By Peter MCC
Yesterday we were treated to the painful video of Trump and Turnbull spruiking man love to the gathered reporters complete with “alternative facts” which was dutifully accepted by those in attendance. I think it’s a photo finish as to who grovelled more; Malcolm or the reporters. With just one question about resettlement Trump could have imploded.
Most disgusting of all was the opening comment where Malcolm congratulated Donald for stripping away healthcare from about 24 million of America’s poorest. He was so excited his eyes were watering. Don’t be surprised if this floats around in the next election campaign.
This is the very same chap who decried that Labor ran a scare campaign about his support for Medicare because apparently we should ignore history and believe it when he said he loved the program (while actually making cuts to Medicare at the very same election).
No sign at all of any embarrassment.
One observation I would make though, is that if Trump had really paid any attention to MT he could have learned something. Trump uses the Tony Abbott approach of crash through or crash and we all know how that ends. MT already knows how to move up to the next step and it’s really quite simple.
Donald doesn’t even have to turn away from any of his policies. He can keep them as is. Just change what you announce but then do the opposite. If folk are worried about the environment, tell them you are too, then claim you are making it better. When they start to get worried announce the very same thing but present it as new. Simply rinse and repeat.
If your mates want to prop up coal mining you do the same. Say you are making big changes, make an excellent speech. Then keep it handy for the next time someone realises nothing has happened. It works a treat.
Malcolm has companies in tax havens and makes great speeches about tax avoidance, then does nothing until the speech is required again. Same goes for energy security, housing affordability, superannuation, climate change, debt levels, all these he presents as something he cares about, but then nothing happens. Folk actually think he is different to Tony even though he has exactly the same policies. It’s amazing what learning to smile can let you get away with.
So the takeaway for Trump could have been better for him as far as popularity goes. MT has it sown up, and let’s face it folks, Trump has such a fragile ego that any help in that department would be gratefully received.
This article was originally published on 1petermcc’s Blog.