at Zelenskyy’s electoral caper, have launched an investigation into the possibility that taxpayer funds had been misused to the benefit of the Harris presidential campaign. Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.), in a letter to Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, noted that, as the Department of Justice was “highly focused on combatting electoral interference, the Committee requests DOJ review the Biden-Harris Administration’s coordination with the Ukrainian government regarding President Zelensky’s itinerary while in America.”  

Comer could not resist a pertinent reminder that the Democrats had made much the same charge against Trump while in office in 2019. That occasion also featured Zelenskyy, only that time, the accusation was that Trump had used him “to benefit his 2020 presidential campaign, despite a lack of any evidence of wrongdoing on the part of President Trump.”

GOP dissatisfaction is far from unreasonable. Zelenskyy’s sojourn is nothing less than a sustained effort at electoral meddling, the sort of thing that normally turns US exceptionalists into rabid hyenas complaining of virtue despoiled. Only this time, there are politicians and officials in freedom’s land happy to tolerate and even endorse it. At stake is a war to prolong.


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  1. Peter Guimley

    Zelensky could have saved money if he shared his bus fare around USA with Bibi Netanyahu.

  2. Andrew Smith

    Peter Guimley, no you are misinformed and gaslighting people when Trump, Fox News and Orban would agree with you?

    It’s not Zelensky, but Tones’ mate PM ‘mini Putin’ Orban, Trump and Putin who are chummy with Netanyahu, his far right regime and outlook.

    Why do so many ageing &/or ideological Anglos who claim to be ‘right on’ and support human rights, deflect like RWNJs do for Putin? Because they share the same need to support authoritarians of the left and right, but not liberal democracy to sustain their beliefs?

  3. Peter Naughton

    AIM used to be worth a read. Not now, given the space given to the ratbag that wrote this missive.

  4. Michael Taylor

    Peter N, it doesn’t mean we agree with them all, but we give our team the freedom to express their own opinions.

  5. Andrew Smith

    I was about to highlight that, but one can infer the writer’s US influences e.g. contributes to Counter Punch (middle class Marxists) etc. and locally Atlas Koch AIP’s Online Opinion etc. and like others promotes Kremlin talking points; begging for an entry with *Vatnik Soup’s conga line of western apologists for Putin (esp too many academics, journalists, think tankers and MPs who are targeted)?

    Worse, for many westerners like the writer, they have been described by former Counter Punch’er Eric Draitser as ‘fake anti-imperialist sh*theads of the tankie left’, why?

    Because unwittingly (?) they share talking points with Putin, Kremlin, FoxNews etc., Trump, MAGA, far right, Tone’s mate PM ‘mini Putin’ Orban, CPAC, Koch’s Heritage, white Christian nationalists etc?

    *Good interview Pekka K of Finnish based Vatnik Soup, now banned by Musk, on Fink’s Silicon Curtain ‘Follow the Money: See How Russia Poisons the Information Space’

    However, the Anglo left, like the far right and ‘ultra conservatives’, too often share the same Kremlin disinformation vs the west, why?

  6. Steve Davis

    Andrew Smith believes we should all worship at the altar of liberal democracy, even though it’s liberal democracies that aid and abet the Gaza genocide.
    It is seriously concerning that one could think that way.

  7. Marcus Champ

    I have been a fan of much of your work for a long time, however when it comes to Ukraine war you have been consistently, patently and painfully wrong every time. The way you have portrayed Zelensky in particular and Ukraine in general is not just disgusting but reflective of worst kind of Russian propaganda.

    Apparently you have completely failed to comprehend Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, an invasion where Russia has committed war crimes on a daily basis, and has been subjected to a sustained effort to rebuild Putin’s twisted illusions of empire for decades.

    Additionally, I don’t see one mention of the massive humanitarian and military support that has been provided by countries across Europe to Ukraine, particularly from those on the frontline of Russian aggression. Many of whom lived under Russian occupation and therefore know much more than you on exactly what to expect from Russian “peace”.

    Lets also recognize the so-called “peace proposals” from Russia have been anything but, and would leave millions of Ukrainian citizens under the Russian jackboot and subject to yet another round of ethnic cleansing and cultural genocide. Not to mention would enable Russia to regroup and invade once again to finish the job.

    Lastly, I would not characterise GOP complaints and rhetoric as reasonable, particularly given their sordid history of not just election interference, corruption, warmongering, outright election stealing (e.g., 2000), Supreme Court Rigging, and systematic voter suppression.

    There are deep problems with the US political system, and I have long been a strong critic of the Democracts, but also recognise GOP and trump in particular are completely unhinged, authoritarian, pathological-lying, sociopathic wannabe dictators.

    After having saved literally scores of your articles over the years, I am perplexed at how you have completely failed on this topic.

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