The AIM Network

We must keep a close eye on the vagaries of fate

We are being pulled in several directions by varying vested interests and moral issues.

There is absolutely no doubt that a lengthy lock-down will cause severe damage to the economy, while we need to keep in mind that we did not have a particularly healthy economy before the pandemic hit.

There is equally no doubt that, to attempt to return to any new version of normality, too soon, carries severe risks of a resurgence of Covid-19, followed by another surge of heavy demands on already stretched-to-the-maximum health services – and increasing numbers of deaths.

The government is urging us to accept a potentially dangerous loss of privacy, by installing an app on our smartphones to assist, in the event of further outbreaks, in later tracking down contacts of those newly infected. More on this later.

I read today, with deep dismay, that Scott Morrison has graduated from ‘daggy dad’ to father of the nation!

What a travesty of reality!

I do not normally value highly the process of character assassination, but we are living at a critical time in history where we have a chance, as never before, to turn the tide. To stop sailing into a maelstrom, dominated by global monopolists, but rather create a truly democratic system which values its weak and poor at least as much as its most skilled and capable.

I am not sure how intelligent this man, who became our accidental Prime Minister, is, but I do know he is full to the brim with rat cunning! (Sorry, rats! I know it might be survival of the fittest but your reputation for starting a pandemic is not untarnished!)

The grubby way he became a candidate for election in the first instance gives us a glimpse into a Machiavellian mind! And the relatively short times spent in each step of his employment history give rise to doubt whether merit was the reason for his rapid rise up the ladder or whether, instead, his reasons for moving on had no connection with meritorious ability.

You can readily research his progress, where his ability at creating a message far exceeds his ability to deliver an outcome that is truly beneficial, other than to his own career! The fact that he has seldom completed an employment contract, or been highly rated by fellow workers, should be ringing alarm bells.

You will note that it has long been a characteristic that he does not answer questions.

Yet, if we want to trust our leaders, we have a right to expect truthful answers to questions, transparency and only holding back information on genuine matters of national security.

A government that can countenance the pursuit of secret court hearings in the cases of Witness K and Bernard Collaery, and rake through a journalist’s underwear drawers on a dodgy warrant does not generate trust or respect!

Labor lost the 2019 election and ScoMo was the default winner – not on merit, not on outstanding policy – he had none apart from cutting taxes for the wealthy – purely through a fumbling campaign by Labor.

So now we have a pandemic and he is, on the face of it, in charge, while the Opposition has been sidelined, from where they dare not criticise, because things are too serious to allow distraction by political issues.

Without the National Cabinet we would not have any policies because, clearly, the ones we now have are, for the most part, completely contrary to ScoMo’s ideology.

The speed with which the policies had to be thrown together – another indictment of the Coalition that their stewardship since 2013 had left us bereft of any ready made policies to deal with a crisis – has left many significant holes.

They DID have the good fortune to get advice from Steven Kennedy, whose policy during the GFC underpinned Australia’s ability to emerge ahead of the rest of the developed world.

But significant groups have been totally denied assistance – either from the newly introduced schemes or from Centrelink!

The only advice they have been given, in many cases, is to ‘Go home!’ – an impossibility with borders closed and no transport!

And, referring back to the tracking contacts, mentioned earlier, the issue has not been properly thought through.

I am 84, but, in mid-1989, I was employed at the then Northern Territory University ITAFE section as a mathematics lecturer in technical areas, and – along with all mathematics and education lecturers – was provided with an Apple Mac for my exclusive use.

So my facility with technology is very different from many in my peer group, most of whom do not even have a smart phone, let alone feel comfortable using one.

Yet this is the group the members of which, given their being more likely to have compromised immune systems, are most likely to benefit from the contact tracking process and least likely to be in a position to use it!

And that is completely ignoring the fact that trust in government has sunk to such a low level, that there will be strong opposition to using the App, because of the potential of misuse it offers to government!

Those who make policy, fail to get advice from people who are familiar with problems encountered among the elderly and the poor and the homeless, so the policies that result are made in ignorance of how they will actually work with people from diverse situations.

ScoMo has arranged things so that – unless he calls on Greg Hunt, as Minister for Health, or either the Chief or Deputy Chief Medical Officer, on strictly health and pandemic issues – HE is the sole spokesperson on all other policy matters.

To those ignorant of the National Cabinet process, this creates the impression that the Prime Minister is responsible for all of the decisions on policy matters and he positively basks in the glow of attention that this provides him.

But look for a moment at the policies which, in the past, he has either promoted or condemned out of hand, and compare with the policies he is now endorsing!

A leopard does not change its spots!

Sooner or later, there are many whose apparent conversion proves temporary when they revert to type.

It is clear that the Premiers of both NSW and Victoria are not always in agreement with decisions voiced by ScoMo – and that is only natural, because State leaders have full authority, within their respective states, on many issues.

Education – to go or not to go to school – is a major cause for disagreement and the government’s attempts to ensure that Childcare Centres remain open has evidently not been thought through well.

Only time will tell how effective the policy making has been, and the real measure is, sadly, in lives lost.

But above it all, ideology is a driving force, which might step back in the face of circumstances, but seldom changes significantly.

ScoMo is allowing policies to be introduced to which he is ideologically opposed.

Please be aware that his concept of ‘snap back’ will be to get back on to the path of demonising unions and workers, supporting employers – particularly corporations – subsidising mining coal and other fossil fuels, ignoring global warming – and raking in the donations.

His ideology does not encompass helping those who genuinely need help unless it buys him votes.

A true wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I end as always – this is my 2020 New Year Resolution:
“I will do everything in my power to enable Australia to be restored to responsible government.”

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