The AIM Network

We’ll get by with a little help from our friends

We’ve always had an unwritten motto at The AIMN:

“We’re not here to make a profit. Instead, we’re here to make a difference.”

We’d like to think we do make a difference, but that’s not because of The AIMN; it’s because of our fabulous team of writers and the support we get from our readers who share our articles widely on Facebook, Twitter, or by word of mouth.

In 2022 – an election year – there has never been a greater need to make a difference. Many would agree that Scott Morrison and his government are the worst in living memory and we cannot afford another term of this incompetent rabble. There is far too much at stake to leave the country in their incapable control.

Between now and the election it’s fair to say we’re coming up to our busiest time in three years. We thus need your help.

We are here to make a difference, but whilst we’re not here to make money, the site does cost a lot to maintain. We’ve done what we can to significantly reduce costs – such as change our web host and maintenance provider – but it hasn’t completely done the trick.

It’s been no secret that it’s the donations from our readers who keep The AIMN a viability, and we’ve always appreciated their support.

A couple of times in years gone by we’ve put out the call for donations when the need arose, and we have been humbled by the positive responses. Knowing that people appreciate The AIMN means more than we can say.

We are, unfortunately, at that point where we again call upon our friends to add a small donation if able to do so.

At the bottom of this post you will see a “Donate” button for those who use PayPal. You will be offered a choice to make a one-off donation or a monthly donation. For those not on PayPal, The AIMN’s bank details are:

Bank: CBA

BSB: 062–500

Account number: 1049 5969

Your help will be appreciated, and we’ll make sure we work hard for every dollar!

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Like what we do at The AIMN?

You’ll like it even more knowing that your donation will help us to keep up the good fight.

Chuck in a few bucks and see just how far it goes!


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