Update On Peter Dutton… And Apology From Me!

The other day, I wrote a satirical piece where I suggested that Peter Dutton would claim that it was an operational matter and he wouldn’t be able to release any information about his sources for contradicting all those on Manus who disagreed with his version of events.

Today he announced that it was “classified“.

Therefore, I must humbly beg your forgiveness. It wasn’t because it was an “operational matter”. It’s because it was classified. Apparently, you can release classified information as long as you don’t say who told you. This will be a great precedent in any trial involving the leaking of state secrets.

As an aside, I must also say that I’m appalled that the ABC is suggesting that Muslim woman whose name I can’t remember and, besides, it isn’t important, was making comments in her own time and they haven’t deported her yet!


Don’t they realise that the diggers fought and died trying to keep the country free so people would be allowed to say what they liked, and I’m sure that they’d all support me when I say that anybody who doesn’t say the right thing has forfeited the right to free speech?

I mean, free speech has its limits. It was meant for people who agree with me, not for every Tom, Dick and Harry! And certainly not for a woman with a name like Jassimin or Fatima or Soula or whatever it is… Her name’s not the important bit. It’s the fact that it’s not something easily remember that makes me doubly angry. I mean, if we’re going to open our hearts to people like her, then the least they can do is show a bit of subservience! We’ve already had enough trouble with women who have an opinion – that’s why we had to deport Germaine Greer!

If we allow people like whatshername to say things like “Lest We Forget” and add a few other things on ANZAC day, what’s next? We’ll have people saying things like the guy who shot the Archduke and started World War One was a terrorist and we shouldn’t have gone to war to support his country.

And nobody would ever want that…

When Malcolm comes back from his meeting with Trump to announce his support for whatever war we’re going to be involved in, I’m prepared to back him all the way!

Even if the reasons for going are “classified”!


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About Rossleigh 1447 Articles
Rossleigh is a writer, director and teacher. As a writer, his plays include “The Charles Manson Variety Hour”, “Pastiche”, “Snap!”, “That’s Me In The Distance”, “48 Hours (without Eddie Murphy)”, and “A King of Infinite Space”. His acting credits include “Pinor Noir Noir” for “Short and Sweet” and carrying the coffin in “The Slap”. His ten minutes play, “Y” won the 2013 Crash Test Drama Final.


  1. He already have the support of Mr Abbot who said today in 2GB: he was in a position to make contributions because he was a member of a political party that did not “practice Stalinism” and he was a “free citizen of a free country”.
    ……. “the more meetings between the Australian prime minister and the US president, generally speaking, the better”.
    “We are heavily involved already in the fight against this evil caliphate and if the Americans want additional Australian assistance I think we should certainly be prepared to consider it, we should be disposed to do it,”

    I would suggest Malcolm to elevate Tony to the minister of defense or even better create the Crawling minister position so he can also look after England affairs.

  2. They say political correctness is an assault on freedom. They want the right to offend Muslims and gays and Aboriginals. But don’t ever use the phrase lest we forget without expecting the wrath of the patriots to rain down upon you.

    I wonder if they know the origin of the phrase which comes from a poem written by Rudyard Kipling for Queen Victoria’s jubilee in 1897. How come some Australians believe they own the phrase or that it is restricted to the sentiment they have chosen to attach to it? It doesn’t belong to the RSL!

    Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
    Lest we forget—lest we forget!

    “Recessional” is imbued with language and a refrain fitting of a hymn. Kipling repeatedly entreats his countrymen to avoid imperialistic hubris, so as to be spared by a God who holds true dominion over all mankind.


  3. Kaye Lee, like you all on the AIM page , I feel sickened by the pack of wolves baying for blood.

    This has highlighted a deep and sad conflict in many people including myself.

    Is ANZAC day a day of shame , why?

    Because the leaders of the day were able to condemn thousands of young men to death , but why?

    On the pages where they were baying for blood, if you drill down with the individuals …the conversation soon changes to issues such as Sharia Law..etc etc..

    So really deep down ,it became about race …

    How shallow is our so called “social harmony” and how easily it is turned on its head by leaders who use policies and language that
    gives these wolves their voice.

    How loudly we sang the recessional without actually understanding what it means.

    Shall we again condemn young brave men to death by jumping over another cliff with America ?

    “Judge of the Nations ,spare us yet,
    Lest we forget- lest we forget”

    Thank you Rossleigh and Kaye.

  4. Is that classified or commercial in confidence? And is Malky sufficiently economically endowed to be able to do the knee tuck with the Don on equal terms? – unlike someone else we could mention.

  5. I’d also add there was a small snippett on the ABC News Website this am (shooting-mp-reinstated-following-dutton-claims/8473676) that few (read none) of the MSM have taken up on / reported – that compounds Dutton’s lies.

  6. Free Speech at its best.
    Responsible for what we say.
    We can and do speak rubbish.

    Mark Needham

  7. Excellent, as usual Rossleigh, & yes that particular “women” who is employed by the ABC–as what, an “apologist” for all things Muslim?–should have been sacked for her thoughtless & stupid & inflammitory remarks she said on Anzac day. Their should be no excuse from the ABC management, just get rid of her! We DO NOT “need” anyone like her, with her ill-timed & insensitive remarks being broadcast on our ABC! As for Dutton, I would be “shot” if I referred to him as I want to–classified–bullshit!

  8. Dear Mr Brisbane.
    May I enlist your assistance.
    I have one of the most powerful PR departments in our current government. And it’s useless.
    That Quaedvlieg bloke, and his piccolo, put the farce into Border Farce. My PR department couldn’t extract me from that quagmire.
    My PR department, more powerful than Border Farce, told me to tell the Australian people that I knew the truth, therefore I need tell them no more. Wow, did they get that one wrong. Even Cassidy hit me with a damp lettuce leaf. Apparently the Australian people would like, at the very least, a semblance of truth. Who woulda thunk?
    The other day, you wrote a satirical piece where you suggested that I would claim that it was an operational matter and I wouldn’t be able to release any information about my sources for contradicting all those on Manus who disagreed with my version of events. My PR department suggested I give ‘classified’ information to Bolt, on the very strict condition he can allude to it, but not disclose it. Yet these Australian people still don’t trust me, let alone Bolt, or my PR department.
    Do you see my problem yet?
    My PR department sucks.
    Hence my problem. If you can make them trust me, or make me like them (in the Face Book sense), I have a real shot at PM.
    Therefore, I must humbly beg your forgiveness, and forgive your indiscretions.
    Now, down to tin tacks. Your pay will be gratitude.
    My next problem is unlikely to be the warehousing of people seeking asylum. They don’t matter. We have a budget coming up. I have this investment property (not residential) in Canberra. That McManus woman says when rules are wrong, we need to change them. For goodness sake, she’s a woman. Probably a Muslim. Or lefty. Whatever. How can I explain, to the Australian public, that my use of the rules is not an abuse of the rules, even when the rules are wrong?
    My PR department is not up to it. I really, really need a satirist, to do my PR.
    When Malcolm comes back from his meeting with Trump to announce his support for whatever war we’re going to be involved in, I’m prepared to back him all the way!
    Up until I get his job. Then, and only then, I will double your pay.
    Yours, nearly sincerely
    The Dud
    Thank you Mr Brisbane and commenters. Take care
    Ps, Mr Brisbane. Think about the job offer! Do it right, he will likely triple your pay. Take care

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  1. Update On Peter Dutton… And Apology From Me! – Papuq's Snippets

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