Turnbull welcomes nice refugees who wait to be invited.
Just when you thought the Australian government’s treatment of refugees held on Manus Island and Nauru could not descend any deeper into the slough of moral repugnancy, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announces that he will accept for resettlement refugees from camps in Costa Rica.
At the same time, the PM gave fleeting mention to the 12,000 hand-picked Syrian refugees we were supposed to welcome months ago, but who seem to have become terminally enmeshed in security procedures more stringent than those of any other western democracy because, well, we’re precious like that.
The refugees we are accepting are the nice refugees, while those held captive in life-extinguishing misery are not nice refugees. That’s why they’re held in life-extinguishing misery: no punishment is too great for people who are not nice refugees, even death.
All those not nice people who wouldn’t queue.
Or people who are in general not nice, really. One should never underestimate the grip the white tribe’s middle-class value of niceness has on our juridico-political system.
We are now in the morally sickening position of torturing one set of displaced, stateless persons whilst offering sanctuary to another set of displaced, stateless persons, based entirely on the falsehood that we invited the latter and we did not invite the former. In fact, as signatories to the Refugee Convention we did invite the former, but that Convention is so last century I don’t know why I’m even mentioning it.
Australia, Turnbull assures us, is very generous in our acceptance of the world’s nice needy. This is undoubtedly true, however, it’s a bit like arguing that Hitler loved his dogs, or a serial killer was friendly to his neighbours. It’s the kind of cognitive dissonance seen in people who work hard to compensate for their dark side by convincing themselves and others that they’re really very caring. Turnbull strives on the world stage to talk up our humanitarian inclinations, even as human lives fester on his watch in steaming, fetid tropical dystopias.
This must be yet another blow for those on Manus and Nauru. If they needed further demonstration of their lack of worth in the eyes of their tormenters, which I’m certain they didn’t, they’ve got one, compliments of a prime minister with the principles of a bush pig.
The Turnbulls do not seem entirely at their ease, either hanging from straps on the New York subway or self-consciously posing for pics with the Obamas, Lucy clad in what appeared to be the shining black skin of a slain shark converted to a clinging sheath, more fitting in the wardrobe of the elegant Clare Underwood in the HBO production, House of Cards. Or perhaps she was wearing a wet suit. What do I know.
I realise I’m not being nice, but f*ck it. It’s time to get the nasty on.
This article was originally published on No Place For Sheep.
Login here Register hereThe one and ONLY reason Turnbull made an offer to take refugees from Costa Rica was to attempt to show that he was one of the good guys and really and truly the fact that the LNP government intends to keep people incarcerated indefinitely as punishment for coming by boat..well, that’s just ‘a deterrence’ and an indication of a ‘successful’ asylum seeker policy. Mind you, it’s against signed conventions to punish people for seeking asylum, but look at moi, I’m taking a few people to help the Yanks out. And the world said: YAWN….
Those who came without an ‘invitation’ to a:
might have missed the point. Being ‘agile’, ‘innovative’ and ‘creative’ and doing exactly that equates to an immediate disqualification. Don’t take notice of what we say. That’s just for the locals’ consumption. No wonder we won’t accept you.
The irony abounds.
Jennifer, the way I feel about the Liberals right now might make me say something they don’t want to hear; as the result I might have to wear a bullet-proof vest under my wet suit.
The wet suit look is trending, it’s a kind of holiday look, the orange and bright green industrial gear is going out of fashion. Too many people are unemployed, that’s the sad truth. The jobs and growth did not eventuate.
Yes Jennifer Wilson,
the fact that the Turnbull Gutterment could assume we would accept a lesser infringement of human rights as an excuse to ignore the extremely depraved denial of human rights on Manus and Nauru, makes my head spin so bad that I might get even meaner than poor, silly, impotent Malcolm Turnbull can handle.
But sadly, while we might disparage lil ole Mal, his party functionaries are aiming to continue the persecution of vulnerable people in detention.
Following from Carol Taylor, It has also been suggested that the Turnbull “niceness” is about obscuring other reasons he is in Washington to do with more slyness involving the TPC, also the shabbier side of foreign policy in the Middle East and maybe how to cope with China.
What drives massive movements of people?
Their displacement as big power blocs play ruthless Big Game politics like elephants, not even noticing all the grief involving the collateral damage.
Like Mandy Il Patrone Vanstone (QandA 26-9-16) who extolled the virtues of those waiting patiently for 12-15 years before the skerrick of humanity left in this mongrel rabble kicks in and they deign to allow them entry as refugees. A truly Panglossian sentiment more suited to the C18th than the C21st.
Thanks everyone for your comments. I just think that we have to keep undoing *the folded lies* this government is so adept at running out, as the msm become increasingly enslaved and reluctant to unfold anything.
Those wonderfull, people of Australia, the ones who voted back into power the most incompetant, xenaphobic, sick group of bullies, back into power after demonstrating their clear idiology!
We, as a society are sick!
Isn’t Central and South America predominantly catholic? We all know that christians CAN’T be radicalised. Could Malcontent be trying to keep his lunatic right wing masters happy? Siigghh…
Lawrence Winder’s remark as to the Panglossian nature of global politics is emphasised in the following comment from Jennifer Wilson concerning “folded lies” and the triumph of techne involving consent manufacture identified by Jexpat identified in the US Election thread involving the failure of heuristics when in the possession of lunatics, myopic criminals and grafters.
Best fast-track for asylum seekers (irrespective of method of arrival) – if they swear that they will always vote LNP – ka-ching!!!!
Don’t know why this was not figured out before …. I blame myself.
Sadly MIchael,
I see some wisdom in your words.
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