It’s hard to recall the last time we saw Barrie Cassidy take a blowtorch to a government minister on Insiders, but that’s what happened this morning.
And it was obvious that his target, Kelly O Dwyer, never saw it coming, either.
The first thought that came to mind while watching the interview was, can you believe the hypocrisy? After calling Bill Shorten’s announcement in 2016 that Labor would set up a royal commission into the financial services industry, reckless and ill-conceived, very dangerous, and bad for the economy, here she was trying to take credit for this week’s revelations.
As hard as she tried to put a positive spin on the government’s belated decision to establish a Royal Commission, she was unable to withstand the blistering onslaught she experienced with Cassidy.
His grilling of her was a true reflection of current public sentiment. The hypocrisy from the government has been mind-boggling given that her party never wanted a Royal Commission. It only backflipped after being dragged into line, kicking and screaming, by members of the National Party who threatened to cross the floor in their determination to get one.
While trying to gain some credit for her government setting up the Commission, O Dwyer refused to address questions concerning her criticisms of Labor’s election promise in 2016.
In trying to defend the indefensible, she struggled to cut through with anything that was remotely beneficial to her party’s credibility. If anything, it highlighted what a nasty piece of work they are.
Everything she said, stood in stark contrast to her party’s persistent opposition to it, for so long. Meanwhile, revelations during last week’s hearings that customers were given poor financial advice, were charged fees for no service, that a dead person was charged ongoing fees, that the corporate watchdog was deliberately misled for years, makes us salivate over what might be revealed when things resume next week.
Client theft, more compromised financial advice, financially ruining peoples’ lives; who knows what other surprises are in store.
This government’s actions in cutting funding to a multitude of community services shows us only too well, how concerned it is for the welfare of its constituents.
So, for Kelly O Dwyer to try and convince us that her government’s first concern was for consumers, beggars belief. It was simply a bridge too far, particularly considering their 2014 attempts to water down ethical constraints on financial advisers introduced by the Gillard government.
Thankfully, that attempt was blocked by the senate with the help of Nick Xenophon, Jacqui Lambie, John Madigan and Ricky Muir. Unsurprisingly, it was the major banks that led the campaign for the Federal Government to roll back parts of Labor’s Future of Financial Advice laws (FOFA).
The hypocrisy endemic in this government, is such that it reinforces our ongoing contempt for their political manoeuvring, point-scoring and protection of favoured interests, all of which comes at the expense of governing for the people.
A federal election cannot come quickly enough.
What a mind-numbingly obtuse shill this woman is! She really must live in a parallel universe… although I thought Cassidy missed three questions, “What do you think your chances of having bankers foul industry super scheme boards, is now, How much credibility do you think your party has with the public, and; Are you just a pathological liar and/or what is the name of the parallel universe you inhabit?
July 2009….
“KELLY O’Dwyer, a high-flying young banker and confidant of Peter Costello, has emerged as strong favourite to succeed the former treasurer in the blue-ribbon seat of Higgins.
Mr Costello is set to endorse Ms O’Dwyer, 32, who worked for him from 2004 to 2007 as a legal adviser. Ms O’Dwyer is a senior executive with National Australia Bank, where she manages the teams that look after the investments and banking of families with wealth worth more than $30 million.”
She is married to Jon Mant who she met while both were in student politics at Melbourne. Mant works as a corporate adviser at an international bank.
These are a few of the comments posted on her facebook page from Liberal Party supporters.
“Everyone knows the decision of the LNP to constantly put off the banking RC was a massive mistake. If you cannot admit your mistakes and try to tell us all that up is down it is impossible to trust anything you say. The current Labor political party would be terrible leaders of Australia – you are handing them the next election on a plate. Start treating people with respect, grab a dictionary if you need to look that word up.”
“I reckon you have driven the final nail into the Coalitions coffin with that appalling interview.The next opinion poll will surely show your party’s stocks plummeting downwards. .I am a lifelong Coalition Voter , 60 years , but this has well and truly made me re-think my voting preference. Absolutely appalling display Malcolm must be so embarrassed and dismayed. It;s unfortunately all downhill for you now Kelly!!!”
“Before this morning’s interview on Insiders I had a lot of time for you – not anymore. Please don’t treat the viewing public like idiots. Your Government made a mistake – a huge mistake – in fighting to have the Royal Commission into the banking industry. And YES there should be a moral tax imposed on them – might make them develop some. Very disappointed in you.”
“As a lib supporter…I would prefer if you and other libs would just say…you made a mistake in the beginning.”
“Oh Kelly. I am a fellow traveller, but you really are a lightweight.”\
“I was a liberal voter until this morning. Could not watch the entire interview it made me feel so bad. If I behaved like this to students I teach then I would not have respect, actually I probably would not have a job.”
My comments….
“The May 2014 budget cut $120 million from ASIC’s funding over four years. The 2015 budget cut another $15.8 million. Was that the result of “sober” reflection or were you just WRONG?
And another thing. You have been in government for two terms. Will you ever take responsibility for anything or will you doggedly stick to your pathetic “Kill Bill” strategy? How ridiculous to say Bill Shorten didn’t even draw up terms of reference for the RC that you said was a waste of time and money. It was YOUR job to do that. Stop continually passing the buck. Stop the constant prevarication. We deserve better!
Kelly was an executive at the National Australia Bank. That’s the bank who, in November, whilst announcing a $6.6 billion profit, also announced they would be cutting 6,000 jobs. So tell me again Kelly why we need to give your former employer a huge tax cut?”
O’Dwyer could easily have said, as Joyce has, we got it wrong and we are now supporting the Royal Commission to the full : end of message. That would have satisfied Cassidy but instead she wanted to treat us all as fools.
As regards the dodgy fees that we have been having ripped out of our savings, when you think about it there is a simple solution to this one aspect of the rort.
Plumbers, dentists, accountants, even power utilities all submit their detailed invoices for services rendered and we consider these and if happy with the quality, the level of service and the price, we initiate payment.
But in the financial services industry they seem to believe that it is their right to periodically dip into our savings and remunerate themselves with no qualms about whether the service has been of value to us or, as has been revealed in the Royal Commission, has even been delivered.
There are a host of other improvement necessary in the financial services industry but merely because they are holding our savings should not give them carte blanche to dip in when it suits them.
This morning, I thought Kelly did very well on Insiders, with Cassidy conducting the band. As did Michaelia with Speers on Sky some months ago. And we must not forget Pauline’s contribution with the same ABC conductor.
All three should have regular spots on the public broadcaster. Give them as much rope as they want. They all do an excellent job.
So much for those who think Barrie has lost it.
He made her look like the lying, incompetent fool she is. She did not have the decency to admit she and others in the LNP were wrong and lacked judgement in this matter. She obviously thinks toughing it out is a sign of strength. We do not need such intransigent politician’s
running this country or running a protection racket for the top end of town.
The women of the LNP-Cash, Fierravanti-Wells, Bishop and O’Dwyer do not perform well at all under pressure. They are not in the race with those on the Opposition benches.
I read elsewhere that Barnaby has seen the light and now supports the RC. Actually, I think a better explanation might be, he had the opportunity to distance himself from the Turnbull, Morrison, Cormann et.al. camp (and took it). Now can truly join the Abbott Opposition clique. Making the best of a s@it sandwich.
Just cleaning the slate in preparation of a comeback.
Or just making sure he remains in the news. Obviously he still hasn’t got into the nappy-changing business though I expect an imminent spread in the Weekend Australian whilst the baby is still bright red just like the guy who may or may not be his dad. (Ok that’s a cheap shot but it wasn’t me that fired it)
The hypocrisy isn’t really “mind-blowing” – it’s always been there but this time it’s just become easier to see.
If journalists did their jobs and not what they are paid for (there’s a difference) we would see a lot more of it.
I look at O’Dwyer and all I can see is Dutton wearing a wig and makeup. They both have that vacuous…no, the lights are on but there is nobody home… look about them. It’s enough to make me feel queasy,
Re Kelly and her disaster. She, media advisors, PM’s office etc knew about this gig for days. They had time. They blew it with the strategy – admit nothing – look over there – the others are worse – we always had plans and so on. Their judgement is appalling.
Re Seb, the latest baby beet . Perhaps the variety will becomes as popular as the Detroit Dark Red among the gardening fraternity.
It was so refreshing to see Barry give her a good shellacking. It is long overdue that the media hammered as consistently as Cassidy did, those seeking to blow off public opinion with obfuscation and lies.
I recall years back when Labor were in power the Lieberals were advocating that it would be safer to put your money under your bed I think that it is definitely appropriate advice now.
I enjoy referring to him as Maljudgement Turnbull – I didn’t realise that he is about as infectious as the plague – and I have a sneaking suspicion that for his comrades – he may be as lethal for their careers
At what point does their arrogance get out of the way of all of their mental functioning?
Yeah but the ALP can take no credit, they voted down the Greens on this and slippery Sam labelled it a Greens stunt.
“Matters NotApril 22, 2018 at 4:15 pm
This morning, I thought Kelly did very well on Insiders, with Cassidy conducting the band. As did Michaelia with Speers on Sky some months ago. And we must not forget Pauline’s contribution with the same ABC conductor.
“All three should have regular spots on the public broadcaster. Give them as much rope as they want. They all do an excellent job.”
I thought I heard attendants in white coats chrarging up the front steps there for “Matters Not” with reading this statement … THEN I started to notice the sarcasm oozing out from under the door sill ….
Matters Not, today I was told it’s time to sow beets. Considering to have a crack at baby beets.
Monday morning Barry Cassidy will be carpetted by ABC management over his disgraceful badgering of a female cabinet minister, who admirably maintained her dignity in the face of his relentless bullying and hectoring. Virginia Trioli will replace Cassidy while he is cooling his heels in the penalty box with that other left wing biased troublemaker Emma whatshername…..
The caption above the photo of Ms Kelly O’Liar should read.. How dare you question me you peasant!
Thank you, Paul. It is hard to pick between your comment and Mattters Not’s for ravishing sarcasm/satire. Well done.
One wonders how Costalots protégé in Higgins could be construed in such an manner… I mean look how above board he was 😲…an absolute stalwart for fairness ,(what a guy 👏).. (..and it is but interesting how much , umm, ‘business ‘he’s, umm, ‘forwarded ‘ his brother’s way),(what a guy 👏)….and now look at O’Liars record….oh, wait…thats not an record…more an indictment!!
But then again, as she reminds us,… constantly,… “it’s Labor’s fault” …yawn 😩
Federal ICAC NOW
Abbott’s Royal Commission was set up to find dirt on Unions and Labor leaders, it was a waste of time. Interestingly one of their chief witnesses was allegedly involved in criminal actions. It was a Royal Commission set up to destroy the Labor Party … an ideological solution.
With the current Royal Commission the LNP pushed hard against Banks and Insurance Companies being investigated; yet, the RC has uncovered crime from day one. Abbott’s ideological Royal Commission after it had been finalised had not come up with very little, completely different to the Banking RC shown by its first days.
At best it can be said that ideologically the LNP is for small government with little regulation; but, the results are horrendous for many families and communities as shown by the current RC. The LNP has had a majority in the House of Representatives going into a fifth year, to blame Labor, Greens, Cross Bench for their stuff ups is incredibly feeble.
And this morning the Polls have the LNP gaining on Labor….WTF! How stupid are these people? [That’s a rhetorical question. I know the answer]
Gr, let’s see if I can get it right this time.
I place little to no credence on a Newspoll and prefer to wait for the other polls to appear. Anything that smacks of Rupert (all hail The Murdoch) seems/is dodgy.
An overarching irony surrounds evidence given at the RC.
For, as anger mounts over the bank’s outrageously fraudulent behaviour, the more a bleedingly-obvious question is raised.
Why on earth did the govt fight so hard to derail the establishment of an RC ?
The answer lies in the essence of modern conservative politics.
Its fundamental duty is to protect the interests of corporate donors, the very culture from which conservative politicians are themselves drawn. Therefore, inconvenient inquiry must be stifled, scandals downplayed, distractions provided from where bodies are buried.
A quote from the IPA’s Gary Johns, repeated in Margo Kingston’s ‘Not happy, John!’ (2005) is apposite;
“a cardinal tenet of Libertarian belief is to keep democracy in its place, to regard it as an activity of limited application. Government’s role is ‘to depoliticise much of life, to make it less amenable to public dispute.”
Ergo sum, calls for an RC were rebuffed on twenty-three shameful occasions.
Yet each has now proved an ‘Emperor’s new clothes’ moment for an ex-Goldman Sachs Point Piper banker and his misbegotten bunch of Neoliberal ideologues and rusted-on Social Darwinists.
Reeking of hubris, convinced they were dolled up in the best clobber Murdoch and Son (Bespoke Tailors) could provide, they were seen by the citizenry for what they actually are—-totally starkers.
The failure to stall an RC will prove the zenith of Australia’s Neoliberal age. It will now become increasingly harder to fend off shining the investigative light of metaphoric Dolphins up the grimy corporate clacker.
Kelly ODwyer displayed the arrogance that these assembly of goders (like Morrison) constantly display, talking over their interviewers and thinking that they are being clever (because they are ‘the chosen ones’) we really need a good journalist like Cassisy to unload on them from time to time, to keep them honest.
I just finished watching Outsiders from yesterday and apart from the fact of the scratched record interview that was thuggee O’Dwyer the scariest bit was Hanson at the end crowing about her kill shots on the paper targets.
I read all the comments and agree, but the crucial question remains in my mind. Will we ever see a reduction in the primary vote for the Liberal party below 38%, and if so what can we do to achieve that?
The comments by Liberal voters on O’Dwyer’s FB page seem to show that some people are seeing the light, but the final proof of that will be a poll TREND repeatedly showing less than 38%.
@RA …. “The failure to stall an RC will prove the zenith of Australia’s Neoliberal age’…. Yet we hear this morning that the gap has narrowed to 51/49 in the latest Newspoll. Ignoring methodology and margin of error, how can this result be a true reflection of what the voters think? Are we all mad??
Australia’s Kellyanne Conway – not one word of hers is ever worth listening to. She has an extremely high error rate – because she is constantly telling porkies.
I am not imagining it… I was thinking the same, in fact went searching for a photo of Dutton and O’Dwyer together… then began to wonder if they had ever been seen in the same room together… whatever… I do believe the LNP are all on some kind of supplement, they sound the same and are beginning to look alike.
and they put dogs down for biting someone !!
Di, “then began to wonder if they had ever been seen in the same room together… “, …priceless 😆
I agree with those who distrust the latest Newspoll. It defies all logic.
Many thanks.
Humour an excellent way to keep the hypocrites/bullies in a state of uncertainty.
It would have been fitting for Cassidy to have terminated the interview as “a waste of our bloody time – If you can’t or won’t answer a simple question, there’s no point in your being here.”
And the sound of hearty applause would have arisen from suburbia…
In reply to “totaram”, (April 23, 2018 at 11:25 am):
“Will we ever see a reduction in the primary vote for the Liberal party below 38%…”
At the last federal election, the Liberal Party vote was 28.7%. It took a further 3 political parties to ramp it up to 42% (the Coalition vote). If anyone believes the current Liberal vote is anywhere within screaming distance of 28%, then they’re a dreaming fool. It’s been amply demonstrated over 5 years that the current regime are incompetent, corrupt and uncaring and to assume that this has all gone unnoticed is a damning indictment of the voting populace. Still, they say there’s one in every village and so if you extrapolate that to the entire country…
When it comes to own goals for advertising material for one’s opponent at the next election, Kelly’s award winning performance beats “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead…”
O’dwyer…. Stellar performance! I wanna see more of the same! Oh and next time how about full disclosure of the work you did for NAB?
Nice work Barry… like a dog with a bone you did not let up… so proud of our ABC, finally grew some teeth!
Now Kelly O’Dwyer, what will you do for the innocent clients who have been ripped off by the banks and financial instutions?