The AIM Network

Why is Peter Dutton so frightened of nuclear detail?

Peter Dutton (Photo by AAP/MICK TSIKAS)

Solutions for Climate Australia Media Release

Still missing from the Coalition’s nuclear fantasy – any plans on costs, reducing climate pollution or nuclear accidents

The public will have to keep waiting after Opposition Leader Peter Dutton failed to announce anticipated costings and other detail of the Liberal National Coalition’s nuclear proposal today.

Following Mr Dutton’s speech, Solutions for Climate Australia called on the Federal Liberal and National parties to step up and tell the public just how long, how expensive and how risky their pro-nuclear reactor policy is.

Solutions for Climate Australia senior campaigner Elly Baxter said:

“Today, Peter Dutton has again failed to give any detail on how he plans to establish nuclear reactors in Australia. Mr Dutton seems to be bug-out frightened to put forward any detail – what’s he got to hide?

“Australia’s coal plants are old and falling apart. Nuclear would never be delivered in time, whereas solar and wind already provide 40% of Australia’s electricity.

Solutions for Climate Australia director Dr Barry Traill said:

“Multiple credible estimates from industry experts show that even if, somehow, the nuclear reactors were built by 2040, they could only produce 4% of Australia’s total electricity needs.

“Why would we spend many billions on the most expensive and risky way of making electricity in Australia, to produce just 4% of the power we need?

“We call on the Coalition to have the guts to put out the details of what they are proposing.”


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