In the six years this government has been in office its performance has been akin to taking a cold shower and then being handed a cold wet towel every morning.
One would think that the way in which a government performs would make up a large part of the way you view it in an upcoming election.
Apparently not in Australia’s recent election.
And if the 4th Estate serves to represent the people then it isn’t doing its job by just ignoring it.
Since being in-comprehensively elected for another term, the government, instead of improving their day-to-day performance has continued on its merry way completely oblivious to its actions of the past.
One only has to look at the headlines in the mainstream media or check out the more analytical articles from this site to know that this government leaves a lot to be desired.
Hardly a day passes that doesn’t bleed into the next without a whiff of scandal.
Before I go on let me explain why those who viewed my piece on The AIMN; Labor lost some skin but it’s still in the game but couldn’t read it or share it Facebook.
The post was prevented from being shared on Facebook. I share to 100 pages and from there my piece is shared down the line.
It is a lot of manual work. Before I had even finished posting a message appeared to the effect that the post didn’t meet community standards.
It wasn’t hard to work out that one or more people I don’t know had corrupted my article in total. They had reported the piece and Facebook acted unilaterally without even reading it.
It is a simple thing to do and anyone can do it. No wonder Facebook comes under so much criticism. I have no recourse on the matter as Facebook make it almost impossible to lodge a complaint.
There is nothing in it that doesn’t meet community standards and Facebook should restore it immediately.
For my part all I am doing is exercising my right to free speech in a truthful and honest way. Facebook will never disclose who the mindless culprits are so they are free to do it as much as they like.
1 The news yesterday that the government is trying to balance the books on the back of pensioners by fiddling the deeming rate comes as no surprise. Their history of economic management has been woefully demonstrated in six years of poor decisions and terrible management.
Labor has a far superior economic track record than the Coalition. It is presentable and provable and Labor should throw off its reluctance to challenge the government on its economic history. Why Labor politicians avoid fighting the Coalition when they lie about this and other facts is beyond me.
2 Social services experts like many others are deeply worried about the consequences of the third round of the governments tax cuts. The cuts that will make the rich even richer.
The big worry is how they will be paid for. Will it be with tax cuts to essential services like health; housing, education or welfare payments?
Do people comprehend that analysis has found that $77 billion of the tax cuts will go to helping the top 2.9 per cent of income earners.
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The notion that a few privileged individuals can own the vast majority of a countries wealth and the remainder own little is on any level unsustainable, politically, economically or morally.
With a salary of $550,000 the Prime Minister has much to gain. Meanwhile, a hospitality worker in his electorate gets a $1088 tax cut, but loses their penalty rates of $5000 a year.
And of course there is the Left’s argument that $158 billion could have funded enough aged-care packages to fill the current vacancies, allowed Medicare to cover dental services, and increased Newstart.
All the actions on tax this government is taking are going to have massive impacts on inequality.
The government’s fixation on a surplus is a ticking time bomb that could see more cuts to public services and further dilapidation of trust in our political system.
As the tax cuts demonstrate, when 55,000 people ring the tax office after their $1,000 … the fools are not ringing to complain the system is unequivocally unfair.
3 The same goes for the incompetent practices in management of the Murray Darling basin. Anyone who watched the ABC Four Corners program on Monday night would be staggered at the money given to private enterprise for its benefit rather than improving the river itself. The sad thing is that the general populace takes little interest in these things unless it affects them personally.
4 Employers welcome in a conservative government ably supported by industry groups. They immediately want to reform the trade unions. There are no strikes anymore. We have record underemployment. “Its all Labor’s fault” is repeated and repeated. At a time when wages are at an all-time low and unions have traditional means of seeing then rise and the economy is a complete mess they want to follow the American trend of reducing wages further.
Only 1.5 million people belong to trade unions, but the government seems determined to wipe them out all together.
5 You might recall the Australian Federal Police raiding the offices of the ABC one Winter’s day late in June. The broadcaster’s head of investigative journalism was waiting. John Lyons responded to the raid with 50 tweets of the raid live. A novel way of reporting.
Now we find that on 58 occasions they have used national security laws to access the metadata of journalists. The purpose apparently was to pressure the Morrison government into strengthening press freedom.
The Sydney Morning Herald reports that:
As Labor demanded answers over revelations the AFP asked Qantas to hand over the private travel records of a senior ABC journalist, documents submitted to a review of Australia’s mandatory data retention regime have for the first time revealed the extent to which police have examined the communications history of reporters.
6 Every survey in every newspaper or magazine before and during the campaign said the environment was front and center in people’s thinking. Was it? Well not enough to vote for the only party who had the capacity to do something about it.
Instead of being proactive we tend to wait for disaster. Even in politics.
Maybe they don’t realise that the Coalition intends to do nothing about reducing our emissions and its too late now to do anything about it. Well short of riots in the streets and that won’t happen because we are a nation of laconic followers. Depressing, isn’t it?
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Never be afraid to step over the shadow of your negativity.
7 With three policies, taxes, free speech and trade unions seem to be there only targets for the next three years. I can see you thinking that those three things wont occupy Ministers for three years.
Well you see with their capacity for stuff-ups the public service will be working overtime to fix them. There might even be a bit of overtime involved.
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My thought for the day
We live in a time where horrible things are being perpetrated on us. The shame is that we have normalised them and adjusted accordingly.
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