There’s a myth created by the Coalition as far back as I care to remember and perpetuated for many years since, which is nothing more or nothing less a tale. A born to rule one.
The myth is that the Conservative parties are better at managing the economy and the nation. I shot the money myth down in the article Who are the best managers of the economy? in 2019. Then I went further with a piece titled The Masters of Scare. Notwithstanding those two slap downs, I followed up with Which major political party is more qualified to embrace urgent change?
This time, I’m more specific about the new world of Artificial Intelligence and which philosophy is best qualified to manage its implementation. However, before we decide which of the major parties is best suited for this momentous task, we have to do two things.
The first identifies what changes artificial intelligence (AI will) make to our society, and the second is each party’s philosophy or ideology.
“Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines that can think like humans. It can do things that are considered “smart.” AI technology can process large amounts of data in ways unlike humans. The goal for AI is to be able to do things such as recognise patterns, make decisions, and judge like humans.”
I found this in an A1 Superhuman email newsletter:
“Doctor With great power comes great responsibility, as the saying goes. And according to a new report, Meta and Google may have developed tech so powerful that they had to shut it down and keep it to themselves. However, recent AI developments could make the technology widely available very soon.”
In a speech to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute conference on Thursday, 14 September, Australia’s top military leader, ADF chief Gen Angus Campbell, warned that:
“… democracies will be vulnerable to “truth decay” as artificial intelligence tools eventually leave citizens struggling to sift fact from fiction.
This tech future may accelerate truth decay, greatly challenging the quality of what we call public ‘common sense’, seriously damaging public confidence in elected officials, and undermining the trust that binds us.”
How Artificial Intelligence is being used and in what areas
Examples are Health, Retail, Military, Manufacturing, Banking, Life sciences and the Public Sector.
As technology progresses, so will artificial intelligence:
“Over the next ten years, AI will become increasingly complex and sophisticated.”
“Technical advancements in this field will likely focus on creating general intelligence that rivals or surpasses human capabilities.”
It will undoubtedly be a prelude to 40 or more years further on.
There is no area of our existence that technology will not dramatically change.
The ideology of Conservative political parties
What is a conservative?
I know I have put the same question before, but I have expanded a little more here:
Conservatives believe in free markets, individual liberty and traditional values. Change is anathema to them and should be advanced incrementally, typically in science, politics, or religion. They believe the role of the Government should be to provide people with the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.
Lower taxes, less regulation, reduced spending, balanced budgets and religious freedoms are part of the Conservative ideology.
Note: Contrary to what they believe, they, the far-right, now seek to control us.
Conservative policies generally emphasise the empowerment of the individual to solve problems. And they are cautious about change or innovation, typically in science, politics, or religion. They stick to tradition and institutions.
They believe that free markets produce more economic growth, more jobs, and higher living standards than those systems burdened by excessive government regulation.
The right supports the separation of church and state but allows its conservative views to affect its legislation in practice.
What is a neo-conservative?
Neo-conservatism goes back to the 1930s; however, it identifies with George W. Bush in its modern form.
Bush embraced unbridled capitalism, corporate greed, and literalist Christianity to form modern-day neoconservatism.
Carl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld and others added global superiority, believing American exceptionalism was above the rest of the world in every aspect. Donald Trump completed the assortment of capitalists who would make America great again.
But a society and its traditions can only endure if it can also change.
What is a social progressive?
Social democrats (the left) believe in:
“Government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. The Government must alleviate social ills, protect civil liberties provide health services and individual human rights, thus believing the role of the Government should be to guarantee that no one is in need.”
And that:
“Government must protect citizens from the greed of big business. Progressive policies generally emphasise the need for the Government to solve problems.”
Social progressive democrats believe that a market system in which the Government regulates the economy is best. Unlike the private sector, the Government is motivated by public interest. Government regulation in all areas of the economy is needed to level the playing field.
The left also supports the separation of church and state: free health and a move to free education. The common good and that change is attached to progress.
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Substantial and worthwhile change often comes with short-term controversy, but the pain is worth it for the long-term prosperity of all.
What, then, are the rudimentary differences between the two doctrines? The difference is between individuals’ rights and the Government’s power to make worthwhile change. Those on the left believe society is best served when the collective, through the Government, can improve culture.
Those on the right believe that:
“… the best outcome for society is achieved when individual rights and civil liberties are paramount and the role – and especially the power – of the government is minimised.”
We are now entering a period of even more significant change. The second Enlightenment brings with it artificial intelligence. Society must decide which political party is best placed to see its introduction.
Let us look at the qualifications of the two major parties
The Greens and others of English Liberal philosophy might argue their case for inclusion, but we only have two possibilities and a minority Government.
By scrutinising the historic social reforms of Australia’s major parties and comparing them, we can determine who is best qualified to take us through this period of change, including political, social and economic reforms and the ethics that might accompany them.
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We can often become so trapped in the longevity of sameness that we never see other ways of doing things.
The Left side of Australian politics until now:
Has implemented the following reforms or policies that have directly contributed to change for the better.
A National Health Scheme, a National Disability scheme, compulsory superannuation, a National Broadband Network, Paid Parental leave, major educational reforms, a price on carbon, equal pay for women, the Aged Pension, Mabo and the Apology to the Stolen Generations, plus of course the Hawke – Keating major economic reforms that gave the country 25 years of continuous growth.
Labor’s platform
To protect workers who could lose jobs to AI:
“The platform pledges Labor will enact rules to protect against harmful uses of AI while focusing on “lifting national productivity and competitiveness and supporting the development of new businesses and ideas that can improve the lives of Australians.”
The ‘right side of politics has implemented the following: Howard gun buyback, the GST that benefited the rich, increased immigration after the Second World War, and Harold Holt introduced a bi-partisan referendum that gave Indigenous people the right to vote in 1967.
And there, I have to stop. The Liberal Party website provides a list of achievements in Government as distinct from significant policy reforms. Here is the list for you to judge for yourself.
The Liberal Party AI Platform
The Coalition Government has a comprehensive strategy to make Australia a top 10 data and digital economy by 2030.
Note: Its policy only talks about artificial intelligence in terms of economics. It is much more than that. The death of truth is at stake. National security will be at risk.
In a world where science, technology, and information progress so quickly, change sometimes disregards opinion and becomes a phenomenon of its own making, with its own inevitability.
Conservatives oppose change and are wary of science and intellectualism. Never was this so evidenced by the Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison Governments. Almost ten years of comprehensively rotten Government leaves the writer in no doubt about who is the best party to take us through this period of significant change.
The ALP, demonstrably, is best prepared to take us into this new world of the future: artificial intelligence.
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My thought for the day
We dislike and resist change in the foolish assumption that we can make permanent that makes us feel secure. Yet change is part of the very fabric of our existence.
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