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Take The PM To The April Sun In Cuba…

Recently I received a letter from John Howard telling me that he’d known Josh Frydenberg for twenty years and what a great chap he is and how intelligent and hard working he is. It was like one of those references you write when you don’t know the person very well but you know them well enough that it’s hard to refuse so you resort to generalities because you can’t remember anything specific that they’ve done.

It went on to tell me that if I vote for an independent there’s a chance that Josh won’t be elected. Imagine that, a former PM thinking that the electorate is so stupid that they might not understand that the person they vote for might be elected and that they certainly aren’t voting for them in the hope that they actually are.

Still it is Kooyong. You know the seat that Menzies held. I read recently that his 93 year-old daughter would hate to die with someone other than a Liberal in the seat. Well, there’s an easy way to stop that happening… But did whoever reported that story think that someone would say, «People sleeping in their cars, but I’d hate to risk electing a different government because that poor daughter of Menzies would be unhappy.! »

Anyway, I’m led to believe that the polls are tightening and this is giving Labor votes a sense of déjà-vu. I’ll wait and see and not tempt fate too much but remember that there are more young people voting in this election because they’ve turned 18. And I have a sneaky suspicion that they’ll be more concerned about climate change than Menzies’ daughter and John Howard’s references.

When younger people are doing parodies like this, I suspect that Morrison won’t limp over the line again.

April Sun


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  1. Albos Elbow

    In one of the final polls before the election, the IPSOS Poll in the AFR, Labor still leads comfortably in the two party preferred by 53% to 46% with “most preferences of non LNP/Labor voters (Greens/Independents etc) predicted to flow to Labor”.

    This represents a swing of 4.5% agains COAL-NP, with Antony Green’s Election Calculator allocating 79 seats to Labor, 66 to COAL-NP and 6 to Greens/Teal/others.

    There’s a hole in your brain, dear Scummo, dear Scummo,
    There’s a hole in your brain, dear Scummo, a hole!

    Here’s another parody Rossleigh,
    Coal makes Scummo hard. Coal Makes Scummo cum.

  2. Albos Elbow

    You’ll enjoy this.

  3. Albos Elbow

    And this.

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