Every time I pick up the paper, there’s some letter or opinion writer criticising the Liberal Party and accusing Abbott of lying to the electorate. Why do people feel compelled to be so negative and ignore the wonderful achievements of this government?
Why, just last month the unemployment rate went down. That’s pretty amazing when we have such a basket case economy and a carbon tax that’s causing all these industries to shut down.
But this isn’t about Labor’s mistakes. We can’t live in the past. This is about Abbott and his government’s achievements.
When someone accuses them of lying to the public, I think we should all remember Julia’s no carbon tax promise. Now there was an example of a deliberate lie. She went to the electorate making her carbon tax promise, all the time knowing that there’d be a hung parliament and intending to make a deal with the Greens!
But enough about Labor. This isn’t about them, the Liberals are in government now.
Another Liberal achievement has been a front bench appointed on merit instead of the ridiculous quotas that Labor had. Look at the front bench of the previous government: it was full of Labor politicians! And we know how terrible Labor politicians are. They couldn’t even deliver a surplus in spite of the GFC finishing in 2008. And anyway, it hardly hit here so there was no need for all those stimulus measures that Rudd wasted our money on.
Remember how we were all given $900 that most of us just banked, and that poor people just spent on alcohol and gambling.
When Joe Hockey promises us a surplus, he means as soon as possible, not on some specific date. This is the sort economic responsibility that the Liberals can be praised for, whereas Wayne Swan introduced the Mining Tax which simultaneously didn’t raise enough money to produce a surplus, while also being far too expensive for mining companies to pay.
Another Liberal achievement is the promotion of free speech. Under Labor we’d reached a point where people were too frightened to tell some minority to stop whining without being called racist or sexist.
Also, the Liberals have managed a united government. Apart from a few backbenchers, there’s absolutely no disunity. Everyone knows who’s in charge, and there’s no challenge being planned. When Labor was in power, every few days we’d hear that some anonymous source had briefed a journalist about when Rudd was about to challenge. Under this government, nobody is telling journalists anything at all, even in public.
And, as for the recent kerfuffle in NSW, I think it’s more relevant to talk about what Julia Gillard did or didn’t know about events from twenty years ago. Events so bad that she was forced to hold a press conference, which was hurriedly cut short when people ran out of questions.
So I think it’s time that people stopped being negative. Abbott is a man who thinks for himself even if it does slow his speech down. I mean, he introduced knighthoods – Labor certainly wouldn’t have done that.