By Kyran O’Dwyer
Based on his ability to amass wealth, he would be judged by many to be successful. His most recent parliamentary declaration suggests he ‘owns’ six properties, the value of which seems to vary on the news source, somewhere between $5 and $10 million. Naturally, his entitlement to privacy means that it is unreasonable to ask if any of the properties are subject to mortgage, or if he claims negative gearing concessions, or if he rents them out.
Such issues could only be considered relevant if he was indebted, by way of mortgage, to any particular bank and had to perform his job as a parliamentarian and vote on any financial institutions related matters. Or if he was a beneficiary of the very generous negative gearing provisions (and, by extension, the CGT concessions) and had to deliberate on the effects of such legislation to the Australian people. Or if the properties were predominantly rental properties and he had to deliberate on housing availability/affordability.
Such conflicts of interest could only be the musings of those jealous of his success. The new world order decrees that, if you are wealthy, you are an exemplar of all things great. You are the epitome of what everyone should be aspiring to. If others cannot accrue the trinkets, it can only be due to their lack of resolve, their fear of ‘hard work’. Their lack of education, their health, their circumstances, their ethnicity, their religion, their skin pigmentation, is their fault. In his world, they are just lazy.
The foregoing is one definition of success.
Now for the ‘whinge’. If this ‘thing’ is to be measured by any other standard, he is an abject failure. Think of the qualities you would ordinarily or reasonably ascribe to a ‘leader’. He is, after all, being touted as one of talcum’s potential replacements. Qualities such as integrity, intelligence, vision, conviction, compassion, decency. Feel free to add your own.
This ‘thing’ was a minister for health. The doctor’s union, the AMA, voted him the worst health minister ever. Admittedly, that was before they got well and truly ‘Ley’d’. Their criticism seemed to revolve around the notion that he had NFI (No Idea, with an expletive in between) as to his portfolio. He was ignorant of its content and lazy in addressing his ignorance.
It seems only fair and reasonable that Tiny would, therefore, promote him in 2014, just before Christmas, to his current portfolio. His predecessor was destined for greater things. Treasury.
The only success of the last few years has been the promotion of miscreants just to prove that we, the people, were delusional in our belief that we had just survived the worst ‘minister’ ever. Whenever we think ‘this is the worst ever’, they find a worse one. Whether it be Tiny to Talcum, Hockey to Scummo, Pyne to Birmingham, Talcum to Fifield. Pick a portfolio. Lulled into a false sense of security, we, the people, can only be impressed by their ability to find a worse one. Of course, there are a few portfolios where they got the worst pick right in the first instance. Think Attorney General or Foreign Affairs.
My bad, back to this ‘thing’ and his current portfolio (ass distinct from his ‘property’ portfolio). One can’t help but note that he is a tad annoyed about Christmas carols. He is more concerned that we are not singing ‘Silent Night’, whilst focussing on his abuse of a silent night for the refoulement of those seeking his protection.
Back in October the ABC’s Four Corners did a program on Nauru. This ‘thing’, and his Nauruan counterpart, ‘adeang’, were insistent that the ABC had an agenda other than reporting the truth. Since then there have been reports from the UN, Save the Children, Amnesty International, ASRC, etcetera, stating nothing more than the truth. As their truth contradicts his truth, it cannot be considered truth.
Just on Friday the federal government released a report from the Child Protection Board. The Immigration Minister, unsurprisingly, blamed Labor. What was a surprise was that the Board recommended its report be sent for consideration to the RC into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which the government agreed to do. This was reported in The Guardian. Not one mention on the ABC news site.
Also just on Friday, Justice Bromberg, of the Federal Court, dismissed Mr Dutton’s submission that he deny two men relief, opening the potential that 10,000 refugees may now seek the protections we once afforded them when Doc Evatt helped to frame the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This was reported on Sydney Morning Herald. Not one mention on the ABC news site.
The last report on those annoying asylum seekers, those annoying refugees, on the ABC, was about US officials going to Nauru to assess their validity to seek asylum in America. The ABC hasn’t reported on whether the US officials ever got there, let alone the prospect of the transference of those in our care.
The ABC charter was once similar to the public service charter. Frank and fearless. The charters of the ABC and the Public Service are now but a distant reminiscence. Once frank and fearless, now cowering before ‘this thing’, the epitome of success.
Now that we have gutted both, we are left with ‘this thing’. To the good people of Dickson, please rid us of ‘this thing’. You were once represented by Lavarch (Labor). Then you went to Smith. Once Liberal, then independent. Then Kernot, Labor, having defected from the Democrats. Then you got ‘this thing’. Once described as Liberal, now Liberal National.
Silent Night
Holy Night
All is calm
All is bright
This ‘thing’ was more concerned about his demonic photograph, than his demonic presence.
Sort of say’s it all, doesn’t it?
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