The AIMN received an email yesterday from the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee. Though address to the site owners, it’s fair to guess it was sent to all at The AIMN, including our readers.
Here is the email:
Inquiry into the Murdoch Media Inquiry Bill 2023
On 11 May 2023, the Senate referred the Murdoch Media Inquiry Bill 2023, upon introduction, to the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 12 December 2023. The bill was introduced on 13 June 2023.
Information regarding the bill can be found at the committee’s website under ‘Current Inquiries’. The committee invites your organisation to make a submission to this inquiry. Submissions are due by 31 August 2023.
The committee encourages the lodgement of submissions in electronic form and it is possible to lodge a submission through the committee’s website. Alternatively submissions can be lodged via email to All submissions should include the author’s full name, phone number and postal address on a separate covering letter.
Please note that a submission becomes a committee document, and must not be disclosed to any other person until it has been accepted by the committee. Unless you have requested that your submission remain confidential, it will be published on the committee’s website after the committee has examined and accepted it, and authorised its publication. Once a committee has authorised the release of a submission, subsequent publication is protected by parliamentary privilege.
I reckon we all have something we’d like to add.
Due to confidentiality – as noted in the email – please do not leave your suggestions in our comments section or they cannot be included in the submission. Please email them to us at
Put those thinking caps on!
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Think it needs to go a little further for context and relevance i.e. include 9Fairfax and 7West too, as the big three dominate and appear to cooperate as a cartel or oligopoly at times.
Two trend and cartel metrics over past two decades or generation, the change of scale i.e. increasing size of merged & consolidated media businesses etc., crossing over of legacy media channels e.g. radio, print, FTA tv or cable, and geographical reach (to reach and influence above median age voter).
Influence, whether subsidies, friendly policy changes and personal meetings or contacts between media proprietors, PMs and Ministers e.g. digital infrastructure, mergers, reach etc.
One presumes this 20thC media model, already under challenge, will struggle to survive commercially; if that’s case then they must be allowed to sink and sell out according to free market forces.
Given the ~60-65% (or more?) footprint of the print/digital media landscape currently the case per News Corp/Murdoch domination, can The AIMN shed any further light on what the expected outcomes of this inquiry might be?
Is it too early/too optimistic to anticipate rigorous governmental intervention that legislatively winds back the toxic tentacles of the News Corp’s octopussie wraparound the information-imbibing Australian populace?
Can we objectively expect an improvement in the overall tenor of the media landscape?
I’d like to be hopeful on this subject, but am tempered by exposure to uber-wealthy who natively demonstrate their default attitude of ‘fuck you, who do you think you are?’
Not much I can add, Canguro. Just passing on the email and looking for suggestions.
You little bewdy. * rubs hands together with glee and sharpens her typing pencil *
If I am felled by this flu, my cats have all the relevant swearwords alphabetised. Do not ask the man of the house for his opinion. He is sorely defecit in optimism and knows no Ukrainian expletives. The Cats Know All.
brroad grin
Ta …. quite timely, when I notice that Sky are proposing to set ip a new channel dedicated to ‘The Voice’ NO case.
I don’t feel qualified or capable enough to make a submission, I’ll leave that to the journalist AIMN contributors and commentators.
@ Michael, have you posted this to FB? Is it OK for me to do so?
If a way exists to investigate the media maggot monstrosity Merde Dog, the scrotum headed foreigner with a pustular poxed personality (hah) it would be a start in getting the flows of shit reduced for national mental health. The basic attitude is to create and distribute lying, profiteering, coalition favouring mental shit. To control is to get action favouring the controller, and Murdoch is the planetsized plantation owner in excelsis. Buy media, buy governments, buy power, buy results.
Hi, Clakka.
It’s on our Facebook page as well as a few dozens other FB groups.
And yes, share it wherever you can.
Our legal eagle suggests that – as per the Senate Committee’s ‘instructions’ – we can’t have anything in our submission that has already been published (here, FB, Twitter etc), which is why we encourage people with ideas to email us.
Now I would enjoy seeing Murdoch’s Empire of Effluent humiliated by a Royal Commission as much as the next person but I suspect it wouldn’t achieve very much.
Murdoch’s ‘The Australian’ newspaper rag would obviously go into meltdown and a million extra trees would be pulped for nothing.
The rabid bath plugs on Sky after Dark would scream blue murder and the five people who watch that garbage would howl in unison.
The ABC’s Insiders would spend a month of Sunday’s pontificating and the rest of the known universe wouldn’t give a rat’s freckle.
I am not saying don’t hold a Royal Commission, who knows something good may come out of it.
A rock solid, cast in re-enforced concrete black ban on all things Murdoch would be a better option for the vast majority of the population.
Avoid all things Murdoch and you will feel much better and your outlook on life will improve.
With the Murdoch media in mind …
I think the New York morgue bait will be paying one of his lackeys to laugh his arse off on his behalf.He’d be putting this ‘inquiry’ into his cat’s litter bin.The Labrals have been running shit scared of Murdoch’s garbage machine for decades,and nothing’s going to change until the prick is long dead.However I do have one suggestion:Rupert can go fuck himself,and this is tax free advice.No, wait,I just thought of another one,let’s pass the hat around and buy him a seat on the next Titanic submersible….or a chair on one of Elon’s exploding rockets.Front row, of course.
@Harry Lime, front row next to the shitter. Where he belongs. He can have a front row seat (on the shitter) watching their doom approach. I reckon it took the form of Cthulhu the Great Old One. What do you say? Orcas got them first?
On an entirely unrelated matter, a girl on Twitter is challenging Melon Husk to show how it’s done. Go on, Elon, we’re all right behind you (cutting the tether).
Kirsten,I think one close up of Murdoch’s ugly visage would have the Orcas beaching themselves in a mass suicide.