The AIM Network

Wanted: three hundred good people

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The AIMN needs the help of 300 good people. I’ll get to the “who” and “why” shortly.

When The AIMN started up over five years ago we were just another WordPress blog, unaware that within six months we were going to be among the widest-read political blogs in Australia. Admittedly we did have high expectations, but our growth certainly went beyond them.

This growth, however, meant that we could no longer remain “just another WordPress blog.”

We said “goodbye” to the free version of WordPress; had the site built by a professional web-developer, found a new web host, and took on more writers.

And all was good. And we continued to grow.

And grow …

And grow …

And grow.

But with that growth came an unforeseen problem.

Our traffic was too large for the server – the server we shared with 500 other websites – and would crash at least daily, taking down not only The AIMN but the 500 websites who shared our server.

There was no alternative but to migrate The AIMN to what is called a “dedicated server”: a server for The AIMN alone, and one that could cater for our high volume of traffic.

Dedicated servers come at a cost, in our case $3,000 a year. In our first year, we were 50% subsidised by our web host.

In about six weeks we need to find $3,000 for the annual server renewal.

By the good grace of the many people who donate the The AIMN, and the income from advertising that appears on our site, we are able to not only pay our ever-increasing web developer costs, but more importantly, reward our wonderful authors for their fantastic and tireless contributions. In our opinion – and I’m sure that many of you would agree – they are among the best that independent journalism offers. They are the reason we continue to grow. They are the reason you are one of the thousands of people who visit The AIMN every day.

They deserve all the rewards they can get.

Sadly, unless we can find $3,000 there will be no AIMN.

This is why we need 300 good people. If, between now and the end of May, 300 people could commit to donating $10 to The AIMN we will survive another year. (Or you may wish to commit $10 a year each April or May).

With an election likely within the next twelve months, what an important year for us it is! We want to make a difference. We can make a difference.

The other upside is that through our regular donations – and the income we receive from our advertisements – our writers receive better rewards for their tireless efforts.

Everyone’s a winner.

If you want to be one of the 300, your contribution will help us meet our target, and will be gratefully accepted.

You can donate through PayPal or credit card via the button below:

Or alternatively, you can donate your $10 via bank transfer:

BSB: 062500; A/c no: 10495969

As our readers would know, we are not in the habit of asking directly for donations, however in this case we are making an exception. The reason being, for The AIMN’s survival. We need to be able to pay for our server. It’s as simple as that.

Thanking you in advance for considering us.


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Like what we do at The AIMN?

You’ll like it even more knowing that your donation will help us to keep up the good fight.

Chuck in a few bucks and see just how far it goes!

Your contribution to help with the running costs of this site will be greatly appreciated.

You can donate through PayPal or credit card via the button below, or donate via bank transfer: BSB: 062500; A/c no: 10495969


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