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The price of nuclear in a cost of living crisis – media briefing

The Climate Council

Australians are being told to look to the Canadian province of Ontario as a case study for why we should embrace nuclear energy. But is Ontario’s nuclear experience really the success story it’s made out to be? Join us on Monday, October 28 at 10:00 AM AEST (join HERE) for a critical briefing where an expert from Ontario will fact-check these claims and provide an analysis of the comparative costs of nuclear, gas, and renewables.

With a federal committee on Nuclear Energy now underway, and a cost-of-living federal election approaching, this briefing – hosted by the Climate Council and the Smart Energy Council – will focus on the costs and timelines of alternative energy options for Australia.

Our panel of respected experts will cover topics such as:

  • Is nuclear energy in Ontario really providing cheap and clean power as Peter Dutton claims?
  • The long-term costs of maintaining nuclear reactors
  • Comparing the cost of new nuclear infrastructure with renewable alternatives
  • How energy choices will impact household bills and cost of living


  • Prof. Mark Winfield, York University (Canada) – academic and author specialising in energy and environment
  • Dylan McConnell, Energy Analyst
  • Nicki Hutley, Economist and Climate Councillor

The briefing will be held on Monday, October 28th at 10:00 AM AEST. You can join by clicking this link:

We look forward to seeing you there.

* * * *

The Climate Council is Australia’s leading community-funded climate change communications organisation. We provide authoritative, expert and evidence-based advice on climate change to journalists, policymakers, and the wider Australian community.

For further information, go to:

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1 comment

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  1. Steve Davis

    Many years ago, before Fukushima and probably before Chernobyl, it was known that one downside of nuclear power was that insurance companies refused to provide insurance cover.

    This means that private companies will only be involved in construction, maintenance and operating if governments cover the entire risk.

    In short, under Dutton’s scheme, taxpayers will foot all the bills, and a private company will drop in, take over operations, and charge taxpayers for the power they produce.

    That’s what I call a great business plan.

    Liberal economics — yer gotta luv it!
    Socialism for the business sector, the discipline of the market for the masses.

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