The AIM Network

This is really serious

Image from (Photo credit: Ian Hitchcock/Getty Images)

The latest report from the IPCC has been carefully crafted to avoid being thrown aside as alarmist and therefore untrustworthy.

It is actually telling us that action is not just needed urgently – it is critically important that we act NOW – where ‘we’ means the whole world.

OK. So that is impossible.

But WE have to make it possible, or future generations are literally doomed.

We here in Australia are fortunate in having an election looming, because we can now concentrate on the only issue of importance.

Forget about party politics.

Think about staying alive and having acceptable living conditions.

What must we do to ensure that can be achieved?

We have to have agreement on banning use of all fossil fuels THIS YEAR!

We need to be guided by diplomats and scientists with appropriate knowledge and understanding – and some of the current independent candidates – who need no convincing about the reality of global warming – are probably worth serious consideration.

There is still – just! – time to consider other suitable candidates.

Forget old ‘party’ feuds and biases.

These are deadly serious times and we can only have this one chance to get it right.

We need to persuade the whole world that action now is far more important than building empires and conquering the world, only for it to prove to be no friend to us.

If you agree with me, please share this article as widely as possible, get involved and help ensure that we stop destroying our world but keep it. and as much of our environment as possible, in a liveable state.

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