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‘Unacceptable impacts’ and ‘dodgy deals’: Senate Inquiry slams government subsidy for Middle Arm Industrial Precinct

Environment Centre NT Media Release

The Senate Inquiry into the Middle Arm Industrial Precinct handed down its final report today, issuing a damning indictment of the project, its impacts, and the integrity of its implementation.

The Middle Arm Industrial Precinct has been plagued by controversy ever since the announcement of $1.5 billion in Commonwealth Government equity support for the project.

Hundreds of Territorians gathered in April when the Middle Arm Senate Inquiry convened in Darwin. Traditional Owners, scientists, doctors, nurses, teachers and unions gave evidence regarding the potential impacts of the project to cultural heritage, the environment of Darwin Harbour, human health, and climate.

Today, those concerns have been vindicated by many of the recommendations issued by the Senate Environment and Communications References Committee.

Key takeaways from the report include:

  • Senator David Pocock has called for an investigation into the circumstances in which the $1.5 billion Federal funding commitment was obtained, pointing to “significant questions around integrity and transparency” and evidence that the commitment was made without evidence of “clear value for money and without a proper evaluation of the significant risks.” Similarly, the Greens have asserted that the Federal decision to subsidise the project was “was based purely on pork-barrelling and dodgy deals and not the best interests of the local community or the planet.”
  • The Greens expressed serious concern about the health impacts of the proposed project, noting that NT regulators “cannot be relied upon to enforce safety regulations to protect the health of the Darwin community”. Senator Pocock also asserted that “the NT’s health system cannot cope with any worsening of health or conditions for residents of the NT,” and that evidence that the project “would not have an adverse impact on the health of Darwin residents was thin”.
  • Senator Lidia Thorpe found thatthere has been a real lack of genuine consultation and a disregard for the need to obtain Free, Prior and Informed Consent”. This sentiment was echoed by the Greens and Senator Pocock, who both made recommendations to ensure free, prior, and informed consent is central to any future development at the Middle Arm peninsula.

Kirsty Howey, Executive Director of the Environment Centre NT says:

“The Middle Arm gas hub simply cannot proceed, based on what was revealed in this inquiry and what has now been recommended in its report.

“This report confirms what the community has been saying for a long time — the Middle Arm gas hub poses unacceptable risks to the wellbeing of Territorians, our climate, and our harbour.

“The shocking information revealed by the inquiry should make it clear to the Federal Government that their $1.5 billion subsidy must be redirected away from the Middle Arm gas hub. Evidence submitted to the Inquiry showed that we can spend this money here in the NT in a way that doesn’t sacrifice people’s wellbeing and will actually create more sustainable jobs.”


The project

The Middle Arm gas and petrochemical precinct – if it goes ahead – will be the biggest industrial development in Darwin’s history. Despite the NT Government previously deleting the word ‘petrochemicals’ from all government websites, documents submitted to the environmental regulator and Infrastructure Australia by the NT Government confirm that the precinct would consist predominately of gas processing and petrochemical industries. The full list of industries included in the referral are: a carbon capture and storage (CCS) common user hub, an LNG train, blue hydrogen, green hydrogen, ammonia export plant, methanol export plant, condensate refinery, phosphoric acid production facility, ethane cracker, urea, and lithium hydroxide processing.

Documents revealed last year showed that the Albanese Government was aware that the precinct would be a “key enabler” for fracking in the Beetaloo basin when it announced a $1.5 billion subsidy for the precinct, given in the form of an equity investment.

The Petroni Report into the proposed Middle Arm development found a range of health risks associated with the proposed petrochemical development so close to nearby populations in Palmerston and Darwin.

What was learned from the inquiry

The Senate Inquiry was announced in September 2023 following a series of controversies regarding the proposed development in Darwin Harbour.

More than 200 submissions were made in the initial phase of the inquiry, the vast majority of which opposed the development of the Industrial Precinct and called for the federal funding to be redirected.

Inquiry hearings took place in Darwin and Canberra in April and June of this year, hearing from a range of witnesses including Traditional Owners, environmentalists, scientists, academics, tourism operators, doctors, unionists, nurses, teachers, students, and local residents, as well as the Northern Territory Government, regulator, and gas industry representatives.

Issues that were raised throughout the inquiry include concerns raised by Larrakia Traditional Owners about poor consultation and threats to country and culture. Academics and environmentalists spoke to the integrity of the project’s planning and funding, including the way in which the NTG hired gas industry lobbyists to obtain federal funding. Explosive documents were tabled that revealed major cost blowouts for the project and an extremely marginal cost-benefit ratio, as well as a dubious calculation of the project’s very viability.

Doctors, nurses, and health professionals gave evidence about the health impacts of the project, including the capacity of the Northern Territory’s environmental monitoring program to monitor risks and the preparedness of the health system to respond to an increased disease burden.

The impacts of the project on marine and terrestrial ecological values, and the economic activities with which they are associated was discussed by ecologists, who warned that further industrialisation of the harbour could worsen the observed decline in marine species.

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  1. Harry Lime

    It would appear that once you cross a State border into the Northern Territory,trifles like integrity,transparency concern for environmental degradation,etc. evaporate into the atmosphere,and has ever been the case.The Four Corners report into illegal cotton growing just the latest blatant example of Big Ag,corporate criminality screwing all and sundry in pursuit of a quid.There has been a succession of half witted Territory governments being a pushover for whomever wants to rape and pillage the natural resources….for free,all in the name of development.The ‘Wild West’ mentality is alive and well in the see you in the NT.
    Can’t see the Federal government riding to the rescue…conflict of interests, no doubt.

  2. Canguro

    Harry, re. ‘Wild West’ mentality, I have a friend whose career was building rammed earth houses across the country for both private & corporate clients. He worked extensively in the NT. His comment on NT culture was exactly as you say; a place full of crooks and shonks, men fleeing from crimes committed in other states, from broken marriages and disregarded alimony obligations, from businesses gone bust with debt burdens unaddressed and, I guess, much more. A haven for the asocial, antisocial, sociopaths & psychopaths.

    I spent two weeks, in 2019, on a property near the infamous speck, Larrimah; ostensibly employed as a bore mechanic, a desperate measure at the time intended to put some cash in my bank account. I quit after refusing to work with a nasty co-worker who’d somehow managed to have a murder charge dropped, whose brother was in the can for the same offence, who joked and laughed about how he’d been involved in physical brutality towards people who were turning up to protest against old growth logging in the mid-north coast of NSW when he was a timber cutter… all in all an ugly character who also kept a number of rifles in his quarters.. he hated me from the moment he saw me because I drove a red Falcon sedan and he’d seen a red Falcon sedan at the logging site; ergo, he thought I was one of the protestors. He was your classical raper & pillager, more comfortable on a bulldozer or with a chainsaw than engaging with people. I met people like this guy in Queensland years ago, in the bush out west; people who’d rather shoot at you than talk to you. The outback is full of dangerous ferals…

  3. Harry Lime

    Canguro,I’ve travelled extensively around the Territory over the decades,and seen places in remote corners most white fellas never get to see.through the agency of a very good mate, who spent thirty years there ,mainly territory Parks and Wildlife,eventually as a Director.I’ve had close encounters with some of the ‘characters’ you describe,and it is still very much a frontier.
    By the way, a RED sedan of any make would be a magnet for some of the locals.

  4. Anon. E. Mouse

    Canguro, and in the city the dangerous rape-and-pillage ferals can wear suits, or Prada.
    The city ones tend to be a bit more sly and oh so polite and come from all areas of the world.

  5. Clakka

    I agree with all the sentiments expressed above. It’s almost as if the deep north of Oz equates to the deep south of the USofA. It’s as if the hot sun induces torpidity and shadiness.

    A paradise for freebooters, bigots and opportunists. All of course who have connections as ground-breakers to the influencers and big corporates in the big cities of the south and east.

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