The AIM Network

When we come out the other side of this crisis, will we have learned anything?

My father always said every experience in life, good or bad, teaches you something.  But are we willing to learn?

Will we have realised the value of investing in research?

Will we have conceded that people can’t live on $40 a day?

Will we recognise that education is an investment rather than a cost?

Will we understand that providing affordable childcare keeps the economy running?

Will we listen to experts?

Will we value nurses and teachers and aged/child care workers and cleaners and supermarket shelf stockers and delivery drivers for the crucial roles they play?

Will we be willing to mobilise resources to address the existential threat posed by climate change?

Will we get that amassing obscene wealth does not make you invulnerable?

Will we all be willing to contribute according to our means to create a safe and equitable society for all?

Will we stop the puerile partisan abuse and prioritise people and a healthy planet over profit?

We will have a choice when this is over – compassionate capitalism or a catastrophic “snap back” to the failed neoliberal ideologies of the past.


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