By Alasdair Black
I’ll bang on about this until my last dying breath.
It is the abject failure of our Fourth Estate (the mainstream media) to fulfil its democratic role and hold government to account. Worse, on top of that they run a protection racket for their favoured horse in the race; the LNP.
There was an article on the The AIMN about the sin of omission which goes to the heart of the failure of our Fourth Estate. The omission of campaigning hard against this government on its corruption, on its mishandling of major issues and policy stuff ups such as failure to act or lead cohesively on climate change mitigation and its abrogation of its constitutional responsibility during the pandemic!
The Murdoch media, the worst of all, actively proselytises for its favoured horse in all electoral races; the LNP! It plays a game of omission and bias with utmost exigency.
The corporate media may not be as biased with its non-objective, advertorial news reporting like the Murdoch media, but it fully commits the sin of omission when holding a LNP Governments to account, either state or federally.
The Fourth Estate should have wrestled the Government to the ground over Robodebt. Remember how they advertised, supported and prosecuted the LNP’s campaign on “pink batts?”
You couldn’t have avoided it anywhere, over four deaths which was more of an industrial OH&S issue than a government failure. But the howling from the mainstream media backed in the LNP. So inevitably, once in power the LNP instigated a Royal Commission, purely out of self-interested motives and political advantage, for, the four unfortunate deaths.
What of the Fourth Estate’s duty of accountability for an alleged 2,000 deaths from Robodebt? Where was their moral outrage then? Where was the concerted accountability campaign for those 2,000? Where was the media howls, full of conscience, moral pain for the 2,000 alleged suicides of the sort that enraged them with pink batts where they lost all objectiveness in their demand for justice in the four deaths?
Apparently, deaths at the hand of government policy is only horrendous when it occurs under the stewardship of Labor.
The 2,000 alleged Robodebt suicide victims, were ‘untermensch’, drainers of the state coffers, hardly worth shedding a tear for, let alone accountability and justice, from the reigning cartel of welfare-hating pricks, running our decrepit democracy into the ground?
Wait for the next election. Will they start another fear campaign like the one scaring pensioners about franking credits, that 99% of pensioners don’t get? Will they lie or back up claims for their LNP buddies about bogans and their 4WD or utes being stolen from ‘under their noses’? Will they go along with the LNP lie that Labor is going to close all coal mines and throw all mining workers on the dole queues? And promote the Trumpianesque “big lie” that big coal and gas is here forever and anyone who says otherwise, is in a leftie conspiracy to deindustrialise Western civilisation?
Why yes, Dorothy, all the above and much, much more!
Just wait for LNP policy and electoral advisers to brainstorm with the Murdoch editors and Palmer in a phone hook-up to war game the next election for the LNP.
I am so sick of what passes for an alleged democratic Fourth Estate in this country. It’s a con, a Libertarian neo-CON.
If it wasn’t for online social media sites like The AIMN – and many others – we’d hardly know of the endless, imbroglios affairs, conflicts of interests, rorts and scandals that have occurred under eight years of this corrupt LNP Government.
It’s not the Australian voter’s fault. They’re drowning with online alt-right conspiracies, lies and alternate facts; a biased LNP supporting Fourth Estate.
The ALP has been rendered voiceless by a disinterested or antagonistic Fourth Estate, struck with profound deaf, dumb and blindness to LNP wrongdoing, prosecuting their democratic sin of omission on the Australian people in regard to ALP opposition voices.
I have little hope for an ALP victory unless the people finally suffer fatigue from the LNP chorus and our mainstream media. Palmer has finally jumped the shark… let’s hope the corporate media has overplayed its hand and does likewise.
Otherwise, I fear this vile coagulation of pus currently running this country will only win again and putrefy our democracy, yet more. If that’s even possible, can they get any worse?
Yes, naively pollyannaish of me, of course they can. Corruption knows no bound, until a united people get sick of it.
Oh how I pray fervently for that day.
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