Internal bickering between ingrained, imported, or cultivated groups can have the most ruinous consequences for a nation’s social cohesion, particularly those of a multicultural mix like Australia.
With its extensive mix of ethnicities, Australia is a prosperous multicultural country that has maintained peace and social cohesion.
We have prospered with this influx of folk from around the world, and I have been party to many grand arrivals in my lifetime. Of course, our early settlers came in the thousands from the overcrowded jails of England. Looking for a better future, the Irish and Scottish followed. Religious differences came with them, but we managed it.
All this in the backdrop of The White Australia Policy, which prevailed as our attitude to immigration, after Federation in 1901, and for the next 70 years. Was it racist? Of course, it was. It was aimed at stopping non-white people from coming to Australia.
Yet such diversity exists nowhere else. We are home to the “world’s oldest continuous cultures, and Australians identify with more than 270 ancestries.” Since 1945, millions of people have migrated to Australia.
In the main, we have maintained social cohesion despite the complexities these folk would inevitably bring. “Populate or perish was the catchcry” of the 1950s. It worked:
- Nearly one-third of Aussies were born overseas
- Half of Australians have an overseas-born parent
- Almost one-quarter of Australians speak a language other than English at home.
It was this immigration that built the Snowy Mountains Hydro Scheme. The richness of their different ethnicities merged into ours to produce a new Australia. It has, in the main, been harmonious. However, some have taken the opportunity to bring their problems with them and act them out on our soil.
Others of Australian heritage have sought to take advantage of these problems to stir up racial prejudice for their own political advantage.
However, some subjects, such as Israel, can be taboo, and the ABC’s decision to go ahead with Q&A without an audience two weeks ago illustrates how volatile some issues can be.
Our history of rejecting refugees is a case in point. John Howard, Tony Abbott, Peter Dutton and Scott Morrison have a history of stirring up anti-Muslim sentiment and racism for political advantage and religious attachment.
As recently as the first question on the resumption of Parliament (November 14), the Leader of the Opposition, Peter Dutton, deliberately misquoted what Penny Wong had said in an interview with David Speers on the Insider program. The Opposition Leader Peter Dutton began Question Time by asking Mr Albanese whether it was the government’s position to call for an Israeli ceasefire.
He put to the Prime Minister that on Sunday, Foreign Minister Penny Wong had:
“… claimed Israel, in carrying out its defensive war against terror group Hamas, is breaching international law and should undertake a ceasefire.”
Here is the transcript of what she actually said:
Speers: So just on the ceasefire argument, as you mentioned, the French President Emmanuel Macron has said that he is calling for a ceasefire. You just said you would like to see the steps taken towards a ceasefire. Can I just invite you to tease out what sort of steps are you looking for?
Foreign Minister: Well, we need steps towards a ceasefire because we know that Hamas – it cannot be one‑sided – we know that Hamas is still holding hostages and we know that a ceasefire must be agreed between the parties.”
Nowhere in her answers can you find that Australia was committed to a ceasefire, yet Dutton’s sleazy question suggested otherwise. The Australian newspaper supported his assertion with this headline: “Albanese refuses to endorse Wong call for ceasefire” (firewalled) and started with this lie:
“Anthony Albanese has refused to back Penny Wong’s call for a ceasefire in Israel’s war against Hamas, or her suggestion the Netanyahu government could be breaking international law.”
The point of all this, of course, is that while these two sides are fighting the most depraved acts of warfare, killing children, bombing hospitals and committing the most terrible crimes against each other. The Opposition Leader chooses to play dangerous politics with what is a war of far-reaching consequences.
On Wednesday, November 15, Dutton launched another attack, attempting to link criticisms of the government’s response to the Gaza conflict and the release of detainees from immigration detention. Albanese was having none of it. Visibly angry and upset, he accused Peter Dutton of “weaponising antisemitism.”
“To come in here and move this resolution and link antisemitism with the decision of the high court is beyond contempt.”
“I didn’t think that he could go this low as to link these two issues'” he said in response to Dutton’s motion.
But Dutton is not alone in these acts that create civil disobedience and threaten social cohesion. The Liberal Party and its leaders have never felt ill-disposed to stirring up racism.
Let’s test our memories for a moment.
Remember when Peter Dutton openly accused Sudanese teenagers of social disobedience by running amok in the streets of Melbourne. (Then) Prime Minister Turnbull followed him up with similar accusations that amounted to straight-out racism.
No one can forget the tensions that developed when John Howard said:
“But we will decide who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come.”
The Tampa Affair followed, and the phrase “Stop the boats” further antagonised people. Remember when Alan Jones incited hatred and the Cronulla riots began. Then there were Scott Morrison’s numerous offences as Immigration Minister, Social Services Minister, and Minister for everything.
To the point of boredom, Turnbull told us that we were the most successful multi-racial country in the world, yet at the same time, while Dutton was claiming that people were scared to leave their homes to eat out because of African gangs. Turnbull and Dutton were repudiated in a sensible fact-laden piece by Waleed Aly.
Turnbull seemed to be all over the shop:
“Australia will consider adding a ‘values test’ for those considering permanent residency in order to protect its ‘extraordinarily successful’ multicultural society.”
In London at the time, the Citizenship and Multicultural Minister Alan Tudge, in a speech to the Australia/UK Leadership Forum, suggested a “values” test to fend off “segregation”. Ever the hypocrite, Turnbull agreed.
“Segregation,” I thought to myself. I dislike the word intently for the images it places before one’s eyes. Still, nevertheless, it is something we have practised – especially on First Nations people – for as long as immigration has existed and is as natural as life itself. His speech was full of racial overtones calculated to incite further violence back home.
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Propaganda aims to make you feel good about the wrongs being perpetrated on you.
Craig Emmerson noted that John Howard tried this tactic in 1988 with Asian immigration, adding:
“Who would have imagined Turnbull would try it again in 2018. The Liberals haven’t changed in 30 years. Very sad for our country.”
When the Italians came to Melbourne, they gathered together in Brunswick, the Greeks in Carlton, the Vietnamese in Springvale and the Chinese in Box Hill. And so on. Then, over time, they neatly integrated into general society.
We are now confronted with more odious loathing threatening our social cohesion. This time, it is between Jews and Middle Eastern Muslim groups, both of which can claim the moral ground. These vile events are attracting protesting groups in enormous numbers, threatening to escalate into full-on rioting. On social media, commentary of a xenophobic and anti-Semitic nature is just pathetic.
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Any meaningful resolution to the problems in the Middle East can only be resolved with a transformation of the minds of men and consideration of the effect religion, any religion, has on people.
Australians have a long history of finding fault with things we don’t understand. The complexity of Middle Eastern politics and religion is so electric that they can flare up at any time, and any discussion on the subject is filled with danger.
In our mindless observation at various times, we have blamed communists, Jews, women, the devil, Indigenous people and witches, even God for all manner of things.
Sitting on the platform at Flinders Street Station and watching the passing parade of ethnicity, I can only admire a country I could never envisage from the same seat in the 1950s.
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My thoughts for the day
It’s no secret that our differences can often lead to conflict and division. However, imagine what we could achieve if we all worked together despite our diverse backgrounds and opinions. By coming together harmoniously, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. So, let’s put aside our differences and work towards a common goal – a brighter future for all.
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Uhm ….. a point of order Lord ….. history shows that followers of both the Jewish & Islamic teachings lived in harmony in Palestine up to the post-WWII invasion of Palestine by the fascist Zionist groups exploiting the German state sponsored genocidal Holocaust horror, known to be happening but conveniently ignored by other European governments between 1933 -1945.
Allegedly, the Balfour decision made in 1916 while the English upper classes were losing WWI by conducting industrial slaughter of their own troops in support of ”the Empire”, was the authority for this dirty deal worked by the re-financing banker(s).
The First Nakba resulted in the deaths or displacement of over 700,000 Indigenous Palestinians to make way for the Zionist colonial settlers fleeing from a Europe that did not want them, to form a Zionist kibbutzim agricultural Nirvana regardless of the rights of the Indigenous Palestinians.
How the principles of ”exceptionalism” continue down through history. From Alexander to Rome to the Roman church to European empires based in Spain, France & England and post WWII on to America with the consequential imperialist wars in Asia for ”possessions” that became political infiltration of the political classes – a much cheaper alternative that passed ownership of natural resources to American interests.
it is this ”exceptionalist” attitude that spawns racism among the emotionally insecure, and provides unscrupulous politicians with an easily accepted tool to divide popular opinion and gain all the benefits of political power.
Follow the little reported actions of Zionist settlers in the West Bank, attacking Palestinians with impunity, indeed the tacit support of police, the demands by Australian real estate developers for Palestinians to get out of their West Bank properties so that these fresh interlopers may re-develop the locations for the expected surge of incoming Zionist colonists following this Netanyahu Nakba.
There are two points that become apparent:
Any country that has the USA (United States of Apartheid) as an ally and armaments supplier has no need for any other enemies;
Zionism is a fascist religion based philosophy from the late 1890s that practices the same excesses exposed in the Holocaust, but upon Indigenous Palestinians.
The LIARBRAL$ party has accepted these same fascist beliefs and policies for personal gain.
As a son of immigrants, what I find astonishing is that so many of my fellow travellers have a ” white ” mindset. Integrated? You bet, all the way to voting “no”.
A mixture of dumb-ass Protestant work ethic, a decent dose of policital envy and an education system that feeds the ” pig factory”.
I am the stage where I am close to starting my own form of ” trouble” for the system. I am so willing to embrace the disruptions happening, hoping it shakes the very foundations of this society. I now fully embrace the cult of realestate. Pleas for a drop have fallen on deaf ears. So ok, let’s accelerate the trend. Let’s help increase our stupidity levels and embrace micro reactors, stop this renewable nonsense. As Bill Burr says, we need a cull.
Two cracking responses from Cocky and Andy 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘣𝘶𝘵….. We are in an environmental crisis of monumental proportions. Global warming is still scheduled to reach a 7-degree increase somewhere around 2170. Homo Sapiens and other mammals can not exist at those temperatures. There will not be 10 billion of us to witness the event, and it is sure to be messy getting there. I have never much liked John Lord’s platitude at the end of his essays, but this one of his is true. Let us get harmonious in our death row cells , and all sing together. As a warm-up number May I suggest the Hokey Cokey? 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵?
Good summary NEC. More here: abc.net.au/religion/the-moral-case-against-zionism/11869400 (Jan 2020).
Imagine the ABC publishing such an article today. How the world has changed in 4 years.
As for social cohesion, LNP has no interest in such a thing and Labor seems wedded to the idea of a Big Aust, minus appropriate infrastructure. Consequently, there is no interest in a practical functioning society. Rather than an intelligent co-operative society, we are getting a dog-eat-dog existence, rich against poor, master against slave class.
About 2000 migrants fly into Aust each day to add to the economy. Only a fraction of their future housing needs are going to be met, and not only their needs will be ignored, but the needs of those already here also. That is one way to alienate 30-40 per cent of the population, mainly Gen Z.
This failure is by design, it’s no accident, it’s a decision formulated in Canberra by Labor. The predictable flow-on inflation, especially in rental costs, is Labor’s baby. Labor came to power last election with something like 30 per cent of voter support. I don’t see so much support for their socialists agenda moving forward.
Media and the banks own the political parties. Real change will happen when their interference is removed. But the appetite for change will not come from politicians, they have too much skin in the game. In other words, it looks a lot like every man and woman for themselves sorry to say. Our leaders are anything butt.
@ Merrin: here is a live link (hopefully) of your above article. It makes interesting reading.
Another interesting historical link:
NEC, interesting, that Times of Israel article shows the power of the state, a great demonstration of ‘This is TRUE because WE SAY it’s true’. Have to hand it to the Zionist fascists, they know how to play the permanent victim card, all nice and legal, all with the help of the Old Dart and other elites of the day, most markedly all within the last 150 years.
Reading official msm narratives is like stepping on camouflaged cow pats, time has to be spent time cleaning crap off one’s shoes before it cakes. Some people never see alternative views and don’t realize how distorted is msm’s agenda.
MSM both trivializes and normalizes errant state and corporate behaviors to achieve a desired political outcome of a fractured civilization more easily molded in time. In one respect this might prove an advantage to the evolution of the true individual en masse. Each man or woman standing in their own truth alone, aligned in truth with others, but not to any political party as such. That is the worst nightmare of the fascists – people not buying their BS.
Merrin, you too talk a big talk but fall into the “both sides are the same” clap trap.
“This failure is by design, it’s no accident, it’s a decision formulated in Canberra by Labor.”
Do you understand why Labor policies have a certain flavour? WE ARE THE REASON.
When labor proposed some decent policies on capital gains and negative gearing, WHO DIDNT VOTE THEM IN? US
Liberal policies have won more elections than “labor” policies. So why does labor want to lose all the time? The neo con agenda has won that race. If Shorten won, we would be a lot further down the road with big reforms. He lost so we lost more years and now allow Dutton a sneak peek in the door. The winners write the rules. Sure Labor is timid, but it has every reason to be.
If you dont understand the fundamentals, your going to draw the wrong conclusions.
A bigger australia is what we need. Implementation of good policies that enable and support are needed. Cherry picking the parts that are not functioning properly and then saying immigration is too high are just being led by the nose. Thats just the excuse politicians need to divide and conquer the stupid, dont let them off the hook. Its their fucking job to govern, its not their job to pedal an agenda called NO.
NIMBY is no longer possible in this global society. Urban sprawl has to be stopped. People being priced out of basic necessities is not a rational agenda. I know it sounds like disconnected ideas, but somehow we have stitched them into an australian “mindset” that just doesnt look at them rationally.
Here in Thailand, i can see how the “american” dream has destroyed society from within. I walk out my door and i see people, i see my neighbours and we greet each other. In aus, you only see people in the city centre or in malls. On the streets, its a cold heartless dead zone. Everything is over planned and over regulated by idiots.
Tobacco is but one example i have. Yes i understand the rational behind ever increasing prices but it becomes irrational when it creates another industry called chop chop with its subsequent creation of a crime ring to run it.
NIMBY with development, heritage zones. Yes i understand the reasoning behind these quaint 18th century values. But really, 100yr old houses with all their subsequent design failures are more important than the living aspirational home owners who are priced out by ludicrous delays and planning stupidity? Give me a break.
As I said before , most of the western world is gripped by stupendous rise in realestate prices and a stagnant wage front. Policies are implemented that raise one and lower the other. Simple maths suggests that lowering realestate by 10% will in effect increase a wage by 50% or more. How is it that we are not seeing this simple proposition, anywhere?
anyway i digress. Blaming high immigration is a stupid proposition when we are the reason prices are high, we voted that way.
andyfiftysix, some fair views there. Re “Labor is timid, but it has every reason to be’, I’ll disagree on that. If Labor is scared of msm and decided to walk away from fairness, whose fault is that? Not yours, not mine, not anyone who voted for LNP. If Labor goes on its merry way it will become totally irrelevant, replaced by Greens.
The Greens will gain a lot of votes next election because they are pointing how much of a scam is the RE industry. Not that I expect Greens to do anything about the situation. I have no time for Nimby, nor time for an out of control population replacement scheme run by Labor. There are still 10s of thousands of people sacked because of covid mandates, and rather than re-hire, Labor decided to cast offshore for skilled workers. That tells me everything I need to know about Labor.
“When labor proposed some decent policies on capital gains and negative gearing, WHO DIDNT VOTE THEM IN? US” Not all of ‘us’, just a naïve majority. Some voted in the name of self-interest/greed, others believed they might be one day landlord class, and others failed to see their vote would deny future generations (not born into wealth) the ability to buy a home. Each group in their own way are gullible.
As it stands, even if 100 per cent of voters were for changes to NG, the media and other bad actors control the outcome eventually. Labor would be de-platformed from power, eg – Paul Keating’s backtrack on NG decades ago. Politicians, with few exceptions, have zero interest in representing the public good.
I am not convinced by your ‘absolutist’ provocations. Nevertheless, provoked, to me they seem charged with no hope, deep cynicism and limited subjective political sweeps and catch phrases. You seem to define everything as a simple political binary, and then weirdly go on to attenuate that by slagging-off any ‘them’ you can think of.
You probably know that politics and governance doesn’t happen by the wave of a wand. In this interconnected, rapidly changing, increasingly complex world, a vastness of apparently competing components must be considered for leverage to achieve a safety and fairness for all. And politicians must be hot-footed and adaptable to achieve ongoing objectives.
Despite that, across parts of the world, the many expectant of immediate either/or, gulled by the destructive bling of instant convenience, seem to be leaping towards the beguilements and undeliverable undertakings of greedy despots and FRWNJs – the war of words followed by deeds of war. In other places of the world many are awakening to the dangers of the conspiratorial didacts, and opting for interplays with those expressing and enacting purposeful universal objectives.
Whilst your sentiment is clear – seemingly as anarchistic as a mad person with a stick and turd, rather than your spray of answers to your own shakey posits, it might be enlightening to read from you some well reasoned rationale, critique and even suggestions for alternative approach – I feel sure you have them in you somewhere. Otherwise to me you could be at risk of appearing to accede to Little Johnny’s vacuous call to “Maintain the rage”
Other than that, to me, John Lord’s done well today. Respect.
Merrin, you make assertions which i will point out are serious flaws in your thinking.
“become totally irrelevant, replaced by Greens.”, historically that hasnt happened, in fact thats been a liberal gain.
Why do you think its “different this time”, lol.
“Politicians, with few exceptions, have zero interest in representing the public good.” With respect, a lot do have more than zero interest, just not 100% interest. Their biggest interest is survival with obtaining power foremost on their minds. And all this is not mutually exclusive in their thinking. Whats the point of having great policies if you keep fucking losing? Thats a stick and carrot all in one.
“even if 100 per cent of voters were for changes to NG, the media and other bad actors control the outcome”
I would suggest that if 100% of voters were for change, that would present at the ballot box and change would happen. Your confusing the influence bad actors have on the 10-15% of swing voters who do make a difference on who wins. You only have to convince a few dicks to swing an election. Bad actors know instinctively who those dicks are.
Der Spud has found something which his gang basically ignored and did absolutely nothing about for 9 years, to run with:
What’s his Sunday issue to scream about? Gerbils being used for naughty sex acts?
Jeez, this cretin can’t even choose one loser Lib to endorse! It’s obvious that he didn’t get to use the spare brain cell.
Good article, while we have witnessed turning the clock back since Howard’s ‘renaissance’ playing up on skip oldies and boomers in the above median age, informed by bipartisan white Australia policy for corrupt nativist authoritarianism.
It also signaled a return to the old faux environmentalism of the ZPG zero population growth inspired by Malthus, Galton, Darwin, Madison Grant and dec. white nationalist John ‘passive eugenics’ Tanton masquerading as centrist or left (inc ALP types); Tanton’s message was to get people talking about ‘immigration’ (& population growth) negatively, to support and reinforce the ‘great replacement’ conspiracy.
Unfortunately, many Australians of varying levels of education, mask their antipathy to the ‘other’ by faux environmental immigration/population and economic employment/housing arguments, masking old eugenics based tropes, still…. broadly accepted by MSM, journalists and commentators.
No surprise either that the MSM and political talking points in US, UK, Australia and now Canada, Ireland etc. are similar with Kochtopus and Tanton’s network (both share same fossil fuel donors’ network in the US) on anti-net zero, then multiple existential ‘crises’ on immigration, cost of living, housing, woke elites etc., to keep society or the electorate, spooked, on edge and divided eg. regions vs urban areas; fascism 101?
Australia is too chicken shit to dare criticise Israel’s ethnic cleansing for fear of the rabid Zionist lobby https://pazzoredento.wordpress.com/2023/11/08/genocidal-zionism/
This article refers to the myth of the oldest continuous culture(s). Please note that those cultures are no longer continued. There are some attempts to celebrate and mythologise them but understandably, no one wants to go on living that way any more. Only genuine cynics who crave a non-materialistic life of utter simplicity would willing live the way Stone Age people were obliged to live with their extremely limited knowledge and technology. That they lasted as long as they did was not a matter of choice. They never had the opportunity to form large enough socially cohesive communities to create a civilisation that would allow their culture to change.
The important lesson from the fact that the Stone Age lasted ten thousand years longer in Australia than in other parts of the world is very clear but tragically not learned. When people came here with their Stone Age culture, the land simply would not support populations sufficiently large enough to advance to higher technological cultures. So they stayed the same, isolated by the great flood that came when the last ice age ended. An event remembered in their legends as well as in most of all the other primitive cultures around the world, and transformed into epic scriptures by those cultures that thrived due to the social cohesion provided by civilisations, that allowed them to create writing and keep records of their history and scientific discoveries, for later generations to learn and benefit from.
In Australia there are no fertile river valleys like in Mesopotamia or the Nile or the Indus that stimulated the development of permanent agriculture that was absolutely necessary to sustain populations large enough to create viable civilisations that permitted the luxury of advancing scientific and technological progress. The mountains of Australia are far too low to condense enough ice and and snow from the atmosphere to provide a reliable supply of melt water to create the fertile flood plains needed to ensure the success of sufficient crops to feed a civilisation.
Unlike other parts of the world Australia is not environmentally suited to support large populations of humans. That is what sixty thousand years of unchanging primitive culture teaches us. Yet still people cry out for more and more people to come and put evermore demands upon an environmentally devastated continent that just cannot continue to go on sustaining them all in spite of ten thousand years of technological advances in agriculture science.
The saddest society and education factor, for me, Lord, involves immigration culture which, especially food, is readily accepted by those sectors. Aboriginal people are recipients of these cultural factor whilst having none of their culture considered worthy to be included.
B Sullivan are you comfortable with ‘myth’? Ever heard of the ‘Pintubi nine’? Ever heard of any other group with a longer continuous history?
B Sullivan, what i read from your post is a whole lot of assertions. Your last paragraph is just mindless claptrap. On the one hand “we” bring ” civilisation” yet we cant figure out how to put more people here. Some civilisation we bring, huhh.
Let me set you straight, the lack of water is the biggest constraint, natural rain water that is. You do know that there is a finite amount of water on this planet yet we will never run out. We have the technology.
Spent the body of your post saying how good we are and then drop it all by saying we cant. Seems to me, we aint that good at usng what knowledge we do have and your post just reinforces that view
B Sullivan, just to put another boot up your backside. The indigonous people did work the land. Just not in the same ways. They did use fire to engineer the botanical environment. So the environment isnt “pure and natural” as us civilised numbats always assumed in our ignorance.
We have grown the population by a factor of 25 and yet we still export food. We use primitive agriculture yet there you go. We have the technology to go much further but we have a dysfunctional society that keeps voting for dysfunctional governments.
Andy, thank you for responding to B S.
I’m a bit too riled up by his assertions, so it’s best I keep my mouth shut. Taking a deep breath and going for a long walk.
I struggle to understand why anyone would bother to publicly parade their narrow minded ignorance by negativity reflecting on indigenous people and culture.
Australia’s indigenous people didn’t conform to the European version of land care. As we are finding 250 years later, it isn’t a system that is sustainable here.
Their culture cared for the environment, and land. They didn’t have the sense of ownership of land, they had a sense of oneness, they felt a vital part of the environment and protected it.
250 years later, it is the rest of us that are starting to see the benefits of this.
There’s plenty for us to learn from their deep connection to their environment and their respect for it
Clakka, “no hope, deep cynicism . . define everything as a simple political binary”. I was as you say cynical. Easy for me to be cynical given the subject matter, ie decades of corporate malfeasance by major political party members. As for ‘no hope’ – there is no hope in being led around by Parliament corporate foot-soldiers marching to tunes played by foreign entities such as the WHO and the UN. I see MPs surrendering national sovereignty to international, un-elected bureaucrats and think, this won’t end well. I have faith in the individual, but no real hope for most political groups.
The remedy in part is as simple as a ‘binary response’, in as much as just say ‘NO’ more often.
Eg, the next time a Gov Health Expert or a news-reader pretending to be a ‘health expert’ says x, y and z are ‘mandatory’, yet they fail to offer independently verifiable proof, rather than comply like a small child, simply say NO. People have the right to body autonomy. If however one is comfortable with a reduced oxygen intake, or likes playing Russian roulette with novel drugs, or is happy to have a medical procedure performed by some amateur dressed head to toe in white garbage bags in a car park, then say YES.
It is the choice of the individual or else this is a slave system.
andyfiftysix, I agree with much of what you say, except my Greens comment was a future scenario, not a stroll down memory lane. I see so few politicians working for the public good it’s a joke. The fact Labor denies a conscience vote is a virtual declaration of puppet-hood, just as their big business and msm masters want.
“Eg, the next time a Gov Health Expert or a news-reader pretending to be a ‘health expert’ says x, y and z are ‘mandatory’, yet they fail to offer independently verifiable proof, rather than comply like a small child, simply say NO. People have the right to body autonomy. If however one is comfortable with a reduced oxygen intake, or likes playing Russian roulette with novel drugs, or is happy to have a medical procedure performed by some amateur dressed head to toe in white garbage bags in a car park, then say YES.
It is the choice of the individual or else this is a slave system.”
All I can say to this clap trap is sorry society cares about your health. maybe the rest of us can just say fuck you too, your on your own , can you imagine the howls?
Bogmouth Bernardi raises his slimy head out of the Rupert swamp:
His viewer ratings must have gone down from 60 to 30.
It’s always been the strategy of the Liberals to divide the nation into warring groups to fight among themselves in order to detract from their own policy shortcomings.
Hawke’s stance was to reconcile people post-Fraser and Rudd was seen as a remedy for the “mean and tricky” Howard who split us into xenophobic mean-spirited tribes.
Now Dutton is deliberately falling back onto the same notion (not that he ever left it).
With a compliant right-leaning media and social media driven by lies and conspiracy clickbait it will be almost impossible to unite people as they once were.
The best we can hope for is that enough remain vigilant and immune to powerful self-interest groups.
@ B Sullivan: There are too many inaccuracies in your post for me to respond here. Suffice to say your comments about Aboriginal societies at the time European ”explorers” are juxtaposed against the log reports from those same ”explorers”.
It suited the English invaders to denigrate Aboriginal agriculture as their own grazing pursuits destroyed the Aboriginal food resources, because then the English could feel ”naturally superior” in keeping with their policies on slavery then profitably supplying free labour to the West Indies sugar industry.
After slavery was abolished about 1830, the West Indian sugar industry collapsed and that finance relocated to the Australian wool industry, then later the other grazing industries, frequently exploiting unpaid, or rations only, Aboriginal labour.
In those days, ”White was might & right” ….. just as Little Johnnie Howard & the LIARBRAL$ believe ….. against all the evidence.
Of course the Party of No! doesn’t support a royal commission into immigration detention (every time I see the words LNP and immigration raised in the same sentence all I am remided of is https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u0rfj).
They dread any more dirty little secrets being discovered.
GL, the biggest dirty little secret is how much money it cost us to hide away 1000 boat people. Enough to set them up for life, but as is our way spent the money making life miserable for them. You couldnt make this shit up .
Religions should be severely taxed or banned completely. Dopey control freaks invented the god’s and there’s around 7,000 of them. And zero proof this jesus character ever existed. Stick that in your cake holes.
Seems this mixed up story was written by a trouble maker.