The AIM Network

Why are we still searching for Flight MH370

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By Bob Rafto

Follow the money on Flight MH370

There’s hardly a week that goes that doesn’t have some human drama of folks in distress reported on your favourite media.

The government, along with our dedicated rescue personnel and volunteers pull out all stops to locate and rescue these distressed folks, but in some circumstances there comes a point when the search becomes futile and is abandoned.

In the case of Malaysian Airlines MH370 that went missing on 8 March 2014, Australia has been searching for it for over two years, however the search will be ceasing in a few months time.

The search area is 120,000 square kilometres and the contract for the search went to a Dutch company called Fugro which has three vessels undertaking a comprehensive survey of the ocean floor.

The cost of this oceanic survey was $76 million over 12 months ago and it will peak to well in excess of $100 Million on completion.

What time frame would one suggest that the search for MH370 should have been abandoned? I would though about a month would have more than sufficed.

I’m sure I’m not the only one with this burning question, “why did Abbott insist on using tax payers money on a futile search?”

About a week ago I received two emails with links to the following articles:

Bribery allegations against Australia’s $50 billion submarine contract winner

Australian Senate corruption inquiry investigating $50 Billion Submarine contract winner

The first article was the entree to solving my burning question and in the second article  (third paragraph) there is a link titled ‘tipped off‘ which leads one to the AuntyPru website where upon reading I came across a comment that the search vessels for MH370 was conducting surveys of the ocean floors and asked who is going to benefit from this massive survey.

If one goes to the Fugro website they boast that they are experts in Oil and Gas exploration.

So is this the answer to my burning question:

That the Abbott (now Turnbull) government, under the pretext of giving closure to bereaved families is actually using taxpayers money to search for oil and gas on behalf of the miners?


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