The AIM Network

We can do so much better than this

This government seems to think I should feel grateful for their stewardship.

Yeah… nah.

Ten reasons why we MUST have a change of government:

  1. We have Ministers wandering around wearing coal miners’ outfits and a government who thinks the greatest threat to the Reef is plastic and the best way forward is an economic recovery based on fossil fuels.
  2. Secrecy has become the norm and people who tell the truth are prosecuted.
  3. Bettina Arndt was awarded an Order of Australia for “significant service to the community as a social commentator and to gender equity through advocacy for men”. Two of her supporters, Amanda Stoker and Lorraine Finlay, have been elevated to high position, one as an unelected Senator and anti-abortion Assistant Minister for Women, and the other as an IPA-chosen appointed-without-advertising-or-interview Human Rights Commissioner.
  4. There is a mentality that people should be grateful to businesses for providing them with a job. Unions have been systematically demonised and undermined as the worker’s representative.  Company profits have soared whilst wages have flatlined and work entitlements and job security have gone backwards.
  5. Social security is seen as a burden rather than an investment in the education, health and well-being of the populace.
  6. Public education has been sacrificed to fund wealthy private and faith-based schools. And before anyone brings up those poor struggling Catholic schools, the church’s wealth in Australia was estimated at $30 billion some years ago.  And they pay NO tax.
  7. Public money has become a slush fund to be used for political advantage and positions are gifted as reward for party loyalty. The arrogance of long incumbency has fostered a culture of unaccountability.  And no Federal ICAC in sight.
  8. They cannot shake the colonial mentality that they know best how to Close the Gap on Indigenous disadvantage. As in everything else, they refuse to acknowledge any culpability, any blame, any criticism or any advice.  We can’t tell the truth or we are teaching our children to hate us said the Education Minister.  We might get sued squeaks John Howard.  We really care but… law and order… truancy… addiction… laziness… cries the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison cohort.
  9. According to this government, the NDIS is unsustainable. Yet Josh Frydenberg’s nearly-‘balanced’ budget was built on a $4.6 billion underspend on the NDIS in 2018-19.  And. as at June 30 this year, the DisabilityCare Australia Fund is valued at $15.5bn, delivering a return of 0.4% over the last 12 months.  Why is Peter Costello sitting on this fund and why did it get such a crap return?
  10. The 46th Parliament Current Ministry List.

But wait… there’s more…

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