The AIM Network

Why on earth would you want to vote for the LNP?

Meme by Lynnetag.

Give or take a bit, the polls have both parties squared off at 50/50.

So it means that half of the voting population are prepared to re-elect the Turnbull Government.

People, of course, are free to vote for whoever they want, but I am also free to ask why they would bother to cast a vote in favour of the LNP. Why on earth would you want to vote for a government that:

Has been the worst economic managers since Menzies.

Will provide you with one of the worst broadband networks in the world.

Will keep cutting money from education and health.

Will see you paying up to $100,000 for a university degree.

Will in all likelihood sell off Medicare – at your cost.

Will do nothing to address the ravages of climate change.

Will do nothing about housing affordability.

Will look after the well-off at the expense of the poor.

Will continue to lock up asylum seekers.

Will continue to slash services to the poor, the elderly, the homeless and the ill.

Will do nothing to address Indigenous disadvantage.

Will continue to lie and rort.

Will continue to widen the gap between the rich and the poor.

Will do whatever it can to limit wage growth.

Will cut penalty rates.

Will, if the economists are correct, lead us into a recession.

Will not even countenance an investigation into the banking sector.

Will have no policies, only slogans and scare campaigns.

Will only ever continue to make vague promises about marriage equality.

Will continue to say one thing – only to do the other.

Will ignore science and technology.

Will allow our prime agricultural land to be mined.

Will more than likely make further cuts to the ABC.

Will send more jobs offshore.

Will do nothing about negative gearing.

Will continue to offer unnecessary subsidies to the mining industry.

Will ignore human rights.

Will have a prime minister beholden to right-wing extremists.

Why would anybody want to vote for a government that would make themselves, their families, and the majority of Australians worse off? Why would anybody want to vote for a government that is out of step with the rest of the world? Why on earth would you want to vote for a government that is turning Australia into an economic basket case? Why on earth would you want to vote for a government that will not address social or environmental issues?

Oh, I see, they ‘stopped the boats’ and they ‘axed the tax’.

Well in that case – if that’s all you’re interested in – then go ahead and vote for them.


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