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Track Replacement Services Lacking

By Jane Salmon

“Fast Track” Visa Process DeRailed,
Connecting Service Missing: Mass Transit to PR Overdue, Tony Burke.

The clunky “Fast Track” visa processing “system“ was dismantled for refugees long before a connecting service could be arranged. In fact, it proved to be an expensive “Side Track”.

A much-discussed High Speed Rail route to permanency for asylum seekers (who bought tickets more than a decade ago) is still nothing more than an empty election cycle mirage.

Refugees missing access to higher education, permanent jobs, consistent Medicare, family reunion, citizens’ rights are sick of having their lives derailed. They pay tax for services consistently denied them: a bit like passengers on the Bankstown Line.

Immigration Minister Tony Burke must provide rapid mass transit to permanency and then citizenship rights for those still braving the elements at his immigration station.


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  1. paul walter

    I bet the coming years see a rise in refugees trying to get away from places like Palestine.

    Then there are the Rohingya swanning about picturesquely named Cox’s Bazaar, Sudanese and a raft of other unfortunate folk.

    I doubt whether much change will happen, even a whiff and it will be all weasel-worded over the tabloids, as we have seen from Palestine, the milk of human kindness is notably lacking at the moment.

  2. keitha granville

    Promises are made and there’s no follow up to see that they are kept.

    The Coalition will be worse 🙁

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