(A little Verse written in support of those of us who refuse to be forced to take sides in the Gaza conflict by those extremists of any tribe/side who insist that, according to them only, such choices must be made. The Verse has no intentional rhyme and little punctuation and can be read aloud with a slight Rap cadence.)
Well the Stens were quite active in 1948 with their staccato drum-beat bouncing off Jerusalem alley walls long after the Philistines and Israelites had their early bang-up go at it all
But that’s history like the Innocents back then long dead and the weaponry is oh so more effective now
So does it need to happen now and then, that burst of bomb and Spray of Sten, in order to top up that list of dead Innocents
Apparently so if you are a propaganda suck-upperer on either voting side jostling for your tenuous foothold on the middle eastern ramparts of the mythical Hill of Right
So kill those Palestinians kill those Jews and kill the memory of the Philistines and the Israelites as we drive each other from the river to the sea of no return from our mutual stupidities and mutual hatreds and our mutual social media pleas to rent-a-crowd protestors eager to camera-ise their righteously ignorant support for interchangeable lists of either side shooters keen to mound up an awful lot more of those explosive-shredded Innocents
Who ? voted in interchangeable fascist and terrorist killers to ensure the demise of any remotely mutual hopes of peace in the contested sandbox of bloodily gun-downed dreams
Can it be said that babies are the only true Innocents yes it still can because they are too young on either side to be taught the alluring power of Spray of Sten as they cut down children and women and men whose terrorised blood pours into the blot-it-up sandtraps of their’s and their’s and your’s and our’s turn-about vicious and dirty little wars
In the end will it ultimately dawn that nobody adult in the sandlands of recurring revenge is fully Innocent and too many are heat-trigger crazy with my god is better than your god and you have no right to exist and you have no right to return and my blown apart dead score more moral brownies than your’s
And killing you frees me up and killing me frees you up and as the killing spirals up it will create a putrid hill of our dried and dessicated bones with skeletal fingers still trigger-latched to Sten as we all claim the same victory over that pile of sand baking quietly and empty right square bloody bang in the middle of nowhere
But take sides you still say, as long as it’s mine, and you’ll demur and decry at my NO and my polite distancing of myself from you and your sides with an opinion that perhaps you may well be, by proxy if not by deed, with that Sten-Gun Staccato constantly rattling in your mind, just another purveyor of that greased production line churning out yet more mountains of both side’s, never asked for your shit, dead Innocents.
Keith responds to some Facebook comments, but as ever, not in a way that he , or perhaps anybody else who has a passing interest, expected …
“And so the binary cycle of either/or as the only available single choice that has ever existed amplifies and replicates itself from the echo chamber of herd-following social media commentary, phew, as I or anybody else refuses to supplicate or grovel before the EITHER side or the OR side.
That’s just a little musing of the brain as the covert or overt slings and arrows of wordspeak from either side of the Gaza War fly about in tandem with the deadly hardware as suitable targets are identified and promptly dumped on. Nothing new with that shit though …
You are a reader of AIMN, so am I, and I imagine we at least think before we speak or write. But have you noticed that not everybody’s sneakers are velcroed firmly to that little path of hidden minefields?
So here’s a little test, a bit of weeding out, so that whether you don’t or do agree with me or are totally indifferent at least you will understand what I am going to say after the test, and your time will not be totally wasted and neither will mine.
What Arab country currently blockades the Gaza Palestinians?
What two provinces were merged in 132 AD to form Syria Palaestina?
What event happened in Jerusalem on 22 July, 1946?
I already knew the answers to those questions. Did you? Or did you run to Google? If you fall into either camp you are my sort of person because it shows you have knowledge or curiosity or both. If all you did was want to dive in and comment and bash and call me a smart arse then Sky News and Newscorp are where you go to suck up for your retainer.
ps: Had you supplied the three questions chances are I’d have had to run to Google because I only know what I know. The test was only there to help Trolls and Turds self-identify and hopefully ‘out’ themselves as the deadheads who clog up social media commentary streams.
- The Arab Republic of Egypt. 2. Judaea and Galilee. 3. The King David Hotel was blown up.
I like to update/edit as I go along so as to any comments I may have to say about The Gaza Sten-Gun Staccato …
You know, it took quite a few re-reads of the little Verse before I started to pick up on the gist of both the surface meaning and the complex unfolding of the sub-text.
As I wrote it I felt something. When I read it in completed form I felt something subtly different. On next read there was that subtle difference slightly amplified. And so it has gone with each re-read.
It was not written for the fun of it. It was written to confront and annoy and frustrate and question and inform and scream to the high heavens about what we as human beings do to each other. If anybody is looking for a segue to certainty or the attachment of unquestioned ‘moral rightness’ to any side or any cause the Verse was specifically written to dash such unreal hopes and hold them up to sharp scrutiny.
That many people are unsure about where to categorise the Verse, or even how to effectively attack or praise it, comes as no surprise to me.
Many sense that behind the title lies a very fertile field of self-ambush opportunities for commenters who are quick reactors and very slow critical thinkers. In this case their sensing is dead accurate.
Even as I re-read it I see The Gaza Sten-Gun Staccato as a multi-layered beast of a Piece with mirror shards all through it reflecting back at each one of us our stupidities, our biases, our unsubtle hatreds, our need to revenge, and that is never stable enough ground for anybody to claim primacy in the Realm of Right.
So … The Gaza Sten-Gun Staccato can be seen as a piece of shit, seen as a slowly unfolding piece of verbal art, seen as a waste of time, seen as a valuable use of time, and any opinion largely rests on what you saw of yourself reflected back in all of those broken little mirrors.
I’m glad I was able to write it.
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sadly, there are no innocents, till the winners write the history.
I’d like to hear this recited with, as you suggest, a slight Rap cadence. YouTube, RN Breakfast, The Drum are just three of the possible platforms for it.
Few appear to understand the history of the place, the history of Zionism the history of Irgun, Stern and the Hagena preceding the PLO. Palestinians have more greivance than Israel with its biblical claim to a homeland that is only theirs by divine right. The hated Hezbolla grew out of the Palestinians expelled into Lebanon. It is my belief that the Israelis knew full well that an attack was imminent but underestimated its ferocity, it never the less provided justification for the ultimate annexation af Gaza and expulsion of the populace into Egypt as they did into Lebanon. The current unrest in the West Bank is not publicised but is an effort to ethnically cleanse Israel with the occupants of the West Bank (previously part of Jordan) into Jordan and presto the Zionists have what they have always coveted.
@ John Hanna: Agreed. Lest.we.forget.Amen.
John Hanna, i agree to a point. It is misleading to quote past historical “ownership” per se, its the living experience that is the moral play here. Its in our living memory that palestinians have been poorly treated. That is the underlaying grevience that the Israeli state refuses to acknowledge.
Not taking sides is an insult to my morals. An arsehole is an arsehole and no two wrongs can ever make a right. The only solution is doing the right thing , now.
The israeli state is a CULT. Everyway you look at it. I hate the fact that the palestinians have to do bigger and more dispicable things to get our minds out of our collective arseholes.
The Israeli state was a solution to a problem. In so doing, it created another problem. An equaly as bad one from my perspective. So as I have asked in the past, What exactly was the problem the western powers were trying to solve? maybe a bit of reflection is needed by all parties. And i dont need the biblical victim hood that jews have…….cause i dont care about what happened 3000yrs ago, i care about the here and now. If you want to treat all palestinians as terrorists, collective punishment, then you dont deserve my sympathy. I have no sympathy for cults, scientologists, islamists, christians or jews. They are all trouble makers.
Cult is right. It’s inner sanctum (or should I say rectum) and controllers impossible to define. Its promulgated pursuit an irrelevant deception. Yet the whole world has it’s fingers in it.
Look i got a bit carried away with my last statement and it can be interpreted differently to what i intended. I personally DONT dislike the people in these cults. Its the cult mentality that gets me going. The US vs THEM, we are the all knowing vs you need to be converted brigade. Look, values and morals are not mutually excluse to them.
“the mythical Hill of Right” is a nice way to say both are equaly as bad and let them just kill each other. problem is, we cannot absolve ourselves of that guilt. when one side does eventually win, he will write the rules and we will be bystanders just looking on and accepting things as they are. In other words, the standard you pass is the standard you accept.
The solution to the Israeli “peace aspiration” is to ask palestinians kindly how they can be helped. Secondly coming to an accomodation to their grievances. thats taking sides i guess because the cult lobby will run to their own mantras. How dare you pollute the cult or the standard phrase “they want to wipe us out”. yea i wonder why……
I am taking sides so that they can end this mindless game . I want to tell both sides to shut the fuck up, but mostly to the one with the big gun in the corner. Neutrality is just walking bye without giving a fuck.
Unless the world condemns Israel for its treatment of their neighbours the Palestinians, we will see a generation of young terrorists joining Hamas or creating their own terrorist organisation. Zionism is a perversion of Judaism and a terrorist organisation itself.
I agree with John Hanna 100%.
As for the Gaza Sten Gun Staccato, I wonder what 98 year old Tom Lehrer would think of it? He is probably past composing these days, which is a pity.
No matter how hard Ziomist try to say day is night or white is black the facts are ptoving otherwise and the majority of the world’s eyes and minds are open to the facts and not Zionist PR spin and propaganda stunts.
Never again, means never again for everybody. It does not mean that Zionists can use it as a PR slogan or a propaganda stunt. The reality is Zionists have diminished and trashed the important lesson of the Holocaust by Zionists own actions.The Holocaust was a lesson not a template to be used by Zionists.
The Israel war reminds us that “civilisation” is built on unforgivable inhumanity, cowardly apathy, contemptible lies, disingenuous
distortions, craven hypocrisy and unprincipled double standards.
It is beyond scandalous how contemptible and craven Western leaders are. They have blindly accept that Palestinians are not human and not worth their solidarity in standing up to the shameless dictatorial arrogance of Zionists.
Yet these “leaders” have no
difficulty in parroting every
Zionist PR scripted talking point while defending the right of Zionists Israeli’s to commit blatant war crimies and barbaric cruelty. Western leaders solidarity with a pariah state committing war crimes, genocide, trashing the Geneva Convention and international rules based order not only shows poor judgement but the follies of democracy and US hegemony.
Western leaders support for Netanyahu’s government
will not only find themselves on the wrong side of history but shamefully the wrong side of the moral and ethical debate.
There are none so blind as those who willfully choose not to see.
Zionists terrorists have not only fraudulently and inhumanely stolen Palestinian land but Zionists terrorists have callously and cynically stolen the Jewish religion and lived off the pain and suffering of the Jewish people.
Netanyahu and his barbaric racist Zionists have bought upon the Jewish religion a SHANDA, that is something that is scandalously shameful and disgraceful.
Zionists have completely failed the Jewish religion.
Zionism is an unprincipled far right extreamist UK/US radical political movement/cul made up of fanatical evangelical
zealots.The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that Palestinians do not have the right of resistance or to exist.
True peace is not merely the absence of war, it is the presence of justice.
You are so right.
We’re told “the plan is to have the hostages returned, then continue with the destruction of Hamas ie Palestine”.
We have no idea when the Zionists will stop.
As the first casualty of war is truth, it comes as no surprise when the Israelis put out spin that every school, hospital, church, UN refugee center, etc. have Hamas living in tunnels underneath, as justification for bombing the “bejesus” out of them. Whenever there has been any disturbance such as a rocket hitting Israel, the “eye for an eye” response has been disproportionate with a minimum of 10:1 killing in reverse. October 7 saw circa 1,200 people killed in disgusting ways with the retaliation taking out another 15,000 people in equally disgusting ways. It has got to stop.
It is nuts if Israel thinks it can move all of the Palestinians out of Palestine or that if it manages to terminate all of Hamas the “problem” will be fixed. What the Israelis have done to Palestine in the last 7 weeks will see the formation of Hamas 2 or worse.
Fred you are so on the money.
Its our respnosibility to point out the painful truth to our jewish brothers. Pull down the shutters and let the truth in. How is doing more of the same any form of sane policy? False expectations have been seeded in everyone’s minds. Sure the israeli state exists and we cant back track, but as a shrine to zionism, nah, thats just isnt possible if you want to live in peace. If your prepared for eternal war, fuck you then, dont expect any help or sympathy when it all falls down and you ARE washed to the sea. God helps those that help themselves.
Andy56: The last time I “helped myself” to something, the boss slapped my wrists, so clearly God is not my friend. 🙂
Keith responds, but as ever, not in a way that he , or perhaps anybody else who has a passing interest, expected …
“And so the binary cycle of either/or as the only available single choice that has ever existed in the history of the Universe amplifies and replicates itself from the echo chamber of herd-following commentary, phew, as I or anybody else refuses to supplicate or grovel before the EITHER side or the OR side.
That’s just a little musing of the brain as the covert or overt slings and arrows of wordspeak from either side of the Gaza War fly about in tandem with the deadly hardware as suitable targets are identified and promptly dumped on. Nothing new with that shit though …
You are a reader of AIMN, so am I, and I imagine we at least think before we speak or write. But have you noticed that not everybody’s sneakers are velcroed firmly to that little path of hidden minefields?
So here’s a little test, a bit of weeding out, so that whether you don’t or do agree with me or are totally indifferent at least you will understand what I am going to say after the test, and your time will not be totally wasted and neither will mine.
What Arab country currently blockades the Gaza Palestinians?
What two provinces were merged in 132 AD to form Syria Palaestina?
What event happened in Jerusalem on 22 July, 1946?
I already knew the answers to those questions. Did you? Or did you run to Google? If you fall into either camp you are my sort of person because it shows you have knowledge or curiosity or both. If all you did was want to dive in and comment and bash and call me a smart arse then Sky News and Newscorp are where you go to suck up for your retainer.
ps: Had you supplied the three questions chances are I’d have had to run to Google because I only know what I know. The test was only there to help Trolls and Turds self-identify and hopefully ‘out’ themselves as the deadheads who clog up social media commentary streams.
The Arab Republic of Egypt. 2. Judaea and Galilee. 3. The King David Hotel was blown up.
And so to any comments I may have to say about The Gaza Sten-Gun Staccato …
You know, it took quite a few re-reads of the little Verse before I started to pick up on the gist of both the surface meaning and the complex unfolding of the sub-text.
As I wrote it I felt something. When I read it in completed form I felt something subtly different. On next read there was that subtle difference slightly amplified. And so it has gone with each re-read.
It was not written for the fun of it. It was written to confront and annoy and frustrate and question and inform and scream to the high heavens about what we as human beings do to each other. If anybody is looking for a segue to certainty or the attachment of unquestioned ‘moral rightness’ to any side or any cause the Verse was specifically written to dash such unreal hopes and hold them up to sharp scrutiny.
That many people are unsure about where to categorise the Verse, or even how to effectively attack or praise it, comes as no surprise to me. Even as I re-read it I see The Gaza Sten-Gun Staccato as a multi-layered beast of a Piece with mirror shards all through it reflecting back at each one of us our stupidities, our biases, our unsubtle hatreds, our need to revenge, and that is never stable enough ground for anybody to claim primacy in the Realm of Right.
So … The Gaza Sten-Gun Staccato can be seen as a piece of shit, seen as a slowly unfolding piece of verbal art, seen as a waste of time, seen as a valuable use of time, and any opinion largely rests on what you saw of yourself reflected back in all of those broken little mirrors.
I’m glad I was able to write it.
Keith, and I am glad I was able to read it.
I followed a legal argument recently which commenced with the Zionist breach of contract when it comes to the conditions laid out in the “Balfor Declaration”, requiring them to consider the first nation owners.
The declaration itself has to be an outstanding example of arrogant stupidity, but like every breach of etiquette that has followed has been hidden from public scrutiny, and the Zionists plunder without effective prevention.
History has it that the Zionists had approached the USA, and various other “western” countries in the quest for their own piece of dirt.
With their dubious history in Europe, and general disapproval it was very much a case of NIMBY.
Palestine lacked the clout to keep them out in discussions, and this resulted in their role as unwilling victims.
The succession of laws that have been broken is astounding, and you do get to wonder who the “terrorists” are, but at the end of the day they keep gaining ground, and adversaries willing to martyr them selves to resist.
We ignore this law breaking to our peril because it shakes the foundations of what we call civilized.
Keith Davis, its crystal clear in your mind, i guess thats what counts, hahahahaha.
Douglas, i appreciate your venture into the “legalities” but for me its not a matter of simple legalities, its a moral issue.
Just as jews are not supposed to walk more than 200 steps on the sabbath so catch a cab instead, god sees all.
Man made legal constructs are just that. In truth, the winner takes all and the rest are squeezed through the eye of “legality”.
What i have witnessed in my life time is the constant struggle palestinians have had to just maintaining their status, let alone the slow loss, death by a thousand cuts. The state of israel was formed and then as if by magic it was left to its own devices. Like a child left with a sharp knife in a kindergarden. Its time the rest of the world owned that child.
The dream of a “jewish” state is just so stupid. Just like the islamic state, and we all know how Iran turned out. The other great example is america;s far right wanting to make the USA a christian state. We can all see how fucking dangerous that idea is. Its time that dream was put in its place….a fantasy dreamed up by a CULT like abstract. Israel wants the whole left bank and gaza strip? Good, then take all the palestinians as citizens and restore their rights and attend to their greviences. Give up the stupid notion of a jewish state cause in the year 2023, it doesnt look pretty.
just the way israel has presented to the world shows just how idiotic the notion of a jewish state is. “Its the only true democracy in the region”. Have i got news for you, democracy and jewish state are not mutually inclusive. When you only go by religious dictates, your no longer a democracy. Holding out palestinians draws more attention to the big lie. Having extreemists dictating policies just adds icing to the cake. Its then sold as the BIG PILGRAMAGE, the BIG BIBLICAL push back to “our homeland”.
LR Hubbard wrote a better story. I am going back to worshiping the sun, at least the sun is real.
Keith Davis: Nice try, but no matter how hard you might try to present a subject from every angle, there is always another perspective and when done you have effectively gone around a circle.
In this case there is little joy in standing back from the circle when you consider that no matter how you slice it every piece is a bit of sh.t. The current ME situation is a continual cycle of misery. War is bad. It requires negotiation to end unless total genocide of the opposition is performed. The holocaust didn’t see the end of the Jews, so no matter what cruelty Israel may dish out they will not eliminate all of Hamas or the Palestinians. Along the way resentment will be created. Will it culminate in another ISIS? How many more refugees does the world need and why are world leaders not giving Israel a harder time?