“Strong Men” in Europe: Tony Abbott Visits Hungary

Image from pressfrom.info

“I extend a special welcome to Australia’s former prime minister. It is in part due to his tough policy that we regard Australia as a model country. We especially respect it for the brave, direct and Anglo-Saxon consistency which it has shown on migration and defence of the Australian nation.”

These words of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Tony Abbott at the Third Budapest Demographic Summit uttered on September 5 would have made the former Australian premier gooey and weak at the knees. Abbott, it must be remembered, had been the proud architect of the “turn back the boats” refugee policy, insistent that naval matters dealing with such arrivals be given a military flourish of secrecy. It was not for the Australian public to know how many vessels might actually be making their way to Australia.

Orbán’s welcome pressed all the reactionary points of strongman mythology: inherent toughness, obsessive border security, and the singing praise for appropriate racial stock – the indomitable, pragmatic character that would not bow down to other “ethnic” elements in the populace. (The irony, of course, is that Australia’s ruthless anti-refugee policy has the support of a good many nationalities keen to ensure that yesterday’s immigrants prevent today’s boat arrivals).

Abbott, for his part, wrote gushingly of the Hungarian leader a few days after his Budapest meeting, seeing him as the prominent personality behind the Visegrád group (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia) who had valiantly rallied, along with the Brexiteers, against the European Union and its more intrusive expectations. Orbán “has not only transformed the economy but was the first European leader to cry ‘stop’ to the peaceful invasion of 2015 and is now trying to boost Hungary’s flagging birth rate.”

The account tallies with the wet-dreamers who find the Magyar crypto-despot admirably pugilistic and capable in prosecuting his goals, especially when it comes to Christianity and cultural identity. Like Abbott, Rod Dreher, senior editor at The American Conservative, was impressed in a meeting with Orbán, one that had not been anticipated. He spoke of Hungary, and Central Europe, having been victims of colonisation at the hands of Islam and the Middle East. Orbán, it was noted, was won over by Christian leaders in the Middle East warning about their treatment at the hands of Islam’s followers. “What did they say [about Muslim refugees]? Don’t let them in. Stop them.”

The admiration for Orbán is the praise afforded an ambitious and successful authoritarian running under the banner of threatened civilisations, keen to do battle with demons. Along with his ruling party Fidesz, the Hungarian leader has, as Timothy Garton Ash accurately conveys, “so completely penetrated the state administration that Hungary is again a one-party state.” An independent judiciary has been eliminated. Cronyism is encouraged; family members are favoured with government contracts; dissenters and opponents are the target of harassing tax investigations.

Since losing his federal seat in the May elections, Abbott has had little time for the antics of a fractious, scrutinising Parliament, and believes that Britain’s premier political institution is simply disrupting those who wished for Brexit. It was only before a gathering at the UK Policy Exchange where he finally felt he could give a “full throttle, double-barrel roar”, one “turbo-charged by the Parliament’s consistent attempt to sabotage the people’s vote.” (The inner despot in Abbott fails to appreciate that Parliament is the voice of the British people, however muddled it might be. Arguments on civilisation can cut both ways).

Abbott was also keen to move away from anything approaching environmental calamity and cultural accommodation. Being in Europe, and more specifically in such amenable company, had intoxicated him. This was the frontline against unwanted Muslim immigration and environmental doomsday preaching. “I mean,” he told summit delegates, “you get a million angry military-age males swarming into a single country in a year. There are not there to be grateful, but they are there with a grievance.” Nor was there a population bomb with a fuse waiting to go off, or carbon footprints worthy of concern, or an emissions problem in an increasingly heating world. Instead, his idea of the “extinction rebellion” was demographic rather than climate related; people, certainly the right people, were not breeding enough.

The demographic problems of various countries, with declining birth rates, had necessitated dramatic action. “Hungary, whose population is predicted to shrink by a quarter over the next half century, is waiving household debt for larger families and not taxing four-time mothers, among other measures worth careful study.”

Orbán, as with some of his European colleagues, is terrified by a demographic vanishing. “It’s not hard to imagine that there would be one single last man who has to turn the lights out.” At the third demographic summit, he noted “the spiritual foundations of Hungary’s family policy.” Demography, in being destiny, was unavoidable: “human life is finite; and that just as we enter life, so we must leave it.” With certain resignation, he noted the need to have more demographic conferences, in part to return his country to a state of model, diligent procreation. Woodpeckers, he surmised, had to be taught how to peck wood again. Christianity had to “regain its strength in Europe.” Abbott, himself a religious zealot, could only agree: Christian Europe had get back to some fecund, dedicated shagging.


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About Dr Binoy Kampmark 1443 Articles
Dr. Binoy Kampmark is a senior lecturer in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University. He was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge. He is a contributing editor to CounterPunch and can be followed at @bkampmark.


  1. Whenever I hear people suggesting that Australia is the greatest country in the world with the finest people, I remind them that we elected the reptilian Abbott with full knowledge of what he was and is.

  2. Orban reads well from commo to scummo via Boris. He will need to put his own judges in the high court to pass his anti-2/3 majority.
    Sorry Wat,
    Arguably, the rabbott was always unelectable but he fell in to leadership of the liberal party, probably by voting for himself. Sadly almost immediately, was legitimised by booby and the loonies when they combined to kill the Wong/Turnbull climate action.
    Then for the next three years every day Rupert, the shock jocks and the morning shows, especially the newly started ABC 24 which to avoid repeating the content 144 times used the rabbott as a filler. At one stage they had a team outside a melb house and they crossed every 5minutes for over half an hour. Then the rabbott came out introduced the local candidate who said Gillard is shithouse and they both left the ABC standing helplessly as turned and went back into the house to hide their laughter at the ABC. the rabbott nearly won in 2010. Giving us 5 ()(&&$#))* awful years of an amoral waste of space. Thanks loonies.

  3. Don’t ever forget this mongrel standing with his political mother Bronwyn Bishop, under that lovely sign, ” Ditch the Witch” a true indication of his mysognynistic nature, thus undoing the best government we have had since Hawke/ Keating years. We lived in his electorate for many years and cannot recall one single benefit to the locals. Mind you the Northern Beaches Tunnel would be an excellent place to house him and his nut job mates to shut them up and keep them from mouthing off about inanities such as climate change is crap. Happy to contribute to a cycle fund so he and Andrews and Abetz can cycle endlessly from one end to the other singing God save the queen and take me back to dear old Blighty.

  4. Why is This idiot Robbott even given ANY publicity now? He was the worst PM we ever had& he continues to be “feted” by other–obviously idiot PM’s etc, around the world. The sooner this lying, flat earth, climate change denier, obscenly over paid bloody dickhead is gone from ANY media, the better! Well noted Binoy!

  5. Not just Tony, Sheridan recently visited


    Orbanistan resembles 1970s QLD e.g. gerrymandering, up to 2 million new citizen ‘postal’ voters in surrounding nations, especially Romania while mobile youth and working age in EU need to vote at missions.

    At least Orban does not tolerate alt right visitors as Oz does.

    Orban’s key US PR advisor Finkelstein, now deceased, promoted the ‘great replacement’
    theory based upon Islamophobia, anti-semitism aka Soros dog whistling and white nationalism.

    The joke is that in two generations as the demographics and population declines significantly, Roma or Gypsies will become the main ethnic group.

    At least they will make Hungary more cheerful 🙂

  6. Update, news early Sunday, Kevin Andrews also visited Hungary for same conference(s):

    The Liberal MP hand picked by Prime Minister Scott Morrison to head an inquiry into family law recently presented a paper at a conference held by Hungary’s far-right leader about the importance of maintaining birth rates to defend civilisation.


    No sense of irony Hungary is the perfect place to research divorce, some of the highest divorce rates in the world (and domestic violence)


    Don’t ever let anyone tell you there are transnational networks of (mostly Anglo Murdoch world) political PR sock puppets actively promoting white conservative Christian nationalism for radical right libertarians….

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